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Everything posted by MsGuy

  1. MsGuy

    Lucky Mouth

    Do you work on commission?
  2. Good for you, Oz. Ain't nothin like getting your ankles bent back behind your ears to learn flexibility.
  3. MsGuy

    Lucky Mouth

    "The current rate is $75 US a night less than I am paying. Does anyone think I can get them to give me the lower rate? For 4 nights, that’s $300! " Lucky, I would never bet against your cranky ole self's ability to harry ordinary mortals into abject submission. And with US$300 at stake? I pity the poor fools.
  4. So it's now Jan. 12. How's that "everyday" thing going?
  5. Frontier Airlines "has confirmed that the airline itself will not be making any money off the tips earned by the crew throughout the cabin." Meaning the more booze Frontier sells, the more their folks make. "Over-served"... is that the technical term for the drunk guy sitting next to you?
  6. Well those of us in the know have long speculated that Oz is on the CIA payroll. Maybe he's been shut down pending a continuing resolution funding his budget. One more sad casualty of the Orange One's wall mania. Larstrup will just have to wait.
  7. Oz, your Mama was a saint. I love oatmeal too especially on a cold morning. That said, aint no way in hell yo moma in rural Alabama ever made no oatmeal with coconut sugar, much less almond milk. That recipe fairly reeks of gay boy in Bangkok. PS I'll bet you US$10.00 she didn't use a slow cooker either. More likely a stove top pot and Quaker Quick Cook Oats from the classic round box (Possibly the traditional 'old fashioned" kind and I'll give you that she didn't use the Instant Oats version.) Do I have to come to Thailand to collect my ten bucks?
  8. For what it's worth, my understanding is that most legit conservatives (in Washington and in their think tanks) are working hard behind the scenes to head off this "National Emergency" crap. Apparently they've taken a look at the field of Democratic hopefuls for 2020 and don't want to set any precedents that might come back to bite them in the ass. PS It's more like 1933 than 1939. If we're gonna get all hysterical, let's at least get our dates right. PPS I just can't see the Orange One as capable of staying focused on any one thing long enough to mount a coup d'etat.
  9. MsGuy

    Gay and Catholic?

    Bless your innocent heart, Lucky, but I am reasonably sure that counts as being "hit on." ;-)
  10. Donald Trump, Barack Obama, and Bill Clinton die and go to hell. They are lined up in front of three doors. The first is opened to reveal a swarm of wasps and mosquitoes. Satan's voice booms "Mr Obama you have sinned, and now you must spend all of eternity with these vile creations!" And with that, Obama is thrown into the room and the door slams shut. Clinton and Trump are now terrified. The second door opens, and it reveals a room filled with angry rabid dogs and badgers. Satan's voice booms again "Mr Clinton you have sinned, and now you must spend all of eternity with these ghastly beasts!" And with that, Clinton is thrown into the room and the door slams shut. Trump is now wetting himself. The final door opens, but instead of there being anything horrific, Trump sees the most drop-dead gorgeous young woman he has ever laid eyes on, with perfect skin, a stunning face, and thick flowing hair. Satan's voice booms one final time "Mrs Samson you have sinned…"
  11. It appears that the daughters of the podiatrist that secured Trump's deferment have confirmed what we all already knew. Dr. Braunstein rented his office in Jamaica, Queens, from Fred Trump in the 1960s, the Times reported, citing records. His two daughters told the Times that their father provided the diagnosis of bone spurs as a courtesy to the elder Trump. "I know it was a favor," Elysa Braunstein told the newspaper, who added that the "small favor" got her father "access" to Fred Trump. "If there was anything wrong in the building, my dad would call and (Fred) Trump would take care of it immediately," she told The Times. Elysa Braunstein also told the newspaper that her father implied that Trump did not have a foot ailment
  12. Does the clap count as one of those seldom gotten urinary tract infections?
  13. Fake holiday. Just like Hanukkah. Have American Hindus, Buddists, Islamists and the like come up with a holiday for this time of year yet? Honest question. One would think they would but I really don't know. Not too many of the non standard minorities around where I live.
  14. Wow. And I thought Duterte was tough.
  15. Christians are a lot like cockroaches. Ignore them long enough and they'll wind up everywhere. PS Adamsmith, I knew you couldn't stay away from this thread. I've warned you before, you keep playing footsie with that damned Lamb of the Lord meme and it'll have you squashing your hemorrhoids on a hard bench every Sunday.
  16. Ewww, AdamSmith Just...ewww...
  17. Behold! We truly live in the End Times.
  18. Bars with with framed photos? Tiddlers! In Georgia folks carved up a whole mountain for their heroes.. Now that I think about it, taking into account the war tech available in their time, those three paladins probably did at least as much damage to Georgia as Mussolini did to Italy. And for less reason.
  19. Lookin, historically folks have often confused aggressive bombast forcefully delivered with strength and decisiveness. The man on a white horse formula has played well from Greek populists to Huey Long. Clinton's failure to respond effectively in the debates when Trump took to roaming around the stage and looming over her was a disaster. I swear ever since I first saw Trump puffing himself up, pooching out his lips, shouting what ever slogan popped into his head, all I've been able to see was il Duce.
  20. Is Andrew Dice Clay still a thing? I don't recall hearing anything about him since the 90's.
  21. Kelly can't take it any more. Who can Trump find to replace him? And now Ayers has gracefully bowed out: " BREAKING: Nick Ayers not taking job as White House chief of staff. Ayers said he wants to spend more time with his family and less time in prison." The Orange One has tweeted that he is "in the process of interviewing some really great people" but somehow not a single actual name has surfaced. Given the notorius leakiness of this White House, we can only assume that no volunteers are to be found and everyone approached has stated unequivocally they will bolt to Canada if drafted. Come on guys,for the good of the country let's come up with some suggestions. To show how serious I am, I'll go first: POTUS's simple son, Barron. Don't hold back, guys, your country needs your help!
  22. It's a hipster thing. They are so cool they were into paper books before reading them was cool.
  23. Seeing that lookin's recipe has a shit load of dietary fiber, I'm thinking that his smoothie might be twofer as far as cleansing goes.
  24. That's not entirely fair, Moondance. Trump seems to have a genuine interest in golf.
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