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Everything posted by JKane

  1. Yeah, and the conservatives are nothing if not kind-hearted. They pull this exact shit every time they talk about making English the "official language".
  2. JKane

    Crushed Ice

    Lately I've been addicted to Boba. Odd texture to get used to but after the second time I tried it I just kept wanting it. Wish they did Coke Zero Slurpees!
  3. he attempts to battle his obesity makes a public mockery of himself for money/publicity and further endangers his health with the inevitable yoyo all these contestants seem to do
  4. So how many hot South American hubbies are posters bringing back next trip?
  5. I heard a story on this the other day, they also have to advise the jurors not to visit the scene (as always) but specifically not via Google Maps / satellite pictures either! And during the case you can't discuss it with anybody, not even fellow jurors. That's only once deliberation starts.
  6. Reminds me of the South Park where they establish he is not, in fact, "The King of all Black People".
  7. Somewhat spoiler, if anybody wants to discuss the show itself... --- It kinda bothered me that kid had to deal with both an allegory for being gay and being gay at the same time. And that apparently being gay might actually be worse than being undead??? WTF? I enjoyed the first season somewhat, like I said, and the lead is cute, but don't really need another season. If I'm bored maybe I watch, but it's not something I'll seek out or eagerly await...
  8. I watched it a week ago and somewhat enjoyed it.
  9. JKane

    What Is This?

    It looks like a boundary layer mic to me. They are very wide angle and there may be a supplimental mic or two. But as long as there's no background noise and the dealer doesn't rake it with cufflinks or something every deal it would do a pretty good job of getting the table's audio even by itself. They're often used on stages, boardroom tables, and are even good for micing a piano.
  10. JKane

    L.A. Pride

    Much better view than being there! Thanks Expat!
  11. JKane

    L.A. Pride

    I went. Didn't want to deal with driving, made the looong walk from Holly/High down. Some hotties, watching the sidewalks was usually more interesting than the parade. But as always, WeHo clones only see each other. The parade itself seemed poorly ran--large gaps between groups early on, lengthy periods of dead stop towards the end. Also the Bradly Manning thing annoyed me (didn't see any mention at all)... and the corporatism even more so: NBCUni made most of their participants shill their latest shows; and I don't care how much they may support LGBT workers, does Bank of America really get to participate without counter-protest or boos? The (My Imaginary Friend) Hates Fags-type people were there again, loud and disgusting. They were opposed by a fairly effective counter-protest but it didn't feel like enough.
  12. JKane

    Apples New iOS7

    The new Mac Pro info is very interesting. Fascinating design, though something of a fuck you to many current users who currently use expansion cards to do different things. Everything'll now have to be external with a Thunderbolt connection, can't even put in a couple large hard drives... A bit of a cross between the wildly unsuccessful iMac Cube and a suppository...
  13. Something changed for me too, but doesn't sound very similar to your experiences. For a long time "remember login" was worthless, and I complained about it several times. Then it was fixed and had been working for the last several months or so. Site knew who I was, didn't have to log in, was happy. A couple days ago that stopped, even though I check "remember me" the site doesn't if I close out and come back. I haven't noticed getting logged out during an active session though.
  14. Like the airlock idea, but a wormhole... imagine if he's humanity's first contact with an alien race? They'd burn this planet to a cinder!
  15. I'm with you, I maybe peruse those types of threads once out of morbid curiosity and then I avoid them, but they go *on and on and on*, reaching a dozen or more pages and always at the top, eventually they become a source of annoyance even when skipping over.
  16. Finding a scanner with an adapter for 110 film may be difficult. Doing it manually will be tedious. Maybe look at Costco? I know they have a film scanning service. At least for the 35, or maybe if you have a good-sized photographic store still in business around you...
  17. Fresh salads to go!
  18. Public Rapes Outrage Brazil, Testing Ideas of Image and Class
  19. Well, our no-balls Democratic congressmen seem to have laid down on the issue in the immigration reform bill.
  20. I'm not a fan of the office or institution, but this seems to be the best, most progressive man in the chair in my lifetime, at least since John Paul ONE. Hopefully this one doesn't suffer the same fate!
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