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Everything posted by JKane

  1. He's a fucking troll. Unfortunately he has a lifetime supply of food so there's no starving him out.
  2. God damn he's adorable. Just watched about 10 of his videos. Apparently straight though, despite being apparently gay...
  3. I heard it did really well at the box office... well enough there are probably a dozen woman-targeted movies like it that got greenlit in Hollywood the last week or so... but the trailer made me less than not interested.
  4. Yeah, when did they ask, midnight? Besides, my profile is chroma key green to support another cause...
  5. Damn I'm tired of zombie bullshit! But Brad Pitt! And epic worldwide plague... fine. I did end up enjoying Warm Bodies after all... Was the book good? Graphic novels right? Watchmen/V quality???
  6. Happy Cake Day!!! I got you a stripper! .
  7. This site has some great financial advice, I think he's mentioned some great options along those lines a couple times. Mostly using them to hit the required "spend" to get the bonus on a new card.
  8. Didn't vote because I don't care. Honestly rarely notice one way or the other.
  9. His pants are probably already down!
  10. Damn, that's something I'd studied a bit and wrote papers on in school, would've loved to see the movie! Will have to keep an eye out for it on HBO or something...
  11. How is Parade's end? I fucking LOVE me some Sherlock, but can't get interested in Parade's End from the trailers... I agree this trailer looks amazing. It's interesting that the bad guy seems to be just a rouge agent... we'll see.
  12. You go Bill! I would love to see him take on the Catholics causing needless deaths all over Africa and South America while he's at it...
  13. This is the second place I've seen reporting on this, but I have never heard of this loony cunt before this. As someone else already said, who the fuck is she and why should I care?
  14. What do you call a horse that is good at arts and crafts? Glue.
  15. At this point it's going to make the "news" every time a Carnival ship has a single clogged toilet. "Only 14 miles per hour" doesn't seem actually *that* slow for a cruise ship. Don't they generally top out around 20 knots, if that? If people actually cared about this they'd insist on cruise ships that were US flagged and regulated! But instead it's just over-dramatized filler for 24 hour "news".
  16. Obama was capable of showing empathy for others *not* related to him, and of being convinced through reason. This asshat was anti-gay until his own son made it clear the issue now affected him personally. And even then, he "bravely" waited to address it until he was out of the running for VP...
  17. RA's got the actual experience, I have the armchair fascination with flying. I don't think I've heard of an incident like this in the jet age, but would be interested to know more. There have been instances of pilots accidentally shutting down or pulling fire bottles on the wrong engine... Also getting "locked in" on trying to figure out a spurious indication on an otherwise fully functional aircraft and either creating problems in troubleshooting or simply forgetting to fly the plane.
  18. Agree. Well washed with soap and water or ran through dishwasher (isn't that a thing?), fucking deal with it. Possibly with a condom. Dirty in any way: NO FUCKING WAY.
  19. Sounds like Julianne's about to get towed...
  20. "Works" in some basic ways, sure. But every other WiFi router on the planet you just setup/administrate through a web page, so you can do it from *anything*. Apple's AirPort? No, you have to run this asinine app, only on OSX, IOS and maybe Win if you can stomach the stupid shit it installs. Android apps are a bit of a mess, I'll give you that. But many many free ones, and much less locked down on what you can and can't do on the devices you own.
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