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Everything posted by JKane

  1. JKane

    healthy update..

    Congrats! On Diogo as well as the weight loss!
  2. Got rid of my land line years ago as well. Occasionally think about setting up Google Voice so I'll have some connectivity those times when my cell has WiFi but no friggin AT&T signal...
  3. Just watched the first 3 episodes of The Newsroom over the weekend. It is *great*, DAMN I missed Sorkin! And I like how it can call attention back to things that should've been bigger news at the time.
  4. Those are some compelling points!
  5. That really hits some great points. A little cheesy but catchy. Meanwhile, that actual Obama ads are getting pretty good to!
  6. Yeah, Congress doesn't have MORE IMPORTANT things to worry about?
  7. The last one was so awful (much worse than the new Spiderman) that I don't even have half a fuck to give. Looking forward to Batman, and after that more Iron Man / Avengers stuff. Superman can suck it. Oh wait, that's how the last Superman got the part! ;o)
  8. Symantec lost my faith some time ago, I generally stick to Microsoft's Security Essentials now--and it's FREE!
  9. Very cute, though what vfx were in that were pretty bad...
  10. My understanding is the Japanese had already offered 'terms', but we wanted them to fully surrender--except when they did we gave them the key thing they'd asked for, leaving the emperor alone! The main theory I've read was that the primary strategic goal of the bombings were to warn Stalin, not defeat Japan.
  11. Condolences and sympathy to you and your family!
  12. JKane

    Bieber Speeding

    The Tesla S is a little more affordable and seems to be getting great reviews too.
  13. Full body swimsuits of the highest technology were actually making swimmers a lot faster. Luckily they're now banned, must've realized the ratings it was costing!
  14. I agree Sherlock is awesome, I usually watch it as soon as it's aired in the UK. I didn't think Elementary needed to be made, but I like Johnny Lee Miller (though I can't think of anything he's been good in since Trainspotting/Hackers) and was very pleasantly surprised by how much I like Liu in Southland, so I *was* kind of looking forward to it. Damn.
  15. I was also fairly amused by Ted. Better than I expected; recommended. Also just saw The Amazing Spider Man. Emma Stone is great in it, the boy did a pretty good job too, overal liked him better than Tobey, though Tobey's first installment may have been the better movie. This movie goes very quickly from the pathos of the uncle's death to wisecracking, funny Peter. It is also very clumsy in setting up obvious plot points. But certainly an enjoyable summer superhero popcorn flick, just not as good as The Avengers.
  16. I've never watched Inspector Morse, but enjoyed this too. May have to see if others have already been released overseas...
  17. I'd figured this one would be in here...
  18. JKane

    Divorce ?

    I'm a little surprised by the turn this has taken... not really out myself but was under the impression from some who are it's unimaginable freedom, unicorns and puppies--great, utterly priceless. Apparently not! What I don't really get, with all that money and an army of lawyers available Travolta has to resort to groping masseurs...? Fucking FLY YOUR PRIVATE 727 to ANY COUNTRY SOUTH OF HERE! But then, this is the arsehole who let his son die for lack of simple anti-seizure medication (because psychologists are the root of all evil...), so fuck him! And not in the way he wants!
  19. By themselves, without commitment and real lifestyle change, I agree. But as a boost, or to help one get through a rough patch they have some value, in my experience anyway. Given the 'growth' of the market it seems inevitable that they'll get better with time too. But even the most drastic surgery, a full Roux-en-Y gastric bypass can be eaten around by somebody who doesn't make the commitment to a new themselves. For those that are ready and commit though, anything that helps them along by helping them stick to it or by boosting the results (helping the person see progress easier so they *stay* committed) can only be a good thing. Except when it isn't, like Fen Phen...
  20. Not really, though that's a great start. Yes, a lot of the currently available ones are basically speed pills with all the side affects. The infamous Fen Phen combo was one of these, but 1/2, Phentramine remains in common use. Phentramine and two other very similar drugs are just about all that's currently available as a "weight loss drug" from most doctors. But there are actually new drugs doing different things: There was one that boosted satiety but it was pulled when EU testing (after it sailed through FDA and was in use over here for maybe a year...) showed harmful side effects. This incident plus, of course, Fen Phen do tend to make me cautious, but on the other hand I appreciate any help I can get. Another, Alli, is now available over the counter, it prevents abortion of 1/2 of the calories contained in fat one consumes, great for cheat days, restaurant meals, etc. Can have same side effects as olestra. It's a modest effect and hard to sustain without lifestyle change though. I haven't read much about what exactly this latest drug does yet.
  21. Holy shit, reading this really made my blood boil. What actually happened is the exact opposite of how it's been portrayed, and the ever expanding examples of Republicans willing to say *anything* for political points, even lies, even when they harm the country... it's really disgusting. That said, there's a little mention at the bottom about some of the people arranging buys in the cartels being FBI informants, which has nothing to do with the ATF or their "Fast and Furious" case but may keep Holder on the hook...
  22. I can has health insurance now soon?
  23. There is a shiny new weight loss drug almost out. Hopefully it fares better than it predecessors!
  24. Any more details on this yet? Can't wait!
  25. I do to, especially the good Costco cherries! But fruit is a lot of sugar and excess can cause setbacks, so I try to moderate myself. For a long time I did without, but a couple servings every day or two has been OK too.
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