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Everything posted by BiBottomBoy

  1. it's true!
  2. well tiny pretty things is hardly conservative!
  3. Man, Tiny Pretty Things really shows a lot of boy and girl skin given that they are supposed to be 15 and 16 years old. But damn the boy and girl skin is really, really attractive and I'm just gonna take solstice in the fact that the actors are all like 21 and 22 Does make the outcry over that French movie seem silly earlier this year given that this has no controversy and in the first episode the kids are having full on vaginal and anal sex. And jesus h christ this dude is hot https://www.imdb.com/name/nm5250195/?ref_=tt_cl_t1
  4. If you smell bad that's a good reason for a client not to see you. but if you are overweight - that's one of the reasons to see an escort and it's bullshit if they won't see you again because of that. (Said as a 51 year old fat dude.)
  5. Oh yeah. I'm all in favor of it. I just find mayor pete so, so odd
  6. For me it would have to be Last Caress.
  7. Tom Cruise was right to shout at people on set violating Covid guidelines. I mean this is what he said ""They're back there in Hollywood making movies right now because of us. We are creating thousands of jobs. "That's it. No apologies. You can tell it to the people that are losing their... homes because our industry is shut down. "We are not shutting this... movie down. Is it understood? If I see it again, you're... gone." How is this even controversial?
  8. Oh he's great. He's just so middle American though it's surprising that we didn't l ike elect Ru Paul first.
  9. Did you like Saw? This is Saw times 10. Some people will love it. Some will hate it. It's trash but damn is it entertaining trash.
  10. It's interesting. But man is Mayor Pete the most white washed vanilla gay man ever. Leave it to America to try to vote for Barbie's Best Friend Pete
  11. When that happens they constantly rewatch Pretty Woman, smoke cigarettes and hit the gym more often.
  12. why? what happens on a Mac?
  13. Oz, Same here in France. Wonder what's causing all of it?
  14. His muscles are just like "OMG!"
  15. Yeah, Oz but 250 euros is a fortune for a visit.
  16. Yeah. 250 euros for a "maybe we'll find something wrong and not blame you for the problem" really isn't a possibility given that covid has killed my freelance business.
  17. Here's a history of my electric bill. The neighbors moved out in April.
  18. So for the last 18 years I've lived here the December electric bill has been between 220 and 260 euros. This year it's 118 euros. The only difference is the apartment next door is empty. So I think I've been paying their electric bill. Anybody know what to do? Called the electric company and they want 250 euros just to come out and can't do so until late January. That seems like not the thing to do. Any suggestions?
  19. we love you man!
  20. Well Vivid paid a skinny white bottom $500k to do his first sex with a woman. They had to set up videos of gay porn above him and out of site of the camera for him to get it up/keep it up. Funnily enough in the behind the scenes clip available for extra money the girl told him that he was the first guy to ever make her cum during a shoot.
  21. Last movie I saw in the theater was Birds Of Prey - one week before the theaters were shut down.
  22. A newbie needs to do straight for pay. Porn companies have realized women will pay a lot of money to see a verifyably gay dude fuck a woman.
  23. I thought you could get a vaccine for the hep?
  24. Honestly he 86ed me for a dude with more money. C'est la vie.
  25. man you dudes don't like skinny spainards.
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