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Everything posted by JKane

  1. JKane

    If only . . .

    It would be a MAJOR accomplishment for it to beat out Battleship for that honor. Though Prometheus shows us the more you expect out of something the more you're bound to be disappointed...
  2. I'd love to support the great journalism they've shown flashes of several times in the last year or two (don't know, it may well be in every issue...) but I barely have time to read the couple subscriptions I currently have.
  3. He'd mentioned needing to travel and some sad family issues, I think he's earned a brief vacation. Brief! ;o)
  4. I thought KPCC (Pasadena) carried them, KCRW doesn't carry several NPR mainstays but most of LA can listen to either. I usually love the music on KCRW (especially Ann Litt) but for news, traffic and Terry Gross it's KPCC.
  5. Alan Turing, father of computer science. Neil Patrick Harris and Chaz Bono --both have done quite a bit lately in the way for positive public exposure.
  6. JKane

    Cold in Seattle

    Vancouver is a quick jaunt north though... weather's not much better but it's a fun city!
  7. I was just saying to someone, it's funny, both the Mormons and Target gave a large amount of money to anti-gay causes, but are now doing "marketing" to get us back... because they want *our money*. Fuck everything about that!
  8. I was thinking the guy in photo 4 is pretty cute, then I noticed the shotgun...
  9. You're right, it is a good sign, but I remain skeptical until the higher levels and prominent Mormons (Romney and Orson Scott Card, for example) come around.
  10. Deepest condolences and warm thoughts towards you and your family!
  11. Tell you what, how about they fund a massive effort to repeal their PROPOSITION 8 handiwork, then we'll talk about being 'friends'...
  12. Bets on how long it takes him to show up on some Dancing with the Stars / Apprentice BS show?
  13. That's the perfect guide all the sites should send it out when you sign up!
  14. Cool looking design, but building that in one of the more impoverished cities in the world seems pretty crass.
  15. Congrats to Expat and thanks to TY and OZ for the contest! Looking forward to the dinner!
  16. Looking forward to it!!
  17. JKane

    Justin Belieber

    Also, there is a normal sized man out there somewhere claiming JUSTIN BIEBER beat him up?!
  18. JKane

    Justin Belieber

    Wait, you can assult a paparazzi? I thought in California if you could catch 'em, you could kill 'em?
  19. I regret that I've seen Battleshi*, and Alexander Skarsgard sure was a whiny little bitch in it! Was surprised, he does a lot better on the True Blood I'd watched!
  20. Reminds me of the whole "take LSD 7 times and you're legally insane" thing!
  21. Fuck yeah, he's gorgeous! What is it with male escorts losing their shit? Have they all been from elsewhere? Was the Sean Cody guy?
  22. What isn't great if you're a hot 20-something???
  23. My first thought too, even though it's mean! Somebody has the wear the flannel in the relationship, apparently.
  24. Yeah, this is about the Bachman's pray away the gay type BS being forcibly inflicted on minors, not transsexual therapies. Still, I wouldn't have assumed CA is a hotbed for such places--anything in the bill to prevent parents from shipping kids off to ex-gay concentration camps out of state?
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