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OK, Chez Msguy had a bit of hoorah last night as MsGuy and Chance scuffled over control of the remote control. Why the hell does Downton Abby and Walking Dead have to be scheduled for the same time slot? Eventually we reached a compromise: since both shows are running repeats a couple of hours later, it seemed easier to watch one first and then the other. Chance will comment on Walking Dead first and then I'll have a few words on Downton Abby. ==== LOL, was not any compromise unless me dropping my pajama bottoms and waggling my naked butt in his face until his grip on the control loosened counts as a compromise. Anyway last night there was a real shortage of good zombie killings and no people were bitten to death so it was kind of flat on the action side but there was lots of what they call character development in English class and that helped. Also there was a great slobbery kissing scene between Aaron and Eric, the gay couple, hot for TV I thought. MsGuy thought they were cute. I thought they were OK looking. I guess my standards are higher than his LOL. I am hoping for some hot boner scenes between them before the season is over. Sincerely yours Chance ==== Just a brief question/comment on Downton. Does it seem to anyone else that Thomas, the gay character, is changing his stripes? Ever the doctor told him that there was no cure for his affliction and to man up and accept that he would always be "that way", Thomas seems to be evolving into a kinder gentler guy, a little less of a vicious conniver.
Oh My Fucking God, Calli. This has got to be the slap craziest effort at obsessive, deranged cyber stalking I have ever run across. I'm gob smacked with the wonder of the world we live in.
So what are we saying here? That BJ was high on more than butane?
I'm told that the US drug distribution network is so convoluted that knock offs are regularly introduced into the supply chain, mixing seamlessly with the legit product. Your US pharmacy may well be selling you counterfeit pills w/o even knowing it. So you med up and hope for the stiffie you paid for. And, like the commercials say, if the fun lasts more than 4 hours, bop on down to the ER and get jabbed with deflater juice.
Why all this hostility toward Jenner? News reports portray it as a run of the mill accident, the kind that could happen to anybody. .
The Non-Pedantic Guide to English Usage
MsGuy replied to AdamSmith's topic in Theater, Movies, Art and Literature
Ah but, lookin, if you recite your sentence aloud in a normal speaking voice you'll find that you automatically insert pauses and changes of emphasis and rhythm that clarify its meaning for your listener. For these natural verbal changes of rhythm, etc., the comma and the rest of our inventory of written indicators, are the poorest of substitutes. I'm told that even the convention of inserting a blank space between written words is a medieval invention to help semi-literate monks read their Latin texts. -
My dear friend RA1 doesn't do politically correct, Calli. He does however have other redeeming qualities.
Hmm... Daniel is a bit too young for my tastes. I mean I'm just too old to be reading bedtime stories to somebody and I can't sleep worth a damn if I have to leave a nite-lite on. Clark is cute enough but has a thin voice, don't you think? On the other hand he did mention he's been singing on the street (for cash?) so perhaps he'd be open to a reasonable offer. Can't say as I've ever been described as "giggly". Maybe after a few reefer cigarettes?
Do any of the boys sing shirtless?
The Non-Pedantic Guide to English Usage
MsGuy replied to AdamSmith's topic in Theater, Movies, Art and Literature
So that's what a serial comma is. Well my 8th grade English teacher had no use for the Oxford comma, so (she being my final authority on all things grammatical) neither do I. Except, of course, when absolutely necessary to avoid ambiguity. One mustn't be too dogmatic on these things. Unless one is engaged in an on-line debate; then one must be as dogmatic as possible. -
The Non-Pedantic Guide to English Usage
MsGuy replied to AdamSmith's topic in Theater, Movies, Art and Literature
It occurs to me that, since I have not the slightest idea of what a "serial comma" might be, perhaps I ought be a little more cautious in vigorously defending my position. I don't suppose any of you folks would be willing to explain the office of a serial comma for me, would you? -
The Non-Pedantic Guide to English Usage
MsGuy replied to AdamSmith's topic in Theater, Movies, Art and Literature
Say what? ----- I think it only fair (to me) to point out that I did acknowledge in my initial post that some might say that my writing skills, if closely scrutinized, could just possibly be considered a teeny tiny bit erratic at times. Maybe. Besides I submit that any deficiency I may display in the use of serial commas is entirely down to my long association with Chance, a delightful boy whose idiosyncratic writing style may be bleeding over into mine on occasion. ==== And to AdamSmith: I still think my initial post is a fair send up of the arguments presented in the article to which you linked us. Concise but fair, that's my motto. Oh, and never pedantic! Concise but fair and never pedantic, that's my motto. Hmm, kind, diplomatic? And carefully thought out, of course! So: Concise but fair and never pedantic and kind and diplomatic and carefully... -
The Non-Pedantic Guide to English Usage
MsGuy replied to AdamSmith's topic in Theater, Movies, Art and Literature
Well now, AS, for the life of me I can't recall the last time I spoke a sentence that required a serial comma for comprehension. Just saying. -
The Non-Pedantic Guide to English Usage
MsGuy replied to AdamSmith's topic in Theater, Movies, Art and Literature
==== Tempest in a teapot, AdamSmith. The correct answer is simple enough. I speak Standard English (mileage varies on my written version). Anyone more punctilious than I is a pompous twit. Anyone less is an ignorant buffoon. Problem solved. If you've been worrying your pretty head about anything else lately, I'm always here to help. -
Circumcised men may soon be able to regrow their foreskin
MsGuy replied to AdamSmith's topic in Health, Nutrition and Fitness
Don't forget to lube up first. -
Circumcised men may soon be able to regrow their foreskin
MsGuy replied to AdamSmith's topic in Health, Nutrition and Fitness
Ouch...+1 for RA1, Adam. And he did it while politely passing over your first two assumptions. -
Well, AS, I did say rarely.
It being the case that I never go to church except for family funerals, I rarely laugh in church at all.
Hmm...until I realized what he was up to, I debated whether to drop a dime on our dear ole RA1 and tip off the FAA to his mental status. Fortunately (I guess) I decided that such behavior on my part would violate OZ's TOS.
Given the way his brain appears to work, I'm sure it's all quite clear to RA1. But then where's the fun? ==== MsAnn, for the longest time I was convinced the boy was addled but then one day something clicked in my head and one of his posts actually made sense in a convoluted, elusive sort of way. At first I assumed I was just forcing meaning onto his jabberwocky-like noise, but then another post clicked into focus and then another. Now I believe that there's a very controlled method in his madness, that he's presenting us the barest hints of riddles and giggling away at our puzzlement. :pinch: But I concede that mostly I have to believe that proposition on faith alone, faith being the evidence of things unseen.
Oh you fucking bastard. My eyes, my eyes...
Friesians are indeed a handsome breed. Although I have to confess I did give the handler a once over first.
MsAnn, Mr. Jenner is rumored to be in transition between male and female having had his Adam's apple shaved, having hormones injected but, so far as is publicly acknowledged, not yet having taken the final steps of surgically altering his genitalia or having his boobs enhanced with silicone. RA1's post posits that while he was not guilty of vehicular homicide (he was recently involved in an accident that had a fatality), Mr Jenner might well be said to be involved in a 'manslaughter' of sorts should he choose to complete his transition to female. Hence the question posed in the title of this thread. Or so I interpret RA1's post. One can never really be sure with him.