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Everything posted by JKane

  1. Damn that's awesome, love the end.
  2. Deepest sympathies Expat! Hope other family members can help you out and that his wife is more a help than a hurt.
  3. Yay, their love is finally legal!
  4. Yesterday I browsed the site fine for a bit, then when I re-opened it to post that hottie picture it almost timed out on me, took forever to get to the right forum... at least it didn't do it again while I was actually posting.
  5. My favorite quote from Roger has to be that the movie Pearl Harbor was about a Japanese attack on a love triangle.
  6. Piece Ebert wrote on death: http://www.salon.com/2011/09/15/roger_ebert/
  7. You guys have fun! I'd have tried to make it but already had plans this weekend and going out of town next week.
  8. And White House Down is hot on the heals of Olympus has Fallen for some reason...
  9. JKane

    Happy Easter

  10. Does this outfit make me look gay?
  11. JKane

    Happy Easter

  12. I'd be rooting for a car bomb set in-between the two, myself! Really funny to me that both groups consider themselves hardcore Christians!
  13. Fucking awesome! The first 3 books were fucking fantastic. But a lot of die-hards sweep under the rug that the last two were pretty fucking boring, especially coming so long after and being filled with so many minor characters. maybe if I re-read back to back they'd be better... Definitely want to re-read the first three though!
  14. and...
  15. Justice Thomas said nothing in reply. Ha, funniest line! I hope somebody checks he's breathing with a mirror at least weekly, so we'll know when he can be replaced with somebody useful.
  16. Even in jest I think it's horrible to suggest that somebody be murdered for their honest ideological differences, no matter how abhorrent or harmful. As big a troll as he is, he seems to do it either to play devil's advocate or because he actually believes it--as opposed to somebody like Ann Coulter who will say anything to sell another fucking a book or a politician pandering to a despicable base to get re-elected. In Coulter's case I'd be tempted to pull the trigger myself. Not that I'd shed many tears if Scalia and Thomas were in a helicopter crash or something... actively wishing for such a thing is 1) a magical thinking waste of time 2) exactly what many right-wignuts did in praying for liberal justices to die just a few years ago... *don't* be like *them*.
  17. And Argentina's currency is collapsing, isn't it?
  18. Google Translate now available offline! http://www.boytoy.com/forums/index.php?/topic/13627-attn-travelers-you-can-now-use-google-translate-offline/
  19. Use Google Translate offline by downloading language packsThis is on Android, iOS users SOL for the moment.
  20. JKane


    Yeah, all of The Oatmeal's comics are hilarious. I donated to the "Lets build a goddamn Tesla Museum" fund too.
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