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Everything posted by JKane

  1. JKane

    Caption This!

    It seems inherent to the system. Religion has always been the explanation for things we don't yet or can't understand. From lightning / thunder to how we are here and what happens after death. Christendom especially claims to be the one and only answer, despite ever-expanding mountains of evidence explicitly contrary. I don't see how it can be said to be only a specific couple bad apples in Christian leadership...
  2. But, now that I've finished watching a couple... they seem pretty Pollyanna / childish. The easy solution to Citizens United is a constitutional amendment, huh? Yeah, and getting that through all the votes and politicians required for ratification as corporations spend unlimited money on the other side... how's that miracle occur? Damn it, apathy isn't the answer either, but Citizens United seems like the final straw in the death of our civilization... despite a cute video or two.
  3. Dunno why "Cosmetics" is political, but this one is, and not nearly enough people know about it:
  4. Hadn't heard of these videos, so far pretty interesting, thanks!
  5. Thought about this thread when I saw this today...
  6. JKane

    Caption This!

    Damn I wish I had some God Hates Facts stickers or something! I'd love to counter protest this in the name of REASON... Thousands of Christians will unite in Hollywood this Thursday to pray for the entertainment industry because of the major influence it has on the country and the world. TheCry Hollywood, a full day of prayer for entertainment media, is set to take place at 2:00 p.m. at Universal City's Gibson Amphitheatre. Organizers explain that the event is "not a concert. It's not a conference. It's a cry."
  7. From what I can tell, there's nothing of note opening this weekend, '21 Jumpstreet' is the big one. It'd really send Hollywood a message if John Carter climbed to be #1 this weekend! If you liked it, tell people! Take a friend or several to see it *this* weekend if you haven't yet (or even if you have, like I did!). No, it's not a *great* movie, but it's a whole hell of a lot better than shit like '21 Jumpstreet' or Eddie Murphy's upcoming '1000 words'!!! We need to let Hollywood know it is in fact good to at least *try* to make something good (on the large scale) once in a while!
  8. Damn it, download was bs, haven't got it yet.
  9. Downloaded the movie, haven't watched yet, but this piqued my interest again... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EnbS8Z8uKQ
  10. On the other hand, (almost certainly in the south)... ಠ_ಠ
  11. Ha! Perfect!
  12. JKane

    Caption This!

    Or another newly-found favorite of mine... Perfect for the next Westboro counter-protest!
  13. JKane

    Caption This!

    Seeing as most of Christendom has no respect for US... How's this?
  14. Exactly, or Bill Maher's "You don't pay them for sex, you pay them to LEAVE after!" comes to mind. I think BFE in a 1 hour session just means not a clock watcher, into kissing, cuddling, etc, and fun seemed to be had by all. And for my unrelated pic attachment...
  15. Rebekah Brooks arrested! Hope to FSM she turns on the Murdocks!
  16. JKane

    Only in Weho. . .

    Cheap Chinese knock-off!
  17. Latest on the story, sounds like this priest is an ass, all around...
  18. Just saw this article about this comic via Towle...
  19. The way the Disney useless non-creatives saddled this movie with attrocious marketing and then wrote it off before it was even released truly sucks. It's the best Sci-Fi so far this year, quite possibly for last year too! And the VFX (and 3D) are probably the BEST SINCE AVATAR. This is something that SHOULD BE SEEN IN THEATERS! I saw it in Imax 3D twice! And the lead actor has an amazing body which is on display pretty much the entire fucking movie. Hell, you *almost* start to get tired of his perfect nipples! Sci-fi fans must unite for John Carter!
  20. That's the thing though, speech from 'our' side is already censored! Bill Maher's Politically Correct being taken off the air because he dared to say hijacking a plane showed more courage and determination than pushing a launch button somewhere far away from or above the target. Keith Olbermann being preemptively taken off the air to protect Comcast's corporate sensibilities... So yeah, FUCK RUSH LIMBAUGH. But these feminists jumping on the bandwagon seems opportunistic, it's like they're trying to help him dismiss the outcry as just more from his usual arch-nemesis 'feminazis'...
  21. Yeah, I was kinda surprised I couldn't think of any as I wrote my reply either...
  22. Yep! But the Fisker's kinda sucky as electric cars go, pretty, yes. But heavy, expensive (even for an electric), and not exceptional mileage. New Tesla should be cool, and eventually the BMW i8 (car from last mission impossible, minus the BS nav-system).
  23. It's OK Lucky, the explanation... is out there...
  24. All-in-ones tend to use laptop-sized hard drives, while they don't have the shock/drop dangers they are still a little more failure prone... so it's still a good idea to be sure you have a current backup! Did you go with one with touchscreen snazzyness? Do you ever use that feature?
  25. Damn it, I hate it when cool electric cars get bad press! Especially since the job Top Gear did on the Tesla was a hatchet job...
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