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Everything posted by MsGuy
A Racist, A Racist and a Racist walk into the Whitehouse
MsGuy replied to TotallyOz's topic in The Beer Bar
Some of it is tribal, Lucky. One of my coffee shop/truck stop pals is super conservative, religious, big Trump guy and has two kids and two grand kids. He's in hog heaven. In his mind Trump speaks for his tribe. His very gay son walks around town with his very, very gay (and cute) boyfriend and my buddy has not a clue. Everyone knows but no one has the heart to tell the guy. We see what we want to see, in family as well as politics. -
It occurs to me that if you clear your cookies and then check one favorite site you cou eventually determine which site was selling your ass to which outfit. Not sure what you could do with that info but it would be nice to know. I wonder if it's legal for you to plant some cookies on Lowermybills.com computers and spy on them,like maybe find out which sites they're paying to plant cookies on people. Why should it be legal for them but not for you?
I don't think they actually watch it with you, Lucky, but they do make careful notes on which pages you look at and how often and for how long and send that info to their master. I mean, how else is Kleenex to know when to remind you to reorder & make intelligent recommendations as to quantity?
In addition to the usual villains, my ballot included the Constitution party (right wing Christian nut balls) and the Prohibition party (just what it sounds like). I couldn't figure out how the Prohibition party is still a thing, so I WIKI'ed it. Turns out it has about 3 dozen dues paying members and got 518 votes nation wide last time around, neither of which factoid explains its continued presence on the ballot. It does, however, have an endowment dating from 1930 that still pays out about $8,000 a year which probably explains a lot. I propose that we round up a couple of dozen gay boys and vote ourselves into control of the party. $8,000 should be sufficient to pay for several special guest entertainers at the annual convention. Brown bag and BYOB only during official functions, of course.
Lucky, I headed here to apologize as soon as I read this article. My bad. I had assumed that no head of the FBI would or could make the kind of public statements Comey made last summer except by direct order of the Attorney General. One would hope Obama fires this clown after the election, saving Clinton the awkwardness. Unless Trump wins. Then Obama should make whatever presidential finding of fact necessary to fly a hellfire missile through his office window.
And this is more partisan than providing political cover last summer for the AG to announce that there would be no prosecution for violating assorted Federal record keeping and secrecy laws, exactly how, Lucky?
Just a reminder: The Walking Dead kicks off season 7 with a real gore fest this Sunday at eight (central). Assorted media sources report a lead good guy, possibly a 2nd lead good guy and assorted expendables bite the bullet in this episode. Oh, and at least 60 walkers, but who's counting? Did I forget to mentioned that King Ezekiel and his guard tiger are introduced? Not an episode to be missed!
By all means contact the booking agents on one of those court TV shows. Two gay escorts suing each other? They'll probably double the usual appearance fees. Though first you two need to cook up something for him to sue you back about. Counter-suits liven things up and eat up more air time. Be sure to post a notice here if you get the gig.
Lucky, this whole election gives me hives. I've been watching five or ten minutes of a debate and then switching to the ball game. I see no reason to change my game plan tonight. I saw a piece on CNN that reported this election was ginning up unusually high levels of depression, anxiety and panic attacks. Definitely think they're on to something there. Full disclosure: I have this persistent fantasy that Trump looms up behind Herself and suddenly grabs her by the pussy. The debate goes full blown Jerry Springer with rival teams of security brawling and the Donald hanging on for dear life while the audience chants "Move her like a bitch!" If I miss it live I'm trusting someone here will post a link to the video.
Clearly tomcal and Oz are in a league of their own. And I'm beginning to wonder if even Oz could keep up with him on a sustained basis. (Sorry Oz but it had to be said.)
538's Nate Silver opines on the various ways the 'pussy tape' scandal could play out in the coming weeks. PS I'm watching CNN now (3:30 pm) and they're discussing the contents of the latest Russian data dump of Hillary documents, including transcripts of some of her highly paid speeches. Highlights (quotes are approximations): 1) "Politicians need two positions on issues...one for the public consumption, one for private policy guidance." Well, no surprise there, but I don't think you're supposed to say it out loud. 2) "I'm all in on free trade agreements." Again no surprise here but a bit awkward in view of the whole 'pols need two positions' thing. 3) "What I'm aiming for is a hemisphere wide free trade zone with open borders." What the fuck ???!!!! I mean "WHAT THE FUCK!"
