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Everything posted by JKane

  1. I'm also interested but unable to plan that far ahead. And I'm often in Vegas around that time for something work related too, but otherwise I'd love to be there! And the locals look great! Would love to try EmoboixD or Khori sometime!
  2. JKane


    I liked both movies a lot, though the tacked-on tension in Argo towards the end annoyed me a bit.
  3. I hear good things as well, hoping to see it in the next couple of days.
  4. I'm betting Anonymous will do more damage than this petition, and am eager to see it!
  5. Those posters looked awful, and the last movie was so horrible I was determined not to give a fuck about this movie... Damn you Expat!!! That trailer started to get me excited to see this!
  6. JKane

    Kate is pregnant

    My feelings were best summed up over at BiE. “The tragic aftermath of that idiot Morning Zoo radio prank from Australia rather obliterates any other discussion of the events in question, but, Lord above, am I going to be everlastingly sick of Kate Middleton’s pregnancy very soon. Really, a full nine months of pretending we care about the cosseted denizens of a superannuated institution that we threw out of this country almost 250 years ago? Endless reports, even on the local news, from professional “royal watchers” in the media? (If anyone ever sees me described that way in any public medium, you have my permission to shoot me on the air.) I have more respect for the guys who report from the red carpets on award shows than I do for the “royal watchers.” Hell, I have more respect for people who castrate bulls for a living.” Charlie Pierce
  7. It's a trick/test! As soon as you put your hand in some crazy old witch will have a needle at your neck! What's in the box? Pain!
  8. Yep, that's the thig about Costco, they introduce you to a great food, you buy it for months--though you have to hunt it down a couple times because they keep moving it--then one day, poof, they no longer carry it. Or you go there for something specific like a keyboard and may not find any at all. Sometimes different Costcos have different things. But Best Buy or Fry's will have a real selection for you. Just keep the box and tape the receipt to it for a while--they certainly won't be as forgiving!
  9. Great article on another way Fox does things: http://www.businessinsider.com/fox-news-charts-tricks-data-2012-11
  10. On #2, don't think a limit works, but do think they need to hold the floor to sustain it! If it's important to them several will have to work together--and be seen to be working to obstruct whatever it is. NO MORE of this SILENT HOLD bullshit!
  11. Yep, the nearest thing to the journalism you describe that I can find on the tube is The Daily Show--how sad is that? Though Maddow can get pretty close too.
  12. The Republicans have shown for over 4 years that the good of the country means *nothing* to those that are left, all the people who did care have been drummed out. So they deserve what they get--but maybe in return they'll be allowed to propose and debate amendments again. IF they can have them NOT all be political stunts, that is.
  13. I've really been enjoying Elementary, to my surprise. It's certainly no Sherlock but it is a good replacement for Law and Order, Criminal Intent.
  14. Many musicians have special ones that are molded to their ears, supposed to be great headphones, I've seen ads for one of the high-end manufacturers somewhere.
  15. For my generation it was the Challenger explosion.
  16. If you have a laptop most libraries offer WiFi now and they're often pretty open from censorship. But I'm also sorry to hear about the troubles and am hoping for the best for you!
  17. You might try changing the channel/re-syncing the the keyboard and receiver (should be a button on each, but you'll probably have to do this after taking out the batteries anyway...), but it sounds like it's got problems... So just take all that you have back to Costco in a grocery bag, they'll look up the receipt off your membership and happily take it back! I fucking LOVE Costco!
  18. JKane


    Saw Cloud Atlas after Skyfall, took me forever to figure out why he looked familiar! He's even sexier in Cloud Atlas!
  19. Sick! I like it! ;o)
  20. The guy was 16 when they were first in touch, but I haven't heard the relationship was sexual before he was 18... taking that more from what was revieled of emails than what this emotionally unstable 'boy' says. Now why, if you're in the kind of position Clash was in... or even in general you pursue such a relationship at all is fairly questionable. I have had a couple CL exchanges where the guy on the other end reveals they're underage (obviously didn't originally say so) and the second that happens I never reply again and put their email in my 'crap' file...
  21. JKane

    First love

    Still waiting. Sometimes wonder if I'm broken...
  22. It may be the case of conservative media over-covering a rather small group? Like Fox's extensive coverage of Tea Party crap but almost none of 99% which was *much* bigger...? Just a theory, I'm curious as well.
  23. I didn't realize they made superbikes that small..
  24. I thought it was more transparently union-busting, myself. It's hard not to believe the name and the product won't be bought out and continue... without all the current employees... Then again, as fat as Americans have gotten there're quite a few who at the least avoid the worst of the worse junk-food (i.e. Hostess's whole line...), so maybe their marketshare was tanking?
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