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Everything posted by MsGuy

  1. Per Miss Stormy, this is the Forbes cover Trump demended she spank him with: Does anyone else here think picking the issue with his daughter and son-in-law also on the cover a tiny bit kinky of Trump?
  2. They cut the best part. Where was the famous spanking with a Forbes magazine (Trump cover) scene? Too graphic for Network standards?
  3. Now that's the kind of review we all can appreciate! Thumbs up, Lucky. Neither can I. Millions of hours of porn on the net, yet not a single minute of our dear Mr. Sand's lovely ass. There is no justice!
  4. Is this Stark Sands? Possibly from American Idiot? My computer claims it is, but a lot of Image Search photos are not correctly labeled. For arcane digital reasons, my computer refuses to allow me to check behind the gif to verify identity. Lucky, it has long been my position that a detailed evaluation of the cuteness of the actors and their state of undress are essential elements of every film/theatrical review. If anything, I would argue that you should have focused more on Mr. Sands.
  5. Tass, the video won't play for me either. Maybe one of the principals in this thread can put the fued on hold long enough to give us a clue?
  6. Altar boys have been serving priests for centuries. If doing it brings a life-time trauma they are in the wrong job. ??????
  7. I suspect we are in the middle of a cultural re-set of the boundaries of acceptable courting behavior. Hopefully those whacky, ultra PC university consent codes don't make it to the finish line. Hopefully we don't back-peddle to the "no witness, no bruises, no rape" standard. But Gotti, wherever we wind up, I fail to see why the boundaries for an "Artiste" should be different from those for priests, doctors, politicians or just plain regular folks. "I'm looking for a moment of beauty," "So bend over, bitch boy, and spread 'em wide."
  8. Yeah, I already read that bit about Trump not being able to wait long enough for Just For men to do its work. All I could think of was a friend of mine who is ADD. That would account for Trump's helter-skelter management style, his inability to read reports, his crippling failure to stay on message and his family's decision to banish him to a rural up-state military academy at the tender age of 13. Also, at a time ADD went undiagnosed, the secondary social effects might well account for the more unpleasant traits in his personally.
  9. Let's see now: There's the possibility that Rocket Boy has a missile of the requisite range AND a guidance system sufficiently accurate AND a warhead sized nuke AND a re-entry vehicle AND the nerve to use it AND it all works just right the very first time. There's the chance my way too expensive Sumatran roast will get cold if I go running about like Chicken Little. I think I would bet on a fuck up in the warning system and finish my coffee.
  10. So who won what? Did Lavar sweep the sport categories?
  11. Your post presumes ole Trump is able to remember something he tweeted almost a week ago. The mind wanders. "It's Tuesday, Mr. President..." "... and this is Paris."
  12. MsGuy

    The Organ

    Careful where you go with this, AS, lest I be compelled to remind folks of your obsession with blue bottomed boys.
  13. MsGuy

    The Organ

    AS, no matter how hard I try to best you, I wind up with all my arguments deflated. But I will endeavor to persevere.
  14. MsGuy

    The Organ

    Which is why you're the English major. Ooooh, I'm good.
  15. MsGuy

    The Organ

    Well, one supposes one takes one's poetic beauty where one can find it. Me, I like mine more readily available and at a reasonable price. Hunting through the crap pile to find a few kernals of undigested corn just aint my thing.
  16. MsGuy

    The Organ

  17. AdamSmith, the most difficult single challenge for a true insurgent is getting his hands on enough cash to establish himself as something other than a no-hoper. Even run on the cheap, a real campaign devours money. One of the reasons I took seriously his effort to dislodge incumbent Republicans was his ability to deliver a slug of Robert Mercer's coin very early on in the election cycle when most donors, even if interested in the candidate, are inclined to sit on their cash. That's all gone bye bye now. Further, even if he isn't kicked out the door, a loss of editorial control of Breibart would take away his most effective bull horn. (see same article) On the other hand if he and The Donald don't kiss and make up and Trump can actually stay focused long enough to really go after Bannon, maybe he will grab the Orange One in a death grip and drag POTUS down with him. We can only wait and hope.
  18. This Newsweek article has a before and after sketch. Only in Bankok!
  19. True enough until they start stacking the wood around your legs. It's kinda the original meaning of 'faggot'. Just FYI, this is not the time to cheap out on that final tip to the executioner. You want that wood piled high and dry.
  20. On the other hand, Freud claimed that sexual repression was the foundation of all civilization. On a more practical level, I suspect most of us here get wound up about sexual repression only because the particular forms of repression deployed by folks around us happen to grind on our personal inclinations.
  21. RA1,do you really think that the Donald is aware that the USPS is no longer a government department? "What. really?" "When did that happen?"
  22. It's got nothing to do with the post office. Jeff Bezos (owns Amazon) bought The Washington Post a couple of years ago. WaPo has been running a particularly nasty and persistent slander campaign against POTUS. Just Trump's way of letting off a little steam. Makes him feel manly, I guess.
  23. Even Jimmy Carter lusted in his heart (when he wasn't fighting off killer swamp bunnies).
  24. Sucky, AdamSmith, y'all need to recall the benefits of forgiving others their sins: Granted, though, all that forgiveness shit goes down a whole lot smoother after you've gone upside their heads a couple of times with a baseball bat.
  25. Nope, Oz, it sounds like a bad statement by a publicist. The real art is not knowing what to put in a statement but in crafting it to sound as though the words might actually have come out of the principal's mouth.
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