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Everything posted by JKane

  1. I agree with everything you said wholeheartedly! Now that I'm no longer an automatic 4F I find I'm too old for the present standards, but should something catastrophic happen I like to think I'd be right there with you volunteering. Though I'm guessing there are a great many people who volunteered post 9/11 who ended up in Iraq and were very disillusioned... I've expressed before how concerned I am that our military is much less of a melting-pot than ever before, not just the young but also those without economic options, leaving the middle and especially "upper" classes free from concern/involvement in a way unprecedented in our country's history.
  2. I hope so too! I don't have much chance of making the next 500 but I've enjoyed the interaction the contest has encouraged and so have (so far) continued posting anyways.
  3. As somebody who has no idea how to date or meetup in social situations this article is really interesting. So far I've just stuck to CL though, just like the article. Have had a phone capable of Grindr for almost a year now but haven't installed it... yet.
  4. Also cute support of equality:
  5. I'm starting to think Anderson must've co-majored in Journalism and Adorable. From Towle.
  6. Eventually... ;o) But he is hot, and the male judge is hotter... What nationality are they? Eastern European/Russian?
  7. Thanks, it's good to know some others are interested--I was starting to wonder. It kinda fascinates me because I figured having a lengthy atheist background they wouldn't have all the BS western hangups, but somehow they've acquired that in record time combined with vestiges of police-state... all quite sad, or worse, I'm sure, for those that live there.
  8. You've probably seen it, but I thought this photo needed to be linked somewhere...
  9. I've just never gotten into the Wes Anderson style. If I want to see awkward social interaction I can just go out and see it first hand, up close, anywhere I go!
  10. JKane

    Donald Trump as VP?

    George Will also sums it well: George Will Calls Donald Trump A ‘Bloviating Ignoramus’ Conservative columnist George Will criticized Donald Trump with colorful language on Sunday when asked on ABC’s “This Week” whether it helps Mitt Romney to ally with the billionaire real estate mogul. “I do not understand the cost-benefit here,” Will said. “The costs are clear. The benefits – what voter is going to vote for him because he’s seen with Donald Trump? The cost of appearing with this bloviating ignoramus is obvious, it seems to me. Donald Trump is redundant evidence that if your net worth is high enough, your IQ can be very low, and you can still intrude into American politics.” “But again – I don’t understand the benefit. What is Romney seeking?” he added. Trump recently re-erected his thoroughly debunked conspiracy theory that President Obama was not born in the U.S.
  11. And it continues... Moscow police detain 40 as gay activists demand right to hold parade, face Christian protest By Associated Press, Published: May 27 MOSCOW — Gay activists tried to stage two demonstrations in Moscow on Sunday to demand the right to hold a gay pride parade in the Russian capital, but they were blocked first by Orthodox Christian opponents and then by police, who detained a total of about 40 people from both sides. The gay activists first gathered outside the city council building, where a few scuffles occurred as their opponents tried to disrupt the demonstration, decrying homosexuality as a sin. After police broke up that protest, another group tried to stage a second protest at city hall, but once again police moved in and detained participants, including prominent gay rights activist Nikolai Alexeyev. The majority of those detained were gay activists, but some of the Christian demonstrators also were pushed into police buses. Police said about 40 people were detained in all. Homosexuality was decriminalized in Russia in 1993, but anti-gay sentiment remains strong. Activists have long petitioned the Moscow government for permission to stage such a parade, but have always been denied. Former Mayor Yuri Luzhkov described gay parades as “satanic,” while current Mayor Sergei Sobyanin has said he disapproves of gay gatherings because they could offend the religious beliefs of many Russians. Gay activist Galina Kaptur criticized city authorities for treating homosexuality as a contagious disease that would be spread through society if gays were allowed to hold a parade. “It’s as if they thought that if all left-handed people held a parade, then afterward everyone would become left-handed,” Kaptur said. “This is wrong.” Among the opponents of gay rights was Dmitry Tsarionov, who spoke to the crowd in front of a sign that said “Moscow is not Sodom.” “I will not allow perverts to bring the wrath of God onto our city,” he said. “I want our children to live in a country where a sin that so awfully distorts human nature is not preached in schools.” This month, Alexeyev became the first person convicted under a new law in St. Petersburg, Russia’s second-largest city, which makes it a crime to spread “gay propaganda” among minors. Alexeyev was charged after he picketed St. Petersburg’s city hall with a placard that said “homosexuality is not a perversion.” He was fined 5,000 rubles (about $170). The Russian parliament is considering extending the measure nationwide, which gay activists say would make it even easier to ban their public demonstrations.
  12. Some of those are adorable. It's hard to imagine such acceptance. Kids today...
  13. You have a point, in fact I think properly it would be Governor Mittens, because--unlike a certain other early Republican primary contender, he at least completed his term as governor of a state.
  14. I think if she wants to be the poster-child for pushing boundaries and be seen to be making major strides for the gay community a little risk comes with the territory. Somebody to shine a light on the hardline Islamists coming back into power all over the world would be a great cause for her to take up. So hopefully she uses this incident to that, instead of simply moving on to easier money...
  15. I kind of liked this comic on the Holmes subject...
  16. Wow, Elementary sounded so fucking stupid when I first heard of it, but that trailer is great, I've always liked Johnny Lee Miller (though he's not in much and was entirely forgettable in Dark Shadows...) and Lucy Liu is a great idea as Watson! It's still no Sherlock, but I'm looking forward to it, especially since we only get about 3 Sherlocks a year...
  17. I've heard of Magic City but can't recall what it is about...?
  18. I miss Detroit 187. Hadn't really realized Rookie Blue was separate from Blue Bloods (which I just never cared about for some reason). Southland's my current favorite, followed by Justified.
  19. Damn it, I'd rather she be shipped to Switzerland and I never had to look into those CRAZY EYES again!
  20. JKane

