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Everything posted by JKane

  1. BluRay's on sale now! Then there's this: Meet the New Hunks of Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome
  2. Very interesting. So the cops haven't figured out to just steal the dash cams too?
  3. I was thinking about this, it's probably a city vs rural thing. As gay as the cities of California are there's a whole lot of flyover areas too. And there at least the numbers of people *identifying* as gay are much lower. Areas gays tend to escape... *for the cities*. I'd bet most major cities are 10%+, with LA and SF being much higher, of course. DC is the closest thing to a single city on that list, and may actually be one of the lower percentage cities--as the wealthy live *around* DC for the most part and the largest part of DC's ethnic makeup has a problem *identifying* as gay too...
  4. Churches|diocese|the Vatican itself have been shown to have known about and covered for those abusers including moving them out of range of prosecution and into a new, unaware communities which has enabled several to continue their abuse.
  5. Unfortunately some of the LAPD apparently trained by watching Police Academy instead of going to one!
  6. It is bizarre to me how many people in Russia (seemingly ALL of them) have dash cameras. Then again, given the footage I've seen from Russian dash cams it's pretty understandable.
  7. If you add them together, maybe. And with the dark hair... OH MY GOD THEY'RE COMING RIGHT FOR US! ;o/
  8. Oh no, we can't mock the single greatest force for evil in the world for the last ~2000 years! Inquisition, crusades, dark ages... blessing of Hitler and Mussolini, child abuse on a massive scale (not just sexual, I believe I heard about some really bad and systemic stuff in, what was it, Irish schools?) and telling Africans not to use condoms. You're right, we shouldn't be mocking the Catholic church, we should be tearing it apart gold brick by gold brick with pitchforks and torches!
  9. Because it is fucking HUGE. 1.8 times the size of the US, probably well over 3x if you didn't count Alaska.
  10. I don't understand how *all* critical services can be repeatedly knocked out on these cruise ships like this. The insurance companies (the real regulation of the industry) need to fucking step in (on all future designs) and say, "You know what, a ship that holds thousands upon thousands of passengers, you're going to cut the capacity by a couple hundred and have FULLY REDUNDANT, SEPARATE engine/generator rooms!". It's really not that hard... two fuel supplies, two engine rooms, two water creation systems, two propellers and a rudder big enough to keep the ship straight when only one is turning. Circuits from each system to power critical systems like control, medical, galley, and waste handling. There are a crapload of private yachts that do this even! I think they should lose a fuck ton of money because they chose to opt for profit over basic redundancy/safety. Then there were reports of the ship having had previous troubles and setting out on this voyage anyway. I agree on these morons giving interviews about how they almost died... though then again it may be impossible to look intelligent on these kinds of news interviews--and the worst are often chosen to air. I don't think these people necessarily deserve massive payouts, but with the bullshit system of these vessels being foreign-flagged, it's probably just about the only mechanism available to punish Carnival so I hope it and the massive media black eye make them examine and reorder their priorities.
  11. I'm so fucking tired of these stories. The studies themselves are maybe marginally useful but then some mouthbreather with an IQ in the mid-80 (at best) sounds out some of the words and makes it into a headline (Will You Survive, Will Your Family Survive... WHAT YOU MUST READ Before Your Next Drink|Egg|Coffee|ETC|ETC...) even though it contradicts the headline they published yesterday from a different study--both of which had very mild, non-definitive "conclusions", I'm sure. The one thing I *am* sure of: RESEARCH has been proven to cause cancer in rats. Otherwise, everything in moderation but there's lot of evidence that things like red wine (and coffee) are actually good for you, as long as they don't have harmful additives.
  12. Some of my favorite comments so far: "Too pooped to pope." "Like all good Catholics, he's pulling out early."
  13. Sadly he's probably saying "I'm so fucking fat.".
  14. Keep in mind it was first released as free webisodes--after it sat on the shelf for over a year. That show's distribution was fucked up from the beginning. But the BluRay will have an extended cut and other special features.
  15. Very cool, Just watched a documentary on BBCA on the first doctor that ended with the complete Aztecs episode. Was better than I expected. Wish I'd gotten the rest of the documentary series on my PVR!
  16. I'm curious whether the merger will mean I can use my AA miles and otherwise fly on them out of BUR again.
  17. I have very little use for straight guys: They don't give head worth shit, they don't know how to prepare/clean up for the fucking they beg for, and then they can't actually take it.
  18. If you missed it on SyFy it's on sale 2/19.
  19. I suppose, reluctantly, I'm a fan of his budding port career...
  20. Meanwhile the VFX house that created the winning effects for Life of Pi has declared bankruptcy and seems unable to pay the final paychecks for their employees.
  21. Because it is way too coincidental that the guy in charge of the fucking INQUISITION, who collected (and failed to act on) ALL of the documents about abuse for what, 10-20 years, *just happens* to resign RIGHT as a shit-ton of those documents are being forced into the open.
  22. Wow, really? Is this unprecedented in living memory? Maybe they'll get another progressive reformer like John Paul the FIRST and maybe he'll last more than a couple weeks before dying under mysterious circumstances and getting replaced with an arch conservative... ...nah, I'm way too much of an optimist.
  23. This animation bugs me because they didn't put any effort into creating the mechanisms that drive the things that touch the strings. But the music and the precision of the stringwork is cool, as usual for Animusic's stuff.
  24. Happy belated!
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