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Everything posted by JKane

  1. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/aug/17/conservative-christian-oppression-religious-minorities
  2. I think her and Whitney Houston both fail(ed) to understand that volume DOES NOT EQUAL talent. For all her batshit crazy, Mariah Carey is a far more skillful singer in my book.
  3. And just like Gay Marriage and several other things it's based on a specific religion's views, in opposition to the establishment clause of the US Constitution. But anytime this is pointed out they scream THEY are suffering PERSECUTION. Christian fucks told me I don't have the right to be married, or even to have sex at all... because *their particular reading* of an obviously much edited and self-contradicting magical book says their imaginary friend disproves... For fuck's sake.
  4. As I've said elsewhere I think it's lose-lose for escorts, but do agree there are some who aren't really the (body) type I lust after but who's forum posts have made me far more interested in hiring. But also those who's forum posts have had the reverse effect...
  5. Justin Bieber! No wait, that's wrong... that's *worst* female singer... ;oP
  6. I think it's a cut/paste vagary in that his home was in a non-incorporated part of the county. I.E. outside Tiburon, assuming it's a real city (my understanding of an incorporated area). Which is a minor detail the original public agency that made the report noted, then it got included again and again either for completeness or by news agencies that didn't realize the insignificance. Also very sorry to learn of the death and especially the cause. That the personification of joviality could be a victim of crushing depression will hopefully bring more attention to the affliction.
  7. I don't like to see somebody kicked while they can't respond, myself... (regrets if my original reply might be taken as same). But even those escorts that were masters of charm and wit seemed to find themselves stalked by people who seemed to loathe them with every fiber of their being, remembered their every word and made sure nobody forgot if there was ever any contradiction. And then the escort(s) I'm thinking of had very public crash and burns (which of course the stalkers reveled in). Lose/lose, I agree.
  8. Hahahaha, if *Daddy* did regular maintenance and upgrades this last couple weeks would've been less eventful!
  9. I don't think any thinking person thinks that porn shoots were a even a minor contribution to the spreading of HIV. But it's a nuanced issue going far above that minuscule number of documented transmissions (for everybody but the asshat politicians and press covering the issue anyway...). First off, the exposure to HIV as a part of work, with choosing to use condoms and protection of one's health being a career limiting decision is rather problematic and is certainly something it makes sense for OSHA and the like to at least be interested in. As you mention a very bad culture surrounds many porn stars (and escorts for that matter) and is far more likely to lead to infection and other negatives in their lives. But again, if you're the young impressionable gay just off the bus from Iowa, needs money, are hired for a shoot to bottom for one of those irresponsible guys, and it's made clear to you that you probably won't get future work if you insist on condoms... Second, you will find there is a large population of gays who are extremely, very vocally averse to portrayal of bareback casual sex in a good light, especially because porn shapes many young peoples' first ideas about sex. Many of those vocal opponents lost a huge number of their friends / loved ones to AIDS in the past and keeping this in mind helps one to understand their viewpoint. I personally don't give a shit one way or the other about condoms in porn (hell, even in sex I don't notice a difference worth being worked up about!) but those two issues above align me towards the goals of the ban. The proposition, like almost all propositions is pure bullshit. With so many years of a California legislature unable to move this short circuit of the democratic process was implemented and in practice it uses money and very poor arguments (appealing to the basest instincts and fears) to enact horrible laws which are then very hard to change or amend. That this ban is poorly executed and easily evaded by shifting location makes it entirely pointless, I'd agree. I'd support a more federal effort, except for two things: it would pass based on a appeal to puritanical bullshit instead of well reasoned argument, and it would simply move porn production to other countries where people would be even more vulnerable to exploitation.
  10. Personally I'm sorry to see the only known escort to be participating in the forums given a time out, but on the other hand it's hard to argue that most of his posts in the last week have contributed anything positive to the forums... though it did make me check in more often. But people go in cycles and a time out is probably the best way to deal with the low points we all have. I hope he does eventually come back and provides some enlightening and entertaining content in the future. Part of me would really like to see more escort participation, but I'm not sure there's much good in it for them. We can be a cunty bunch and if they're cunty back it can impact a great many lurkers' impressions. This last week or so has made it clear to me that I no longer have any interest in the drama surrounding the other board though.
  11. Agreed, which is why on my post about managing dangers of CL I STRONGLY ADVISE that one RUNS the other way when any additional gotcha is even implied (i.e. underage, drugs, public sex), because cops are also lazy and want to pin multiple counts on people instead of just a minor prostitution count. Again, this goes for any form of escorting from any source, not just CL.
  12. Like the cigar, myself! We should have a boytoy excursion to a cigar lounge next time you're in LA!
  13. Do you have ANY point whatsoever? A despicable man gets busted for trying to arrange sex with an underage girl, regardless of source how does this have any bearing on GAY MALE escort discussion? Oooooh if I lump you all in with straight pedophiles, disregarding all reason, I can show you how incredibly dangerous Craigslist is!!! So instead hire this tired old pro--because the promise of your safety (against an all but non-existent danger) is the only positive I can offer!
  14. JKane

    Just because

    Unrelated, but also just because...
  15. My favorite is in the comments for this article: Welcome to the Hotel California. You can check out any time you like but you can never leave... ... a bad review?
  16. JKane

    Daddy's Site Dead

    Riiight. Participate or don't--making a big deal of it every fucking time is rather tiresome.
  17. Yep, not eager to see, but probably will. NO interest in re-watching though!
  18. Sure would be nice when you have text in a new topic/reply window if the system asked 'are you sure you want to discard text and leave this page?' if you (accidentally) clicked somewhere else. I don't do it often, but was just a PITA.
  19. Jacked off three times... sniff. Probably too busy again today to arrange something.
  20. In fact it's been proven that 100% of people who drink it die!
  21. I always find Willam Belli amusing. So talented! And a real bitch too!
  22. JKane

    Daddy's Site Dead

    That was my understanding as well. And if he'd outsourced some of it, who knows, maybe the vendor would just up and steal all his content one day, one has to be careful about that, as Daddy knows...
  23. What part of DTLA is that? Doesn't look familiar, maybe down inside that 7th&Fig thing?
  24. Again, Happy Birthday Tom!!
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