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Everything posted by JKane

  1. I also have this problem with upgrading my phone right now:
  2. This thread on Reddit is similarly touching.
  3. It's typical Republicanism: against it until it affects them personally. It's too bad his son didn't come out as poor.
  4. Favorite quote I saw somewhere: The new Pope says that gay adoption is a form of child abuse, but what would Catholics know about child abuse... oh, right...
  5. Thanks, I guess that's a no, those all seem like clubs at best.
  6. Oh, and the single weirdest thing I noticed in Vancouver (is it all of Canada?)... ICED TEA. Top of the line restaurants are proud to serve fucking FOUNTAIN ICED TEA (Brisk from a soda machine). Many offered me the choice of brewed or fountain! High end places mind you, who the hell asks for canned iced tea over fresh??? Medium to low end places usually just had fountain/canned. Bleck!
  7. If you drink the kool-aid then replace everything you own with Apple's version it generally works together really well, and you get certain synergies like being able to display stuff on your TV from you phone with AppleTV. But it all costs more and it generally doesn't play as well with non-Apple devices. You can do similar stuff with Android, they have a bunch of TV-connectable appliances for example, but it's a not nearly as slick or easy to setup.
  8. RA1, I also have seen customs at the airport get a little deeper than you'd expect into people's business. A friend of mine ended up with a protectionist agent worried he was their to steal Canadian jorbs. FUNNY for those of us in entertainment that are regularly having our work stolen by much less talented--but governmentally subsidized--Vancouverites! I wish I'd tried Steamworks. Otherwise loved the city. Granted I've not yet been to New York, but downtown Vancouver felt the closest to what I'd expect of it of anywhere I've ever been! Wonderful hotels and food downtown... but parking at my hotel cost something like $20/day. Might mention the weather in the piece... I was there on a gorgeous weekend but quite a few people went out of their way to tell me it wasn't normally like that! Dreary/rainy often cold was the implication. My hotel had complimentary (to borrow) golf umbrellas in each room... it's basically Seattle North, after all. Also, you kind of alluded to this, I was surprised by the ethnic variety of the city, with a surprisingly large Asian population. Many many restaurants are some kind of Asian fusion and many of the escorts I looked up were Asian as well. Is there any gay strip club scene in Vancouver?
  9. I have a Samsung already too and am pretty interested in the S4. The new features sound cool but also mine seems to have hit its expiration date and is going downhill fast. Which doesn't exactly make Samsung my first choice for a replacement, but the S4 is pretty cool...
  10. The thing that annoys me in all this is there was an *American* company that made some of the best **and safest** batteries available. A123. And they were pretty much bankrupted because everybody just wanted the cheapest. Last I heard they were getting bought out by the Chinese and that's going to keep the US Military from being able to use them as much.
  11. No problems here.
  12. What do you call a prostitute with a runny nose? Full. -----------
  13. Actually the self parallel parking still exists and is getting fairly common, to the point it's not made that big a deal of anymore. Some lower end cars are starting to get it, all Prius may have it now. Problem is, in America outside of cities a lot of people never have to, so they don't want the extra expense. Great for city cars... though they're not hard to park anyway...
  14. JKane

    bieber birthday

    Speaking of babies... Somebody needs his nappy changed before he gets lifted into that car seat!
  15. I was just ranting against irrational fear retarding progress in another thread Expat... embrace the future! Driving is the most dangerous thing any of us does every day, and having cars able to at the least autonomously prevent accidents is something I'm thrilled to see, and am eager to see that spread into more models. And advancements like these, beyond accident avoidance... I can't wait. And I love to drive. Unfortunately there'll be one or two fuckups, somebody will be injured, and the press will go fucking nuts about it, completely ignoring the dozen driving deaths in their own media market *that day alone* that the technology would've prevented... grr...
  16. No, by definition that would have to have been the De Havilland Comet. Maybe the 787 is the first airliner you've especially paid attention to the launch of, but all have had some problems--often including catastrophic loss. There were threads like this about the A380 for a while. And as I said, in the past things were far worse. As recently as the 767 several were lost with all hands early on. I worry that the hysterical reporting of comparatively minor things like the 787's problems so far (and the F35, for that matter) will obliterate all future progress, especially in aerospace. Though people are quick to jump on relatively minor foibles of potentially revolutionary cars too, like the Tesla/Leaf. (The Fisker is a POS though, I'll admit... but then it's not revolutionary either, just a really pretty and expensive Volt...) In fact, Rimchair, I'd go so far as to say that YOU and those like you, quite possibly, are the reason we still don't have our FLYING CARS! ;o) Seriously though, the constant baiting with little to nothing (other than apparent personal animosity) behind it is getting tiresome, to me at least.
  17. What do you call a cheap male prostitute with a big dick? $5 footlong. -------
  18. Funny video from the drag queens that did the Chic Fil A one...
  19. So, "recovered" Zombies are a thing now? I just saw Warm Bodies the other day, kinda liked it, very funny at first...
  20. I don't consider Argo to be that inaccurate; the opening, where they covered the root cause, in-depth, was fantastic. It's just that the drama was punched up several times, as is typical, and that it was poorly done... (I'm sure it was tack-on notes from some idiot executive--sorry, redundant--after some mouth-breather woke up at the end of a test screening and was as confused...). Very different from Zero Dark Thirty where people are led to believe that torture was a key part of finding and killing OBL...
  21. I too hated the false, added drama at the end of Argo. And so stupidly done... let's see, I'd clearly have the authority to call the tower and ground the plane, but instead I'm going to grab my AK and jump in a truck and drive behind a 747 *at takeoff thrust*... But so many cute Hollywood references, it may be a lock.
  22. I suppose, when they throw themselves at me, I'd deign to have sex with all of them... but Nicholas Hoult is the only one I'm especially attracted to.
  23. I was blessed with a rather large penis. After that my local priest was arrested.
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