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Everything posted by JKane

  1. At least not through Firefox on Windows. I could swear this happened before and was an easy fix...?
  2. Overall, pretty good results! 30 yes (looks like, thank FSM), 32 no, Obama re-elected, Warren elected, Alan Grayson back in the house(!), gay gains in several states-equality wise, and while I don't care as much it's good to see people continue to speak up on MJ--it needs to be off sched. I! Tea baggers taken off steep... though sadly left sitting on the counter instead of thrown in the trash (Bachmann...). It would've been nice to see the death penalty repealed... or Dems control the house, but it's great to have the opposite of Prop 8-style kicks to the gut! Can't believe other states are pioneering that, not us... Now, about that treasonous asshat media whore, Donald Trump...
  3. Basically it just means porn production is moving out of LA. Sucks for us, a little less eye candy; probably good for Riverside / Inland Empire-type places. Which is great because they really need *any* job growth they can get!
  4. JKane

    Sandy meme...

    "Stabillize", I would argue could more acurately be stated as "held back"...
  5. About says it all:
  6. I saw the first 3 yesterday and the only thing I thought it did well was serve as gay erotica. The end of the second and the third picked up a little, started to answer how the hell he became proficient at hand-to-hand and multiple languages marooned alone on a "deserted" island...
  7. The Senate minority leader's top priority over the last two years...
  8. JKane

    Why Romney

  9. That would be wonderful, but seems too much to hope for!
  10. AKA an average Republican...
  11. I also think the boytoy is damn cute, but otherwise don't give two shits about Jesica Simpleton... by extension then, less than a shit about her father's activities...
  12. JKane

    Happy Halloween

  13. Just saw and fucking LOVE THIS!
  14. JKane

    Kindle Fire HD

    I think it's interesting, but I didn't need another underpowered device with a conventional laptop LCD in my life. Really like the e-paper of my older-school kindle though! I might get a MS surface device, or maybe an Android-based alternative in a bit, and run the Kindle software on it. Rather than be limited to what Amazon allows and their device can handle... but Kindle does sound pretty cool for the price. Will be interesting to see how it compares with the Google Nexus. There will always be people paying twice as much for iPad/iPad minis though--for not much more capability...
  15. Do you know if they allow / block tethering of another device to your phone to pass through internet data? I really wish would Google would do more than talk about google phones... actually release one that could be used on any carrier completely unlocked, damn it. Then it wouldn't matter as much that Boost's phones were out of date... Hey, if you get to be tech writer do I get to be BoyToy Tech Critic in residence?
  16. Since the original posting of the photo was lost in the kerfufle.
  17. Wish it did. Every other forum site I frequent doesn't make me go through extra steps to login just minutes after I already have if I close and re-launch my web browser. Givin the checkbox, it's clearly a feature that is supposed to be there...
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHYQmRhQqpM&feature=player_embedded
  19. Lawrence O'Donnell hit it head on though... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88A70OWdV1U&feature=player_embedded
  20. I generally agree with you TY, but headlines like the one of this thread are *very* dangerous--especially for unreliable Democrats, so there is a part of me that wonders if keeping it close wasn't strategy on his part. "We don't have it locked up, everybody *needs* to vote!" kind of thing...
  21. Because he was exasperated at all of Ryan's bald-faced lying!
  22. Though both Biden and the moderator tried their hardest to get actual details out of Ryan they only succeeded a couple times... but at least it's now out there that Romney/Ryan supports making abortion illegal, though yesterday one was saying through the courts and one was saying legislatively... and Ryan had the audacity to continue to promote the idea of privatizing Social Security. I wish Biden had brought up that the Medicare privatization/voucher BS would be yet another big health insurance profit giveaway. But overall I was impressed Biden's performance, though it may've came off better on TV than radio (where I heard it) and may've been a lot easier to follow for people already familiar with the issues versus the undecided/low information voters (fire BAD!) who were the real demographic that needed to be hit... Sadly, Ryan came off fairly well too, especially if you didn't know everything he was saying was evasive bullshit...
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