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Everything posted by BiBottomBoy

  1. I'm not a vegan but I've been with several and they all seem to pass wind more than most. It's not always pleasant, but they were for the most part hot. If they just ate meat they would have been perfect.
  2. I just want to say that I just signed up today and I like the way the forum works. I'm still figuring things out but the breakdown makes sense - and seems to filter things well.
  3. Sorry. I just signed up today and am still figuring out the system. I typed in the wrong place. My bad. I promise not to suck (in a bad way) in the future.
  4. I wouldn't want to turn my homosexuality off, but there are some guys I know who I would love to slip this to if it would turn their homosexuality on. So many, many of the guys I like are stuck with women - even when they are being treated like shit. I feel like "I could suck your cock and treat you nice if you weren't addicted to pussy!" It's very fucking frustrating.
  5. Obama is too femme for my tastes. There is something unmasculine about him. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I wouldn't touch him with a 10 foot dick.
  6. I have always sort of considered Obama to be basically a pussy. Plus he supporters are like robots or zombies in some strange haze after drinking the cool aide. I can't wait until they figure out that he's not really some transporative liberal figure, but actually an inexperienced centrist whose only real desire for change is to put his ass in the White House. That said, the party might push him to put her on the ticket - and if I was a party elder looking at the current polls that's exactly what I'd do. I would have loved to see Hillary heading up the ticket - instead of a one term senator from the sewer that is the Chicago Democratic machine. At least we didn't end up with Edwards as the nominee - since he was dumb enough to fuck a girl who even Jay McInerny found "appalling" and that Brett Easton Ellis once described as the "type of girl who will blow you if you have an AmEx card."
  7. Man, straight people have been doing this for years - except they call it "marriage". The woman dates around with guys she likes until she finds a guy with money and then fucks him silly and sucks his cock until he marries her. Then she stays with him unless he goes broke at which point she walks out the fucking door. The only difference is that once the straight girl is married and has access to the dude's bank account and credit card she stops fucking and sucking him. At least this dude will be putting out for Oz!
  8. I just like that his name is "Dick Quest." I mean, aren't we all on a dick quest?
  9. Dude, just book the escort a day in advance and tell him you want him to stink. He's not going to care - it's going to be easier for him to not shower than to shower before meeting you for christ sakes.
  10. It will take years for the federal courts to figure out how to recognize gay marriages from other countries and from U.S. states that allow them. In the meantime, it's all going to be up for grabs. Canada does have gay marriage, but in most other countries it's some variation of civil unions. I live in France and that's what they do here - although breeder couples are also allowed to choose civil unions instead of marriage, so it's somewhat more equal. For me, I'd be fine if the federal government gave us all the legal protections of marriage - even if that means calling them civil unions. Call me crazy, but I've always found the "marriage" idea pretty gross - though I'd love the tax advantages and the ability to make medical decisions if I had a lifetime or long term partner. "Marriage" to me brings up images of white picket fences, bad sex and social pressure to be monagamous (not that infidelity isn't rampant in straight marriages.)
  11. Hillary as VP choice makes sense to me. Obama is running way to close to McCain in the polls given that McCain's party is led by the least popular president since Herbert Hoover. The main problem is that Obama can't seem to "seal the deal." Even among white working class democrats he remains unpopular - imagine how he'll do with white independents. The thing is that Hillary has proven popular - and trusted - by working middle class white people in key Electoral College states like Pennsylvania and Ohio - which the Dems need to close this thing. Plus, there are a lot of people (mostly women, but some men) who are still bitter about Hillary losing and the way the Obama Zombies treated her during the primaries. Picking her as the VP will help close that gap. If Obama picks some no name white Senator or Govenor it's a yawn. If he picks Hillary he's got the news cycle for a week, he picks up a bunch of working class white votes and he brings all the Hillary supporters back to the table. Sure, some people hate Hillary, but those people are going to vote for McCain or whatever loser independent (Nadar? Bloomberg? Ron Paul?) decides to run as a spoiler. I'd also note that the Clinton's have a long history of support for gay rights - where Obama remains very, very untested on that subject. If I was in Vegas I'd put even money on an Obama/Hillary ticket.
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