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Everything posted by JKane

  1. The pilot for Shield was kinda a mess, the agent they center on is the least interesting guy in the whole show... but I have hopes it'll get better. Then Fox will cancel it. Even though it's an ABC show. ;o)
  2. I got ~225k miles on AA during a period a couple years ago where they (w/Citibank) were throwing them at you. You can often get multiple cards including a business card (at most you need an EIN) to maximize the take, just remember you'll have to hit the minimum spend on each to get its prize. And, as Lucky discovered, know the limits/restrictions if you're closing / reopening. A great place to find out about how to get the most and make the most of miles is Flyertalk. Also remember miles can expire, so it's good to have at least one mileage transaction every couple months. So keep one credit card that gives you 1 point per dollar or something, or use something like AAdvantage dining or shopping.
  3. Making Neonopolis a gay destination always sounded dubious to me, too bad they're not even able to give it a real go...
  4. Fine, fine, I just did yesterday. Bathroom towels too. You happy now Hoover?
  5. Failing upwards... first Phantom, then Dare Devil, now Batman. Cavil better watch out, Afleck will suck *as* Superman next movie! Then he'll be the entire Avengers at this rate.
  6. Ooops, got this one here.
  7. http://gaypornblog.com/a_brief_history_of_the_gay_porn_mughsot.html
  8. Ok, I'm hard, which one of you wants to come home with me?
  9. That is interesting, and now I know I will *never* subscribe to Dish! http://www.forbes.com/pictures/mfl45eghjh/glenn-beck-5/
  10. I've been wondering why more aren't pointing the similarity out, not Hitler and the Jews--Hitler and homosexuals. That's where the pink triangle came from, after all. Which is why I think people should wear it at the Olympics!
  11. Makes sense she'd want to wear a memento of the only good thing to ever come out of her mouth.
  12. Squirrels are like cigarettes: perfectly harmless until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire.
  13. I agree that it's the perfect level of snark (or could even use more) for Russia, but the Snowden stuff is in conflict with many people's views of the man PLUS it will date the article.
  14. Can't wait!
  15. I agree that long term fasting is no solution. A good general foundation in eating healthy like Tim Ferris' "slow carb" thing is key (or Weight Watchers, or a dozen other things as long as it's healthy foods instead a fad single food or crap energy bars they sell you...). But once you've got that baseline, a 16-24 hour fast is a great way to "undo" an overindulgence, cheat day, or start to work off a vacation, I think we agree.
  16. The only thing useful or memorable in the movie Super Size Me was the illustration of how much sugar is in soft drinks. That did it for me, generally drink iced tea now, the occasional Coke Zero or diet Dr. Pepper. One major precept of most serious diets is DON'T DRINK CALORIES. I think Starbuck's frappuccinos have probably added significantly to the average American's waist line because they don't realize it's basically a milkshake. Haven't found a light beer I particularly like, but I don't drink beer all that much and when I do it's something that tastes good to me (Heff or Belgian Whites, mostly).
  17. I would too, but instead of owning it (he did awkwardly try to at first, if I recall) he acted ashamed, apologized, and promised not to do it again. Which opens one up for blackmail (if he wasn't so incompetent at it) and makes it a spectacle.
  18. The attention has already gotten a pretty good response from Stoli, and it earns them some sympathy from me, but Dan Savage's reply to their response is even more compelling, to me anyway. Both below: An Open Letter from the CEO of Stolichnaya Vodka to the LGBT community. The recent dreadful actions taken by the Russian Government limiting the rights of the LGBT community and the passionate reaction of the community have prompted me to write this letter to you. I want to stress that Stoli firmly opposes such attitude and actions. Indeed, as a company that encourages transparency and fairness, we are upset and angry. Stolichnaya Vodka has always been, and continues to be a fervent supporter and friend to the LGBT community. We also thank the community for having adopted Stoli as their vodka of preference. In the US, the brand’s commitment to the LGBT community has been ongoing for years. Among the best examples, I can cite the series produced by Stoli in 2006 called “Be Real: Stories from Queer America” which featured short documentaries on real life stories depicting the challenges and accomplishments of the LGBT community in the United States ( http://www.logotv.com/shows/dyn/be_real_series/series.jhtml [1] ) Stoli is very proud of its current exclusive national partnership with Gaycities.com and Queerty.com in search of the Most Original Stoli Guy. This is a fantastic program that started as a local initiative in Colorado and became a national platform. Previous national initiatives included serving as the official vodka of the Miami Gay Pride Week as well as ongoing events with focus on Pride month. Some great examples from other parts of the world are the support to the Durban Gay Pride, in South Africa ( http://www.durbanpride.org [2] ), the Pride Parade in Vienna, in cooperation with HOSI and CT, the largest LGBT communities in Austria and the Tel Aviv Pride Parade, taking place this weekend. This letter also gives me the opportunity to clear some of the confusion surrounding the Stolichnaya brand, based on facts found online that often inaccurately link our company to the Russian Government. The Russian government has no ownership interest or control over the Stoli brand that is privately owned by SPI Group, headquartered in Luxembourg in the heart of Western Europe. Stoli’s production process involves both Russia and Latvia. Stoli is made from Russian ingredients (wheat, rye and raw alcohol) blended with pure artesian well water at our historic distillery and bottling facility Latvijas Balzams ( www.lb.lv [3] ) in Riga, Latvia (formerly part of the Russian Empire and then of the Soviet Union). Latvijas Balzams did not recently become part of the Stoli heritage, but has been one of its main production and bottling facilities since 1948. This has allowed the brand to deliver the outstanding quality it is recognized for consistently across the years. What changed in the last years is politics, with Latvia becoming an independent state part of the EU. We fully support and endorse your objectives to fight against prejudice in Russia. In the past decade, SPI has been actively advocating in favor of freedom, tolerance and openness in society, standing very passionately on the side of the LGBT community and will continue to support any effective initiative in that direction. Sincerely yours Val Mendeleev Chief Executive Officer SPI Group --- The reply... --- For the record: Regardless of where SPI Group's corporate offices are located, the company is owned by Yuri Scheffler, one of the 100 richest men in Russia. SPI is a Russian corporation, Stoli is a Russian vodka. And while it's nice that SPI is willing to market to homos who are lucky enough to live in Austria, the US, and South Africa, what has SPI done in Russia? The group has sponsored gay pride events in Vienna and Miami. That's nice. But have they sponsored gay pride events in Moscow or St. Petersburg? Val says that Stoli is upset and angry. That's nice. So has Stoli said anything to the Russian authorities? Has Yuri Scheffler expressed his anger in an open letter to Vladimir Putin? Did the SPI Group speak the fuck up before the Russian government passed a law that made it a crime to be openly gay and a crime to publicly support someone who is openly gay? Frankly I'm not interested in Stoli's marketing efforts in the West. I'm interested in what this Russian-owned company is doing in Russia. And from this letter it's clear they've done and they only plan on doing squat.
  19. I saw mention of this today, there are many purely Russian vodkas (the country may even have involvement in some...) and I do support gay boycotting of them. Sure it's only a drop in the bucket but if we can do half as a good a job publicizing it as "Million" Mom's (and the like) do with their horseshit it can at least help to make people aware of the issue. Damn. I don't drink much vodka but I just realized that the two I especially liked I won't be having again for the foreseeable future: Zyr and Jewel of Russia... good thing I'm learning to like scotch, I guess. And for those needing to resupply their liqueur cabinets, Costco has two different Kirkland (store) brand vodkas that are good--and cheap!
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