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Everything posted by BiBottomBoy

  1. Tourists are great. Clean clothes and after a few days they go back home to their wives instead of following you around.
  2. When the delegates were chanting "Drill Baby! Drill!" last night I was unsure if this was a call for new oil exploration or simply the GOP leather daddies trying to seduce some cubs.
  3. Stephan, A lot of people need to run both the MAC operating system and Windows at the same time while using a MAC - if they have tasks that need to be done in a Windows environment. When you have the Windows running simultaneously with MAC OS, you need to have a different browswer running. Therefore if you are running Firefox on the MAC side you want to use IE on the Windows side. Because running Firefox on both ends will cause your system to crash. I'm not sure why this is, but my guess would be the competing operating systems can't figure out which of the two Firefoxes you are trying to do stuff with.
  4. NEW YORK (AP) — A judge has thrown out the first direct legal challenge to the New York governor's move to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states, calling the policy a legally allowable stand for fairness. http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5grygngg...CUtsPQD92UUD8O3
  5. CNN is saying that Chrome has a lot of the Flash problems that haunt Firefox 3 http://edition.cnn.com/2008/TECH/ptech/09/...e.ap/index.html
  6. You may be right. I've been out of the states for eight years so I really don't know how monopolist they are. Here, in France, we have tons of different choices for Internet so they'd have a hard time doing this. Plus, if they ever metered usage here, people would just start stealing WiFi from their neighbors. Nearly ever bar and cafe in town offers free Wifi and it's hard to not live near one because they are everywhere. The only reason people pay for Internet at all is that it's much faster when you have your own connection than if you are just stealing bandwidth from the corner bar.
  7. True but remember when Metallica went nuts on Napster and then all the other bands stopped going nuts on Napster because of all the bad publicity and bad feeling Metallica got over it?
  8. I'll have to look for it again. When I went on google.fr last night after reading the CNN story I couldn't find any place to download it from.
  9. If Chrome works as well as Firefox but doesn't have all the Firefox bugs I'll switch to it in a heartbeat.
  10. He is unbelievably hot for a young man. I'd let him use his wand on me anytime.
  11. I suspect that others won't follow suit when the see how much crap comcast gets for trying to meter it.
  12. On PC Firefox 3 can be hit or miss. It's great in a lot of ways, but it has problems when you are using Adobe products and Flash. They admit the problem and are trying to fix it. In the meantime I can't wait until Google releases Chrome next week.
  13. Well, there are tourists everywhere.
  14. And I suspect that's what everyone will do.
  15. I've been in France for eight years and the smell still gets to me. Part of that though was having a partner for several years who was very clean - so I got spoiled.
  16. This conversation makes me wish I was back in America where I could find a nice clean cut cock. Maybe I should cruise the local synagogue.
  17. How much does it cost to hire a bodyguard in Thailand?
  18. My theory is they will test this out and find that it alienates so many customers that it isn't worth the hassle. And it will generate so much negative publicity for Comcast along the way that no other Internet provider will try it. What Comcast is forgetting is that the type of people who eat up bandwidth are the type of people who really know how the Internet works and will know how to create blogs, online protests and all sorts of other shit Plus, it's a direct invitation to hackers to attack Comcast's servers and/or create programs that will mask someones real Internet usage.
  19. I was just posting on that when I got the message about your comment. We crossed paths on that one.
  20. On a side note was is true is that her daughter is currently a few months pregnant - which I think is going to break on CNN in a couple of hours.
  21. I work in the media and my ex and a lot of my friends work in PR firms. So, duh, yeah when I spend most of Saturday and Sunday listening to my friends at CNN and the NYTimes bitching in emails and IMs to me that their bosses made them work all labor day weekend tracking down a story that isn't true, I feel like I can speak with some authority on it. These dudes would have fucking sold their souls to the devil for it to have been true, because it would have justified their time and probably got them some bonus money. But, it ain't so. As to the FBI thing, years ago when I was working for USA today I had to cover the major crime beat for a while, which meant dealing with the FBI on a regular basis - so I know how they operate when they are dealing with wanted criminals. Managing to bust a gay porn star who also works as a rent boy as a cover to burglarizing homes across state lines is the type of this their Public Affairs office wets their pants over. Particularly pre-election when they'd love to make gays look like shit. If this guy was wanted by the feds, it would be all over the fucking Internet and not stuck in some rinky dink website that doesn't even understand the legal definition of "Public Figure."
  22. I'm waiting for Anne Colture to say that Gustave was caused by Southern Decadence.
  23. The rumors that she isn't the mom of the Downs Syndrome kid swept the blogosphere all weekend - but the New York Times, CNN and even Drudge have looked into it and called "bullshit." What really happened is that she was a new governor and thought that if she announced she was pregnant right after taking office that it would hurt her politically, so she wore loose fitting clothing and hid the pregnancy until the third trimester. One of the reasons she did this was because Downs Syndrome fetuses have a high rate of miscarriages and if she miscarried she didn't want it to become a public spectacle. At around the same time her daughter developed mono and was out of school for a couple of months. That's what happened unless you really think the GOP machine knew months and months ago to falsify medical records, bribe hospital staff, send bogus bills to health insurance companies and swear her daughter and her friends to secrecy on the off chance McCain might pick her as his running mate. Don't get me wrong - I'm no fan of Palin, but let's not swift boat her. There is plenty of real stuff to give her shit about - and implying that her daughter is a liar is below the belt.
  24. Yes. I want cheese on my plate, not on his cock.
  25. I'm capable of believing a lot of bullshit about Palin/McCain/Bush/Rome/The GOP but I don't buy the rumor that the kid is her daughters.
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