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Everything posted by JKane

  1. But then again, if you take all those posts out of general and move all the political to that forum, what's left?
  2. Gay Den Mother Removed by Boy Scouts Demands End to Discrimination in Moving GLAAD Speech Read more: http://www.towleroad...l#ixzz1swTaXijN
  3. Log Cabin Republicans Hold Fundraiser for Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu as Campaign Contributions Dry Up Buzzfeed has obtained an invitation for a Log Cabin D.C. Fundraiser for Pinal County, Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu hosted by gay former Arizona congressman Jim Kolbe this Tuesday. Says the invite: "Simply by being who we are – unapologetically pro-gay and unapologetically conservative - Log Cabin Republicans like Sheriff Babeu are helping to secure the freedoms America stands for, and that’s something we can all be proud of." Meanwhile, the Phoenix New Times reports that donations to Babeu's congressional campaign have collapsed since allegations broke in February that Babeu had threatened a former boyfriend with deportation if he revealed they had a romantic relationship. Contributions to congressional hopeful Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu barely trickled in during March, with the once-popular lawman pocketing a mere $6,700 in the wake of multiple scandals that have enveloped him, his agency and his campaign. By comparison, Congressman Paul Gosar, who is also running for a seat in Arizona's Fourth Congressional District, raised $80,000 that same month. News reports since that time also revealed that Babeu ran The DeSisto School, a Massachusetts boarding school with a history of physical and sexual abuse, such as forcing students to wear sheets, sit facing walls for hours, undergo strip searches and take group showers. Babeu's sister also claimed that she discovered Babeu dating a 17-year-old DeSisto student. In interviews shortly after the scandal broke, Babeu indicated that he had been in contact with leadership at the Log Cabin Republicans. When asked if he might get involved with LCR by CNN's Wolf Blitzer, Babeu replied, "I'm sure". Read more: http://www.towleroad...l#ixzz1swR6RsvW
  4. Hottie's only shirtless for a second or two, didn't even notice the first time through, all in all a painfully straight commercial... but so much potential!
  5. It'd be fun to see with a group of gay guys. The usual audience, not so much! --hey, EXACTLY like seeing male strippers in real life! Would be a far more interesting story if his love interest was another man, or if he has to be straight, worked the gay clubs...
  6. There is plenty of data that alcohol in moderation, especially red wine are either not bad or actually good for you. But it has to come down to you. Will the drinks lower your inhibitions and make you crave other things? I almost always regret having anything to eat (after dinner) in the evenings, because even if it's healthy it gets me started and I tend to eat a lot more than I need to. So for my difficulties with food a glass of wine and a cigar can be a helpful distraction! But on the other hand a couple drinks can have me rooting through the fridge for snacks...
  7. Very nice, and good points, though it'd also be cool for somebody to re-jigger this map to also show all the "one step backward" this administration has made on LGBT issues! Still, we have a lot less to complain or be disappointed about than most other constituents!
  8. I don't watch the show, not sure how I feel about non-trans playing trans... but the wheelchair thing (and the "blind" guy--though a hot actor--in another show) annoy me. Sexuality is a spectrum so having somebody play something a little futher than themselves one way or the other, no big deal. But a paraplegic actor CAN NOT play a non-parapalegic part, same with a blind actor, or most deaf actresses... yet only the deaf community seems to stand up for themselves and insist on self-portrayal. They forced the recasting of the deaf girl on sadly canceled Jericho, to my understanding, and I fucking love Marlee Matlin (though I wish she hadn't gone near Trump). Why don't other groups?
  9. I see no point in posting a review on the other site, more than once by the time it finally goes up (more than a month after submission) the escort I reviewed has left the business! Then there's the politics and favoritism over there, I never dug too deep into it but even to the casual onlooker it's fairly obvious. So I appreciate the reviews here, wish there were more, but on the other hand, I skip 14 out of 15 reviews on the other site whereas here a new review is noteworthy and usually better quality...
  10. Don't South Koreans have more to worry about than Lady Gaga?
  11. First several times I saw this headline I read it as Ellen comes out as gay... and thought it was a little late for that...
  12. Here's the story: Disney’s Rich Ross, First Gay Studio Head, Resigns After John Carter Bombs
  13. Yep, and I just saw a story that he was the first openly gay studio head. Also, it was his predecessor who greenlit Carter. Which was a good movie, god damn it!
  14. JKane

