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Everything posted by JKane

  1. *Please* tell me people weren't holding their actual Social Security cards up and that networks weren't broadcasting them in High Def! Did seem very well done, if Obama manages to build on Michele and Bill's success... Oh crap, they're going to let Biden speak too, aren't they?
  2. I watched most of it, on CBS by chance, and found the cutaways they chose somewhat disturbing. I'd say 4 out of 5 were African Americans, implying they were the majority in attendance and the only group enthusiastic about the President. It's certainly great to show it's a very inclusive party and (I'm guessing) stark contrast to the other convention, but given CBS's demographic it seemed to me like it was geared to marginalize the enthusiasm if not outright racist... Anybody else notice this? How was other network's coverage?
  3. JKane

    iPhone 5

    Video leaked giving away all the details! They may've even convinced ME!!!
  4. But he's pretty! That seems to be the only qualification these days for Republican candidate for VPOTUS, not what they think or even *if they think*! But I agree, this cynical ploy may work even worse for them than Palin. The last election was decided by the young, this election needs to be decided by women! Todd Akin and the Official Platform of the Republican Party make that clear, as well as their Paul Walker-like disdain for often female dominated professions like teaching and nursing. As gay men, we may not have a lot of influence with women in general, but any chance you get convince a woman (or young person) to register, even help them to do so, grab it! And for fuck's sake also convince them to vote against the Republicans in state leadership roles all over the country making it harder for everybody but rich people to vote!
  5. Exactly what I came here to say, how can you be a thinking human being who isn't a BILLIONAIRE and be a Republican is the main question. Because everybody who isn't is working against their own self interests and that of their families and future generations. The core belief of the current Republican leadership (the people holding the purse strings) is "I've got mine, fuck all y'all". They will say anything and be as divisive/destructive as possible because they know that if anybody they love ever needs medical attention, an abortion, etc. it's just a quick ride on their private jet away. And they've got money stashed overseas for when the shit really hits the fan. We are a nation of people who aspire, to a fault. We are duped into worrying about how unfairly we'd be treated if one day we got rich (even as the rich/poor gap widens and becomes much harder for anybody to transverse) instead of that the Medicare our parents rely on is failing (and will not be there at all for us--which is now officially part of the Republican platform), that the tuition our kids will have to pay has doubled, or a dozen other things of immediate impact to our lives and the lives of relatives... But hey, if I own a multimillion dollar business some day I might have to deal with some regulation, oh god NO!!! Summed up fairly well: Fox News: Billionaires paying millionaires to tell the middle class to blame the poor.
  6. That is an impressive list of sexy guys she's dumped--though not a lot of talent on it. You heard it here first: I bet she's holding out for Kanye West!
  7. JKane

    More On Rice

    It is often used is a pejorative way, but does that make it offensive? I've seen a Prius with a massive spoiler and huge exhaust tips, the universal description among car guys is "riced out". Gay men who prefer asians are often referred to as "rice queens". Are there people deeply offended by uses like that? Is this something else we need to tip toe around? Is "cracker" ever actually offensive, but on the other hand, is "beaner" ever not? I don't know, and I became less sure as I wrote this! Very interesting question!
  8. Ah yes, missed that! Give the boy what he wants, tie him up and call him boy! ;o)
  9. I know the feeling, had a hot guy come over to me at a local event yesterday (in my fairly conservative town--not Hollywood/WeHo), chit chat, asked if I lived around here... still not sure if he was chatting me up or just a gregarious guy working his way up to bumming a cigarette, which unfortunately, I don't carry.
  10. JKane


    I haven't contributed yet, but I know a couple people who've gotten projects fully funded well above the request. Turns out there is a way to monetize having a well-run blog with a large following... So for what it is I think it's great that it exists now. Another service like it for investing would be welcome, but that's going to be difficult. I have heard about an interesting thing for loans that's somewhat similar though... I did, however, recently donate to operation "Lets Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum".
  11. I don't see the fantasy as inherently abhorrent, I've thought about it from the other side from time to time... BUT it comes down to you're the one paying so it's about what makes YOU horny. 19yr old twink/jock boys can indulge THEIR fantasies on THEIR time!
  12. Two best summaries I've seen today: "This was a perfect representation of the campaign: an old white man arguing with an imaginary Barack Obama." and "This week Republicans have established that Obama can control the weather and turn invisible."
  13. Also Adam4Adam seems pretty popular among the younger guys and allows commercial listings... been meaning to explore that more...
  14. Obama's reply to Eastwood: The president has been making good use of new media this week. Earlier he did a 30 minute "ask me anything" on popular website Reddit. Was basically a town hall for geeks where he dodged the controversial questions, but still pretty damn cool.
  15. Well that's moronic! Having a posting that is explicit about what you're willing to do and clear on your rates is the whole point of *paying* to have a posting and great legal protection for the escort. Having to discuss those things--especially together--is exactly what law enforcement needs to bust them! I've not been much of a fan of Rentboy lately, but it sounds like there's not much of an alternative at the moment! Maybe more guys will use the male escorts section of backpage.com now? I still do pretty well finding guys on CL, myself...
  16. I also love Justified and Southland. Also, Dr. Who starts back up this weekend, I beleive!
  17. There's a lot more to the show than this, but this is a good sampling of the news that goes on somewhat *in the background* of this great show, from the finale. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGAvwSp86hY
  18. Finished watching the first season yesterday. Overall, The Newsroom is FUCKING EXCELLENT! It perfectly uses past news events to illustrate current ones and says exactly the kinds of things liberals (and even in some cases true conservatives--instead of sitting back and taking it from the Tea Party) should've been screaming from the rooftops for YEARS! There are some truly great episodes, though I started to get really tired of the fucking love triangle in the season finale, especially because other storylines were pretty high stakes. Also, big fans of West Wing will find themselves pulled out occasionally when they notice a Sorkin-ism they've seen before. "I don't know what that means..." There've been a couple episodes that flirted with copying major structural elements from WW episodes, hopefully they don't get any closer than that... All in all it's a lot like The West Wing--a fairy tale, what we wish the subject was, instead of what it really is. But also entertaining, touching, and informative. Highly recommended! And the world would be a better place if each of us managed to hook one Fox "News" viewer on it!!
  19. I can't help but be jaded on how slow stuff like this moves! There's been chatter about bio-engineered fuels and fuels from stuff like switchgrass for years and years, yet B20 (Diesel with only 20% bio-fuel, like from soybeans) isn't even in widespread use! Talk of graphine batteries and supercacitors for electric cars, yet the average Prius is still using ancient Nickle Metal Hydride batteries! At best, in electric cars, we're finally getting into a two steps forward for one step back (Fisker...) situation--which is better than standing still, but why is progress so slow?! And that's when the OIL INDUSTRY isn't sabotaging progress with bullshit about the Hydrogen RED HERRING!
  20. JKane

    Lance Armstrong

    This all sounds like exactly what 60 minutes covered in-depth a little while ago... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nTTGGnw8ak http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQZnBpoC2jc http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=nRZeh4KEz9s
  21. A certain South Park episode comes to mind!
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