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Everything posted by unicorn

  1. https://www.facebook.com/oiram.kalaf Mysteriously (to me), he doesn't list his status as married on FB, although he has several lovey-dovey photos.
  2. My fiance and I just watched the Austrian movie Eismayer, a true story about a recruit who falls in love with a far older (and bald) Sergeant Major. The gorgeous recruit actually proposes to the NCO. As it turns out, the recruit (before marrying him) gets accepted for officer school. I presume at this point the younger man is earning more. Quite an amazing story. Both the actual younger soldier (now presumably a 2nd lieutenant) and the actor playing him are gorgeous. As you might guess, the real soldiers are in uniform, actors on the other side: According to those uniforms, their ranks are now Warrant Officer I for the older Falak-Eismayer, and Officer Cadet for the younger (Mario) Falak-Eismayer. I guess love doesn't know age, rank, or amount of hair. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_ranks_of_Austria
  3. A female kidnapping suspect was dragged out of a police vehicle and murdered on Good Friday. Just like Jesus would have done... 🙄 https://ca.news.yahoo.com/mob-mexico-brutally-beats-suspected-004119620.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAGZIABlplDYESXaq89rFYV4lkDptKUU62rpiCXWFtrhVh4ngfzYweADMVba-dxj75fbcN4JWQ-BkpPlvPTZLMvJQb-O9bWHlxJzDYkoX8BAyjnYljanszVZDnx66Ltu51pdhWq1tf0rrCayVwVVF3PJioGtLdObGQceq39f22rAd
  4. Yikes! Your first post was ambiguous. When I read that the wage was increasing to 400 Baht, I thought it meant per hour, which seemed generous enough for a 4* hotel employee (who, presumably, has to have certain proficiencies and a history of success at less luxurious hotels). I realize that costs of living are different, but I'm almost embarrassed to tell you that unskilled fast-food workers in California earn almost twice that per hour at a minimum! 😳 https://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/Fast-Food-Minimum-Wage-FAQ.htm Amazingly, despite this generous salary for unskilled workers, some fast food places still request "tips" despite the absence of waiters. I decline these requests.
  5. As usual, your dumb-ass argument points to the exact opposite of what you allege. First of all, the article is over 4 years old, from the time of the Trump administration, years before Putin's case came up to the ICC. This article, which you yourself posted, only documents the hostile relationship between the ICC and the US (at least at the time of the Trump administration), and the US's lack of influence on this body: "...The actions of the American administration against the ICC this summer were not supported by any other Western country or US ally except Israel... The decision to escalate sanctions against the ICC is the latest in a series of radical steps taken by the Trump administration on foreign policy that have left it isolated on the international stage...". So not only is your propaganda piece outdated and not related to Putin's case, but it documents the US's lack of influence on the body. Utterly pathetic. And, by the way, the ICC's verdicts, by definition, cannot be "illegal." Russia may not like them, or recognize their sovereignty (to be fair, the US doesn't recognize ICC sovereignty either), but they can't be "illegal."
  6. His public e-mail is on his Facebook website, andronicorodriguezl@gmail.com.
  7. Yes, I think those are leaves from the cocaine plant around his neck...
  8. I've long had the hots for Justin Trudeau, but I was wowed when I just saw a photo of the President of the Bolivian Senate, Andrónico Rodríguez Ledezma. He's a socialist political leader and cocaine proponent.
  9. Although you post a lot of asinine statements, this is one of the most stupid yet. As you know (or should know if you're posting about this), the ICC and the US have nothing to do with each other. The US doesn't even participate or recognize the ICC's jurisdiction. 🙄 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Criminal_Court "... On 17 July 1998, the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court was adopted by a vote of 120 to seven, with 21 countries abstaining. The seven countries that voted against the treaty were China, Iraq, Israel, Libya, Qatar, the U.S., and Yemen...". So Putin could come to the US and not getting arrested, though it'd be a bit challenging for him to fly to the US while avoiding the airspace of Canada, Europe, and Greenland. As I mentioned in the post right before yours, only the countries in green recognize the ICC's jurisdiction.
  10. Well, there's an arrest warrant for Putin, so there's that: If he steps foot in any of the countries in green, he'll be arrested:
  11. Trump is the consummate con man--been doing it all of his life. Some people just take longer to figure it out than others. The sooner people figure it out, the less they get burned.
  12. Probably true, but it doesn't make it right. In my opinion, a person or entity shouldn't be held responsible over something over which they have no control, and were therefore not culpable. Again, if they had information this was a bad cop, and put him in that position, then yes, they share some culpability. I don't think they should be called "responsible" simply because they have more money. Two wrongs don't make a right.
  13. Again, if the police department knew, or should have known, about this officer's transgressions, that might be a problem for them. Otherwise, the responsible person should be held responsible. I would think that, given the number of laws broken, the officer should be fired (and fined and imprisoned). I recently posted a string about a woman in my area (Los Angeles County) who killed a couple of kids while engaging in an exhibition of speed on a public roadway. She was actually convicted of murder. I opined in that string that I felt that a voluntary manslaughter conviction would have been more appropriate, since in California the definition of murder involves an intent to kill someone. I don't know Thai law, but I'd think that there's some crime in there which would involve imprisonment. In California, my understanding is that the prisoner must work in prison to pay restitution, with 70% of the earnings going to the family.
  14. This makes sense from a rational perspective. Why would the police department itself be responsible, unless it had information that this officer had a history of bad driving behavior and allowed him to drive anyway? For example, if the officer had been convicted of driving under the influence, or reckless driving, but was allowed to drive for the department anyway, then they should be held responsible. I don't perceive any responsibility on their part, however, if there was no history of such behavior.
  15. I thought it was obvious from his post: those who are hearing-impaired and can read, but don't know ASL. I'd think that there would be a significant number of people in that category, especially among the elderly. Even English/native language operas usually have supertitles. I've never seen an opera with an ASL interpreter.
  16. How many 3* hotels have 50+ employees? To have that many employees, you'd probably need various amenities, probably only provided for by 4* hotels.
  17. According to the reviews on Amazon, not very effective...
  18. Not tonight dear, I'll have a headache!
  19. The funny thing is that I've never seen ASL interpreters at any of the many musicals I've attended (Hamilton, Lion King, Book of Mormon, and so on), where one might think deaf people could at least enjoy the theatricality, dancing, sets, and so on. It surprises me that of all performances, a deaf person would go simply to watch a chorus sing. I guess one learns something new every day.
  20. OK. I stand corrected. Thanks for educating me. It never would have occurred to me. I always have an open mind. 😉
  21. Well, I suppose that a deaf friend might attend a performance if he had a close friend who was singing, and the ticket was complimentary. That'd be a valid reason I hadn't thought of. I don't have any deaf friends, but, since your question implies that you do, have your deaf friends ever purchased a ticket to a chorus performance? Have you ever offered a deaf friend to go to such a performance yourself? If so, what was the reaction? I can't imagine that if I were deaf, I'd be interested, except to support a particularly close friend who was in the chorus.
  22. Last night I went to see the Gay Men's Chorus here in LA with a fairly large group of friends (12). As the chorus were singing, there was an American Sign Language interpreter on the side of the stage interpreting the words being sung. We were in the balcony, and the group tickets were $65 a pop with a group discount. I can't imagine a deaf man would ever buy tickets to a chorus performance, and I would consider offering a ticket to a deaf friend as insensitive--and downright insulting. Am I missing something, or is having an ASL translator at a chorus rather nutty?
  23. I just learned today that this bastion of liberal academia is led by Carol T. Christ. I don't know how she may be related to Jesus H. 😉 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carol_T._Christ
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