    Time travel

    Once you master the technique you should go to this party! --Might just be the editing, but I see more personality in Hawking in that video than I have before.
  15. It's sad, but we seem to be an inherently superficial bunch. Any visit to WeHo makes that pretty clear!
  16. Yep, that's why I prefer when Jon Stewart does it on The Daily Show, it's more accessible to the masses than when O'Donnell or Maddow do it--even though they may do it better.
  17. I've dabbled in that side myself and found it a *lot* harder to have a non-hustle experience with a woman than your average "working guy". Their are massive sites much like this one (The Erotic Review, Redbook or something) to help guys find non-ripoffs, but they seemed fairly rampant. Either way the key seems to be to walk the fuck away if money is requested up front!
  18. And they get a fair amount of taxpayer support for their unenlightened BS. Special/free access to parks/public lands, gov't support...
  19. Sounds like a great idea!
  20. Actually there are a LOT more laws concerning HIV in regards to privacy and insurance coverage than any other disease except probably breast cancer. I've noticed them when applying for crappy individual healthcare--HIV is NOT something you can be denied for (in CA at least). Everything else, on the other hand... list every doctor you've seen in the last 5 years, every condition you've been seen for, whether it's resolved or not. You listed stuff? Declined!
  21. I don't think most guys need to be shaved/waxed to be smooth as a baby's bottom all over... but many need at least some clippering and there are parts that just don't need any hair at all!
  22. and their Republican Outrage Machine. Like Lawrence O'Donnell does here quite well: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vA4X2Ir2lXU
  23. Because they are the exact opposite of the asshats of Boy Scouts of America. Boy Scouts Dismiss Ohio 'Den Mother' Because She's Gay Jennifer Tyrrelll, a Cub Scout den mother in Ohio, was dismissed from her position last week after local Boy Scout officials learned she is a lesbian. WTRF reports: Tyrrell served as a den mother for a year, but when the local district council learned of her homosexuality, they told Tyrrell she had to leave her den leader position. "I feel like I've had a great year, I've bonded with my parents, my children, we've done a lot of really good things. And in light of other circumstances, it was brought to the council's attention at a higher-up level that I was gay and I was forced to resign," added Tyrrell. The Boy Scouts of America say it's within their first amendment rights to exclude openly homosexual persons from membership. Watch an interview with Tyrrell HERE. Read more: http://www.towleroad...l#ixzz1sPeB6nmv
  24. Ok, if BP doesn't qualify how about: Deepwater Horizon Transocean Ltd. (NYSE: RIG) And the companies who made the disperssants which kept the oil suspended in the water column--where it couldn't be used for damning photos but may well have done more damage...
  25. I still can not believe that worthless article left out BP, though maybe it's not one of *America's* damaged brands... Eyeless Shrimp, Fish with Lesions Seen as Result of BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: VIDEO The April 2010 explosion of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig is suspect in a mass decline of marine life in the Gulf of Mexico and a wide variety of species which are turning up with sores and deformities, Al Jazeera reports: Gulf of Mexico fishermen, scientists and seafood processors have told Al Jazeera they are finding disturbing numbers of mutated shrimp, crab and fish that they believe are deformed by chemicals released during BP's 2010 oil disaster. Along with collapsing fisheries, signs of malignant impact on the regional ecosystem are ominous: horribly mutated shrimp, fish with oozing sores, underdeveloped blue crabs lacking claws, eyeless crabs and shrimp - and interviewees' fingers point towards BP's oil pollution disaster as being the cause. Read more: http://www.towleroad...l#ixzz1sPbXibbJ
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