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Everything posted by MsGuy

  1. No doubt you "spread a table for Fortune and fill bowls of mixed wine for Destiny" (Isaiah 65:11, N.I.V.) with some regularity. Or maybe it was the prayers of your devoted readers here that soothed the angry waters for you. Psalm 107:28. More likely you're one of those lucky bastards that goodness and mercy have followed around in life like a pair of guardian rottweillers. Whatever the case, just know we're all cheering you on and looking forward to the juicy details of your new adventures.
  2. Your Moma must have been a heck of an amazing woman, OZ. I hope you won't take this the wrong way but, back when I was creating a back story for Chance, I modeled his great aunt on bits you have told us about your mother.
  3. OK, camels I'll give you, OZ, but I have it on good authority Alabama boys fuck chickens and stump broke calves, too.
  4. Eat it. Camel eyes taste like goat eyes only not so gamey.
  5. So OZ, what movie did you take Moma to see when you came clean about your business interests in New York? Or did you dance a little bit of the Texas Sidestep when the subject came up?
  6. I think the movie I was thinking of might have been The Sum Of Us. It doesn't match my memory in places but then I've learned that my memory often distorts movies. That or they're systematically & secretly re-editing films after their theatrical release. I'm of two minds which of those two possibilities would be most disturbing. Per my usual criteria for a BoyToy movie review, the male lead is a young Russell Crowe whose nekkid bum is on screen for at least seven tenths of a second. And it's not a coming out movie at all, more of an exploration of love in families. ==== PS AS, not being able to find it was making me bonkers too. Sorry to disturb your sleep.
  7. No, that's not the one, lookin, but I'll check it out if you will post me a link.
  8. Been a long time since I watched Beautiful Thing. About as sweet a coming out story as I remembered plus a couple of really cute Brit working class twinks. And the occasional flash of boy butt with a happy ending. What more could you want? Now if only I could find that Australian coming out movie from (more or less) the same time. Anybody remember the title?
  9. "Mr. Smith, we have so been looking forward to you clarifying a few technical details for us."
  10. RA1, I have to credit DHS that they didn't put Roberts on the official No Fly list. United appears to have its own private No Fly list of folks they decline to do business with. I guess an expert on transportation security falls squarely into that category. I would have hired him to fix my systems so they couldn't be hacked but that's just me.
  11. There was this computer security type on an air trip, one Chris Roberts, who casually speculated on twitter on the possibility of hacking into the plane's electronics systems. On landing, he was escorted from the plane by the FBI, questioned for hours and all his gear (iphone excepted) was confiscated. Further, the following Saturday he discovered he was on United's No Fly list. What bothers (surprises) me about all this is not the our guardians appear to have over-reacted to a bit of idle tweeting by a security expert. It's that the Feds have developed the capacity to monitor electronic messages in real time. Think about it. A dude hits the send button in mid-air between Denver and Syracuse; the Fed's AI plucks it out of the jillions of tweets clogging the ether and pings some cubicle dweller who gives it a once over, assigns a priority and sets the bureaucratic gears in motion. By some supreme miracle of cross departmental cooperation the FBI boys get the word in time to meet the flight. When did the Dept. of Homeland Security develop this ability? Well AS has been dropping hints all along, it was just hard to picture how it would all come together in action. ==== I certainly hope that nothing said above will be misunderstood as a criticism of DHS, or any other arm, agency or branch of the USA government. I am entirely a patriot to my last fiber and, even if I weren't, I'm too old and ill, feeble and addled to get up to any mischief. Besides it's AdamSmith you want, not me. He's the suspicious one.
  12. Scott Walker one ups Rubio and attends a gay wedding reception. "Anything you can do, I can do better. "I can do anything better than you."
  13. Presidential candidate and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said in an interview with Univision’s Jorge Ramos on Wednesday that he would attend a gay wedding of someone he was close to—while qualifying that he wouldn’t condone the union itself. Washington Post Other Gay events Rubio might consider attending.
  14. Who really loves you, baby? Lock your significant other and your dog in the trunk of your car. Come back a couple of hours later and open the lid. Who's happy to see you?
  15. Thank you, that was a fun read. I think I'm going to check out some Bellow from the library and see if I can find any of the stuff the essay goes on about. Probably not but still I might enjoy it.
  16. Google is your friend. Aquarius Sauna: cute rentboys + thriving cockroaches + Turkish lira going down like a Syrian lad sending money home to his family--- what more do you want?
  17. Idjits will act like idjits. Hard to formulate an effective rule against being an idjit. Thankfully the sniper teams stationed around the White House had the good sense or compassion not to take him out. Or maybe they were on a smoke break. Whatever, I would bet that if he had swerved that toy chopper over toward the White House instead of landing, the world would have woken up short one idjit today. The problem posed here is that it's difficult to determine until after the fact whether he's an idjit on a gyrocopter or he's an idjit on a gyrocopter stuffed with ten pounds of semtex. Do you really think the rule against demonstrations on the lawn of the White House is too restrictive?
  19. Some might find "mindlessly following the instructions of BO" to be constructive but that's not an option your question allows for, RA1. Conventional wisdom has it that Clinton pushed for a more aggressive policy in Afganistan, Iraq, Syria (against both Assad and IS) and Russia/Ukraine. That aside, the ability of the State Department to act as a policy center independent of the White House depends on the Sec. of State being a political heavyweight in his own right or having the trust & backing of the president. My understanding is that on secondary issues that tend to escape the notice of the White House like the status of women and human rights, she did useful work. Sadly, I'm not sure how much her positions on the Mid East reflect her real views or were made with an eye to playing well in her 2nd campaign for the presidency. One never knows. Well, actually, being she's a pol, one does know but wishes otherwise.
  20. Back in the day, I had a friend whose parrot would fly up and perch on his shoulder whenever he lit up a joint. The critter would fluff itself up when he blew it a puff of smoke.
  22. So does this little throw-away line mean that you turned Edmonds down or that he fled when you tried to rip his clothes off right in the hotel lobby?
  23. "... Baldon says that on more than one occasion, he engaged in Skype calls with Calvieri, intending to seek spiritual comfort after he lost his job as a manual laborer. Often the priest was nude and visibly excited with the camera angled in such a way that suggested he wanted Baldon to notice. "A few weeks after they met, Baldon said the priest confessed that he was gay and that he had a difficult time stifling his desires. That... is when Baldon started taking screenshots and recording some of the conversations." ==== I didn't suspect a thing until I got him to he confessed to being gay and it certainly was never my intention to make some bucks off the horny old bastard.
  24. I'm pretty sure Hillary has a different floor plan in mind.
  25. MsGuy

    Tsaraev convicted

    MsAnn, Derschowitz is playing a rhetorical trick on you. His purpose is to argue against the death penalty in furtherance of which he posits a scarecrow terrorist panting for his full share of the virgins of Paradise. The real life fellow had every opportunity to die that night. Even at the end, all he had to do was poke his pistol out from under the boat tarpaulin and fire off a couple of rounds at random. Poof--- instant death by cop. ==== Igoo, the poll you cite indicates 59% favor executing Tsarnaev. Six out of 10 is a mite short of 12 out of 12. I'm not saying that the Feds don't have a better chance in this case than, say, your average rape murdering, cannibalistic pederast case, only that a better chance is not the same as a sure thing.
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