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Everything posted by JKane
Fucking hilarious! Something they only seem able to accomplish with political fodder anymore. "Obama" was damn good, though he didn't interject "Look," like the real President does constantly.
Disney/WeHo is quite a drive. Magic Mountain/WeHo is very easy. Also, by far the best time to visit Magic Mountain (gay or straight--but ESPECIALLY GAY) is during an evening special event when it's empty and it's not 100 degrees/burning hot. SUCH AS NEXT FRIDAY!
Couldn't figure out where I knew him from... http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2357874/ He was the daughter's suitor in that pile of crap Terra Nova, thought he was pretty as hell the couple episodes I watched.
Or, put far more succinctly:
If they are shutting down reasonable, informed discussion of how it works, people trying to get their heads around natural selection + time becoming so much, they are wrong. "Science" is generally consensus-driven but there are always outliers and people with differing ideas, once in a while they manage to prove something that improves our understanding of their field greatly. But people saying that this process (continual application of the scientific method) somehow brings the foundation of these theories into doubt makes no sense whatsoever. Of course there are people calling themselves scientists or teachers who are just wrong or misinformed--though that is but a drop in the ocean of people calling themselves religious leaders who are absolutely speaking out of their ass on the matter! I make no apologizes for anybody who goes somewhat frothing at the mouth because somebody is idiotically contradicting millions of hours of research and study with "no, my personal invisible magic friend did it"! Especially an average American Christian--because what they are really saying is: "I haven't read it myself, but I was told by somebody (with a room-temperature IQ and a divinity diploma anybody could get for $25 + postage) that a book of muddied origin with documented mistranslations and edits for political reasons says that the earth is only 4000-some years old and the fossil record is just one of Satan's attempts to lead people astray!" That same "faith" also rules out genetics (Noah's Ark) and astronomy (universe created in a day), but never mind that... Further, the ESTABLISHMENT CLAUSE of the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA states, VERY FUCKING CLEARLY that the govt. has no business supporting one religion over another. So that's another thing deeply wrong with teaching creationism in schools: religions differ greatly (even within Christianity) on the topic--and have changed over time. Maybe you've known some bad scientists and teachers. I've known some great teachers who did treat evolution as a theory, subject to improvement, explained it's intricacies and even stated that others have different beliefs on the matter. It deeply offends me that children today in many southern states are not being taught that way--and that my tax dollars are paying for it!
I heard things like turn by turn directions announced which of course Google's been doing for years (even on non-Android phones, but were prevented from doing on iPhones--for free...) and yet another proprietary connector...
Except it's not scientists that act like that! They call it a theory, point out any inconsistanies, research them and either improve or replace the theory in question. The whole point of calling it a theory is that yes, niggling little points will be found and worked out over time, but to date nobody has proven a better alternative explanation. You're mixing scientists up with creationists, who are absolutly positive their *specific* brand of invisible magic friend in the sky did everything (AND cares deeply about what we do in our bedrooms--yet doesn't seem to give 2 shits about the familly sleeping in their car two blocks over...) and that *this* nonsense is what children should be taught! FINE, I say, set up your own fucking right-wing fundie madrassas! But DO NOT fund them with my fucking tax dollars or whine when your precious Billy can't get a fucking job because his diploma dosen't even make good toilet paper!
Yes, scientific theories are routinely examined and improved. That makes them stronger--not weaker.
He hasn't said it explicitly, but allowing the Republicans to hoist themselves on their own budget/debt petard as a way to finally lower *vastly* overdone spending on our military-industrial complex is something I support President Obama at 100%! He just needs to stand up to them instead of backing down/cowering in the corner (the Democratic Party way!)... those budget provisions were Republicans own fucking idea and no, the ones affecting Republican fetishes/constituencies will not all be written off, no matter how dire the Republicans make *any* cut whatsoever to military spending WHICH OUTSTRIPS THE NEXT *14* COUNTRIES COMBINED sound! You know what, saying we don't need more than, what, 12 super-carriers--when none of our enemies operate ONE, or that we don't need hundreds to thousands of planes designed to fight WWIII against the Soviet Union is actually fucking reasonable but is somehow a 3rd rail in our politics. OF COURSE I'm not saying cut back on the troops, training, consumables, and most certainly not veteran care--especially for the injured. But every single one of those things should be a far higher priority than an entire new class of nuclear subs!
I'm all for standing with the Israeli people, who want peace, over the Zionist troublemakers/hardliners they for some reason put into office. Things have seemed fairly quiet lately--or are just getting drowned out by all the noise our own adventures cause over there, but for most of my adult life things would seem relatively smooth then Israel would do something provocative and continue the tit for tat cycle ad nauseam.
Ah, youth. I've seen far more delusional ads!
Cute! Was that a thing? Just figured out (a minute after being blocked) a hot young guy chatting you up on Grindr than whining about how far the 5 mile drive across town is, is also a prostitute! BONUS:
Yelp is first and foremost a 5-star system one can judge at a glance, I don't see how you can think a bunch of one star reviews lowering the average to something like 1.5 will not clearly cost him business. Sure, if you dig into it and read each review you may notice something's fishy--but when you're deciding where to go with the mobile app for 5 minutes from now... of course it's going to have an effect! And FUCK the Republicans who all, at their core have this mindset that "you're either with us or you're a commie socialist Muslim TRAITOR". Everybody FALL IN LINE behind the candidate with the most money behind him! THAT is the deserved death of the Republican party!
I agree, but it's important to diversify! Many people have chased the highest dividend to ruin, and if the US stock market goes back down you lose a lot of principal! Perhaps look into dividend ETFs, and maybe have one of them be international! But also keep an emergency fund in a savings account, below the FDIC coverage limit (or better yet, in a credit union--which is even safer, has higher limits, but the insuring agency has a different name) as well!
I love it! But I'm surprised nobody's brought up that hardcore Republicans are using it as justification to damage that guy's business.
I agree with this 100%. One person's imaginary friend in the sky should have no place in ritual mutilation of a population. We are aghast at "female circumcision" when performed for the exact same reasons! And the way circumcision is practiced by some ultra-orthodox sects of Judaism is horrible and has caused deaths! That said, there are medical reasons to do it and that is the setting it should be done under, so I absolutely support the Berlin decision and think that should be the standard. IF it passes "first do no harm" in discussion between a family and their doctor it is, of course, not only fine but many would say good. But religion should not be the deciding factor. I'm sorry, but arguing for that is not far from arguing for ex-gay "therapy" up to and including chemical castration (or not too long ago lobotomizing) of gay children should be allowed if that particular parent's religion "instructs them" it is god's will!
I don't know... it will always be a defining moment to those who lost loved ones, and of special significance to New Yorkers, I understand that... but on the other hand, it's been used as justification for so much bad in our culture, from the Patriot Act and all the other ways we've given up our formerly inalienable rights to the misadventure in Iraq... Other countries have suffered far greater losses--as a percentage of population--which the average American is utterly oblivious to as well. So am I alone in thinking perhaps a little too much is made of it?
I just re-subscribed to a magazine's print version the other day. They are becoming rarer and rarer--more reason to support the ones you really like! Have not yet felt much need to pay for news coverage though--and would NEVER support a Rupert Murdock "news" enterprise like the Wall Street Journal!
Grindr usuage skyrockets during RNC convention!
It's also great that Elizabeth Warren spoke!