I think they used a chemical and a drum (often hand cranked) to make copies, The master copy may've had to be special somehow. That's all I picked up, just old enough for them to have still been used in early school years here...
I think Almost Human is the best sow of the season. So much better than Agents of Shield...
Though the badly written courtroom drama of this latest episode disappointed me a little.
Yeah, this seems like the ultimate Darwin award! There had to be radiation hazard symbols all over it, if you've managed to never learn what they mean, as an adult, in a western country... well you probably didn't have anything to contribute...
I've heard about departments doing this for a long time.
As far as I know, Detectives work their way up through from the street, right? So they would have the same limits?
So all the police procedurals on TV featuring super-genius defectives are pure fantasy...