    Donald Trump as VP?

    Yep, makes perfect sense, I agree with all your points. But as poor as the choices for presidential nominees were for them, VP seems even worse. Somehow Governor Trans-Vaginal Probe is still a front runner! The only one I can think of who'd maybe add something to the ticket is Ron Paul, and the shenanigans he's been pulling with their state conventions could even make it more likely. But he'd have to swallow everything he believes in to do it, and that's *a lot* of batshit!
  21. Product Description Mitt Romney will be the Republican nominee for president in 2012 -- but his alien weirdness makes him a very difficult candidate to get to know. Mitt not only thinks it's perfectly fine to put a dog in a crate strapped to the top of a speeding car for a 12-hour nonstop trip, but he repeats the story years later with a chuckle. Millionaires, Mormons, unimpressive scions and ideologically fungible panderers have run for president before, in spades, but only Romney combines all those elements in one robotic package, topped off with appropriately immobile hair. "The Rude Guide To Mitt" tells the true story of how: Bain Capital didn't actually do much venture capital work. Mitt Romney hates risk. Venture capital is very risky. Instead, Bain made its name, and made its investors' fortunes, with leveraged buyouts: seizing control of companies with huge sums of borrowed money and flipping them a few years later for a massive profit. Mitt Romney didn't really save the Salt Lake City Olympics. He simply raised ticket prices 14 percent above the previous games and auctioned off the best tickets on the Internet. He promised Bank of America executives that they'd get paid back before taxpayers if they extended more credit. And most important, he lobbied Congress, at least until George Bush entered the White House and put Olympic spending right in his budget. Mitt Romney did not save the Massachusetts state budget. Conventional wisdom has it that he inherited a massive budget deficit and turned it into a massive budget surplus without raising taxes. Romney did raise taxes, but he called them "fees"; the deficit ended up not being as big as projected; and half the supposed "surplus" was an accounting trick. He managed to cut 600 jobs from the sizable Massachusetts state government payroll, which he now paints as a massive and unprecedented reduction in the size of state government. (You're allowed to brag about firing people when you fire public employees.) Mitt Romney is very weird. He seems incapable of natural conversation and frequently uncomfortable in his own skin. He's simultaneously dorkily earnest and ingratiatingly insincere. He suggests a brilliantly designed politician/android with an operating system still clearly in beta. All video of him attempting to interact with normal humans is cringe-inducing, as a cursory YouTube search quickly demonstrates. (Martin Luther King Day, Jacksonville, Fla., 2008: Mitt poses for a picture with some cheerful young parade attendees. As he squeezes in to the otherwise all-black group, he says, apropros of nothing, "Who let the dogs out? Woof, woof!") He seems to have been told that "small talk" is mostly made up of cheerfully delivered non sequiturs.
  22. Saw a trailer for Snow White and the Huntsman, despite it staring lip-biter I'm starting to be a bit interested! I kind of want to see MIB3 this weekend.
  23. Wow, that's a great point AdamSmith! Never thought of it quite like that.
  24. JKane

    Donald Trump as VP?

    I can't help but ponder how much better a country it would be if every single person who believed Trump would be the "right track again" for the country were shot into space. Or just shot...
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