"Fuck all you bitches..." "I wrote the book on comebacks."
Babalino, not to play Chicken Little, but... I've read that Dengue comes in five or so variants and exposure to one confers long term immunity only to that particular variety. Worse, though all of the variants normally produce only mild to moderate disability, for unknown reasons an initial exposure acts as a kind of booster for subsequent infections from a different version, often producing a very serious or even fatal illness the 2nd time around. Just thought I'd post something cheerful to help you relax on your next trip.
Per 538 poll analysis, in the last two weeks Trump has pissed away all the gains he made during September. His numbers are back to those of August 31. Clinton has opened up daylight between Herself and the Donald in North Carolina and Florida and is level pegging in Ohio and Iowa. And the Donald's numbers continue to slide as each new round of polls come in. Slip slidin' away Slip slidin' away You know the nearer your destination the more you're slip slidin' away. ==== I wonder if Simon will object to the Trump campaign's new theme song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=U7PBjKzaQEw
suit of lights
Moral relativism slithers into the garden.
OMG, Lookin, if Trump wins maybe we can get tickets to one of the inaugural balls for our contribution to his comeback. Or at least good seats on Pennsylvania Ave. (Sigh) I'm such a sellout.
I don't know, MsAnn, I wouldn't sell short any candidate who has the temperament and energy to get up at three in the morning to blast out multiple rants against a foreign beauty queen from the 1990's. I do find it kinda find it puzzling why Trump keeps going after Hillary for not dumping Bill after his bimbo attacks. Middle aged married women constitute the core of Republican female voters. Does he really think that demographic is going to hate on a middle aged married woman with a kid for struggling to save her marriage? I don't get it.
Maybe I'm just being a Chicken Little. Still it's nice I've got you to comfort me, MsAnn.
Yeah, I've read that Trump channels his old pal Cohn even to this day. ==== Back to full bore panic mode: Turns out that Clinton leads in exactly those states she needs to win the electoral college w/o a single state cushion (per 538 and Nate Silver). She leads in states with a total of 272 electoral votes. One more state slips away and Trump parades down Pennsylvania Avenue. Worse, her hold on her last 3 or 4 states is significantly shakier than Trump's hold on his last few states, i.e. New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Colorado are noticeably weaker for Clinton than Florida, Ohio and Iowa are for Trump.) I think it's time for me to take AdamSmith's advice and make a run to the liquor store.
LOL, RA1, I didn't actually say Mr. Trump's coke eroded sinuses were causing those sniffles, I just mentioned others were saying it. It's one of the Donald's favorite tropes, the political equivalent of digging out a big fist-full of feces and letting fly. "Who me?"
Oz, that trailer leaves most of my vital questions in a movie review unanswered: Do cute guys get nakid? (check) Rear end Only? Full frontal? Do they do the dirty deed on screen? Do we see a money shot? Until I get at least 3 of my 4 remaining questions get answered (I can take my chances on the money shot, if necessary}, I afraid I can only pencil in a date for the movie. PS You ran with a bad crowd.
Not to get too snarky, RA1, but don't the voter surveys show that even among Trump supporters, a majority don't think he will do what he promises? Trump's supporters do, however, like the hell out of his style. I feel like it's appropriate to confess that, when I made the scurrilous accusation about Trump tooting a bit too much blow, I hadn't actually read or heard of anyone making any such vile statement. In my defence I can only say that I felt sure someone would so I felt justified in pre emptively quoting him. And sure enough someone has.
The part I saw, Hillary did seem to dial way back on the 'crazy eyes', so I guess we should be grateful for that.
At lunch my buddies at the truck stop told me (with varying degrees of regret) that Trump seemed a little sketchy toward the end of the debate. Shit, now I wish I'd kept watching. I missed all the good stuff. Speaking of the good stuff, I read that all those sniffles might have had lot more to do with lines on a mirror than seasonal allergies. Not being a candidate for president, I would never repeat such scurrilous rubbish in a public forum, but some people are saying it so clearly Mr. Trump needs to come clean on this issue! background chants of "Lock him up! Lock him up!"