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Everything posted by JKane

  1. JKane

    Who wrote the Bible?

    Here's a little video on the Bible I quite enjoyed...
  2. For what it's worth, I sent them an email: http://www.macysinc.com/contact-us/ thinking that may do slightly more than signing some online petition. Still this side of fuck-all, most likely. But I said if he appears in ads this season for Macy's I'll never step foot in there again, and I mean it!
  3. Only fair, I spent a couple hours on Art of Manliness yesterday!
  4. Happy birthday!
  5. I am offended by that summary! I was an Obama supporter and like many others didn't support her for two reasons: I didn't believe she stood for anything other than it being her turn. I believed her election would drive the right over the edge and nothing would get done. Her work as a senator and especially as Sec State have changed my mind on the first one, and fsm knows the right couldn't have gone any more batshit than they did on Obama, so now I hope she runs too. Though I'd also be OK with Biden. Would love Warren, but she might be a bridge too far at the moment. I think that unwanted childbirth is a large cause of poverty, which becomes a negative spiral. The eugenics is BS and it's hard to believe others still believe it, but I am all for offering everybody--especially those who can least afford it access to birth control, or even incentivising something like Norplant.
  6. Or maybe dad's a green nerd and it's actually li-on for Lithium Ion batteries? ;o)
  7. Found a pretty good sub-reddit for discussing such things (and much more) among gay guys: http://www.reddit.com/r/gaybros/ If you're looking for a way to kill many, many hours, Reddit is your answer!
  8. He's not actually that low profile. He wrote a book, did a tour, pretty sure I saw him interviewed on Daily Show. And of course it's hard to think of a more damaging allegation for him. Whether the extortion succeeded or his lawyers managed to convince Stephens of the dangers of defamation, liable and a massive countersuit...
  9. http://www.quickmeme...ilver/?upcoming I take it he's gay?? Anybody read his book?
  10. I just didn't really care about this topic, powerful men behaving poorly is to be expected... but this quick summary of the details, the triangle, and the woman in the center of it (NOT the biographer!) piqued my interest a bit. In a supermarket tabloid kind of way... though the mention of classified docs in the biographer's hands elevates the seriousness, for me.
  11. JKane


    I also like that if a post/reply gets enough of them it becomes 'popular', just wish it was easier to see without going into a thread... for example I don't always keep up with the pornification section, but would love to see at a glance the 'best of'--threads so liked they've become popular, without going into each one. But overall I like 'likes' too. Some of my posts don't get many responses but at least I know they're read and somebody agrees!
  12. JKane


    All in all I liked it, but felt there were too many reminders about it having been "50 years of Bond" and too much carefully trying to make sure we knew to expect another 50! The plot was a bit meh as well. The bad guy was well played but his plan doesn't stand up to any thought. I'm not going to kill _ now, or now, OK, now that nothing else has been accomplished and it's a lot less likely to succeed I'm gonna do it! But it did have great opening weekend, so I'm sure there's more coming soon. And yet MGM will still be teetering on the edge, I assume?
  13. JKane

    Table for one?

    For me the type of restaurant and time of day play a part. Breakfast or lunch alone in a somewhat casual place is no problem for me at all. Dinner, especially in a more fancy place does feel weird, but on the other hand there are a lot of places with full-menu bars, and there are certainly other single people eating in there.
  14. That's the $64k question, do they admit mistakes were made or continue towards becoming completely irrelevant as a party? And they got rid of Michael Steel... Boehner is probably safe but McConnell...
  15. JKane

    On A Budget?

    I think younger generations (which have never had to balance a checkbook) may be less likely to do that kind of thing. Some banks offer some tools to integrate with Quicken/Mint somewhat but I've never even gone that far. I know I probably should, but that's never quite made me. Sometimes I wonder how much money I wasted back during the height of my hiring guys... and am a little glad I don't know... I do occasionally watch Suze Orman, have a savings, and have paid off my credit debt. But my retirement account is a horror show (people could be seriously rich if they'd done the opposite of what I've done the last 6 years or so!).
  16. I'm not sure it's written that they'll keep the same leadership--especially in the senate... isn't that decided when the new congress sits early next year?
  17. It is nice to know ahead of time if the escort is into that... Maybe instead of Party a question like: Drugs? With answers like: Love em! Sometimes. You can. HATE 'EM! Last answer could be better...
  18. That is a damn good article! Have to send it to friends with this quote: If you're a rank-and-file conservative, you're probably ready to acknowledge that ideologically friendly media didn't accurately inform you about Election 2012. Some pundits engaged in wishful thinking; others feigned confidence in hopes that it would be a self-fulfilling prophecy; still others decided it was smart to keep telling right-leaning audiences what they wanted to hear. But guess what? You haven't just been misinformed about the horse race. Since the very beginning of the election cycle, conservative media has been failing you. With a few exceptions, they haven't tried to rigorously tell you the truth, or even to bring you intellectually honest opinion. What they've done instead helps to explain why the right failed to triumph in a very winnable election. Why do you keep putting up with it?
  19. And someone can do all the wrong things and get what they deserve!
  20. I thought this article was *really* good too. Who Is Most Pissed Off After This Election I never expected to ever say, "Poor Ann Coulter." But - poor Ann Coulter. I really feel badly for her, in a manner of speaking. But not for the reason you think. Not because Barack Obama was re-elected President of the United States. Rather, I feel bad for her because of her responsibility in that victory. Poor Ann Coulter...
  21. JKane


    Yeah, he's always been a product-placement whore... Still want to see it this weekend! But also planning to see Flight and Cloud Atlas.
  22. JKane

    Sandy meme...

    I TAKE IT BACK! It turns out IT *WAS* US! Gay Couple Accepts Responsibility For Every Major Disaster of the Last 50 Years
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