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Everything posted by unicorn

  1. I think people kept stealing that sign, so they had to rewrite it....
  2. Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same Will you take the grassy path?
  3. That job is impossible since Trump is a compulsive liar. How can one defend a compulsive liar and not look like an ass oneself? Trump can fire his staff incessantly, which seems to be what he does best, but nothing will get done and at some point even his Republican colleagues in the Congress will have enough and work on impeaching him.
  4. So what do you guys think? Have I been conditioned to think that dark hair means masculine and handsome? Or is this just something we all just like, and maybe Hollywood and Madison Avenue are just giving us what we're hard-wired to prefer?
  5. I mean, it seems I'm constantly bombarded with "Handsome men have dark hair; pretty women are blondes," ever since I was a tot watching Disney movies...
  6. I just saw Asa Butterfield in the movie The Space Between Us, and I was in awe of his beautiful dark hair and sparkling blue eyes. I have a definite preference for men with dark hair, and I don't know if it's because I'm a victim of brainwashing by the constant bombardment of dark haired male heroes being held as the standard of beauty by Hollywood and Madison Avenue, or if Hollywood and Madison Avenue are just tapping into an innate human preference for men having dark hair and women being blondes. The most successful male models of all time, David Gandy and Sean O'Pry both have dark hair and blue-green eyes. This movie was another example:
  7. Zeke being outed, while perhaps embarrassing for Zeke (assuming this wasn't staged), is probably a good thing for trans-gendered people in general, as it puts a human face to the trans-gendered and their struggles. Those who watch Survivor have grown to like and respect him, and having him outed makes the viewer feel as if he knows a trans-gendered person--that it's not just some theoretical "one of those people." It also showed the tribe rally behind him, and normalized acceptance of trans-gendered.
  8. Zeke must have known that there was a real possibility that he could be outed one of these days, on national TV no less. I'm sure he was "reminded" of this fact when he auditioned. Now I want to know what the plumbing's like down there. I wonder if we'll ever find out...
  9. The experience of Dr. Dao (the video of which I'm sure we've all seen) reminds me of some bad experiences I've had on United myself. For a while, I was a good United customer. One time, when I was a Gold premier member, I was about to take a flight from SFO to Kona, Hawaii. I had selected my window seat months previously. I was seated in my seat, reading a book prior to take-off, when a stewardess told me I had to move to some middle seat further back in the plane. When I asked her why she told me "I don't have to tell you," and I had no choice in the matter. I made a bit of a fuss asking to speak to supervisors and so on, just to make sure the plane wouldn't be able to arrive on time, but I eventually moved to the other seat. A previous time, a flight attendant was rude to me, and took off her name tag. Her supervisor refused to give me her name so that I could register a complaint. After the 2nd incident, I switched to another airline and haven't flow United since. I've been a 2nd-level premium member with USAirways/American since then (about 8 years). One might think that when a customer goes from flying 50,000 miles a year to 0, the airline might contact the customer and ask for input as to why the customer no longer flies with them, but this airline didn't seem to care. Given that involuntarily bumped passengers are entitled to $1350 compensation by law, the logical response from the flight crew when no passengers were willing to take them up on the $800 they were offering, would be to increase the offer to $1200 (or even $1350 if they had to). I would think someone would have been willing to take the $1200. But I guess the crew had to show the customer who's boss. How airlines can treat their customers as irrelevant and still stay in business is beyond me. I'm going to Denver in June, and I'll take American with a plane change in Phoenix rather than take a non-stop on United. If I really wanted to take a non-stop, I'd fly Southwest, but no way I'd fly United. http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2017/04/11/how-united-airlines-could-take-customer-service-lesson-from-delta.html
  10. I feel a song coming on....
  11. I've probably been to about 80 countries as well, including 49/50 US states, most Canadian provinces, and half the Mexican states. I've been to every European country except Albania, Andorra, Belarus, Bosnia, Kosovo, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, San Marino, and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. I've visited about two dozen Caribbean islands (not each of which is its own nation, however), as well as a good number of Asian and African countries (and Australia and New Zealand). After the US, my favorite countries to visit are Switzerland, France, and Italy. If I couldn't live in the US, and could pick any other country, it would probably be Australia or France (I wouldn't mind living on the Cote d'Azure at all). Although I almost visited Thailand once, an injury interrupted that trip. It's definitely up there on countries I'd like to visit, along with Angor Wat in Cambodia, and maybe Burma.
  12. I couldn't find any mahi mahi at Costco today. There seem to be long periods of time when they have it and when they don't. Also none to be found at Safeway. Is there a particular fishing season for this, so it can only be caught at certain times of year?
  13. It's raining, and there's rain predicted for 9 of the next 10 days. The reservoirs are already mostly full, even before the Spring snowmelt. Anyone saying we're still in a drought should be metaphorically shot!
  14. Whenever I put the lettuce mixes in my fridge, the leaves seem to wilt regardless of the "Best By" date. I have a box with lettuce with a "best by" date of 1/8/17 that I'm throwing out today, because the leaves are all soggy and wilted. Any secret to keeping lettuce lasting longer?
  15. I suspect the charges will be dropped.
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