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Everything posted by JKane

  1. Hmm, that might have given me second thoughts voting for Kamala Harris.
  2. I'd mostly drifted away before the upgrade but still checked in, however I'm now having very similar problems, when I go to the bookmark I've used for years I see the normal page with the login in the upper right, click to login and it takes me to a database error page in a loop. It's like the system isn't going to let me in 'till I agree I'm over 18 on the front page. As soon as I click that I'm logged in and happy. Wish I could just go straight to the forums, maybe with one click still. The drifting away is mostly do to work and family issues. I regret it though and wish I was still in better touch with the original Weho crowd. Was just thinking the other day it'd be nice to have a brunch or dinner. But I'm probably too busy for the next month...
  3. It's a terrorist act and a hate crime. I'm not sure the religion used as the excuse is that critical to the discussion (but many will make it so). Think of it this way, the guys who killed Mathew Sheppard, I'm fairly certain they were brought up Christian and were told that their god hated fags, and that mindset/justification may well have played into what they did. Yes, Islam's currently creating the greater atrocities against us but Christianity has been for thousands of years too. I dunno what I'm saying, I guess it's that all religion is used by powerful men to control those of poor education and intellect, and having "Christians" use an event like this to get US to treat another group as shitty as they had just been treating us doesn't seem right.
  4. JKane


    Hello! Couldn't log in from my normal bookmarked page but did get in.
  5. God damn, Santa Monica BLVD was never THAT good by the time I was looking but I do miss it sometimes. These days you're lucky to notice one gigantic trannie where before there'd be a half dozen or more and maybe a guy or two.
  6. I'm now at a very gay workplace, one of the 3 owners is gay as is the head of HR, various others as well. And yet... there's no real reason for it to come up. Unlike them I don't have a husband in my life to talk about. I just don't see any real positive because it's just not a part of my working life. Maybe some closer to me have an inkling but then again even gay people are usually surprised to find out I'm gay...
  7. Beautiful pictures! (Mostly the boys! Exactly my type!) But also the couple city ones. For some reason I was under the impression Mexico City was dingy and very polluted...? Are in a particularly good part, are you seeing any of that, is my impression wrong? Do you feel safe? I figure it's mostly the border towns with the real problems, but the magnitude of their problem gave me pause about the whole country...
  8. Always the "flight of the chicken" in South America, it would seem.
  9. Doesn't matter. One day under 18 years old in the US, especially if "the adult" is more than a couple years older and it's statutory rape (and the couple year 'Romeo and Juliet' exception often doesn't apply to gay intercourse in different states) . The "minor" don't have the legal ability to consent and can not even prevent prosecution once the police find out. Then add in a bunch of mandatory sentence provisions like the sex offender registry and the adult's life can be pretty much ruined. If there's any doubt whatsoever (which there really should be with a 15 year old...!) one needs to play it safe, think with the big head. It's also a great way to held get over a barrel blackmail-wise if somebody underage tricks you into it. Again, legally, it's all on you.
  10. Those guys are screwed, but I wonder if they also have some recourse against Grindr? It's supposed to be 18+, right?
  11. JKane

    Poop on the Pope

    I figure the meeting was setup by some right-wing asshat politician without the Vatican fully understanding the issue, but the Pope did specifically mention in one of his speeches something about people being able to stand by their religious convictions... still, a 3-4 time divorcee as the poster child for family values is the height of hypocrisy. If people want something to be pissed at the Pope/Vatican about it should be that they are still against the distribution of condoms and instruction on use in AIDS plagued Africa, not this silly stupid bitch. She wants to stand up for her "religious convictions"? Then she can fucking resign! She wants to take a salary of taxpayer dollars then she can fucking do her JOB and follow the law of the land! It is either-or, cut and dried, and her behavior is hopefully the last nail in the coffin for any thinking person. Unfortunately that leaves out an alarming percentage of the US electorate...
  12. I also wish to send my best wishes to Townie (or BGP as I still think of him), hope he's better soon and we can all do another WeHo dinner sometime soon! I've been dealing with a family medical emergency myself though and am likely to be out of town for the the next several weeks, but hopefully we all come out on the other side!
  13. I learned that apparently none of the top Republicans can name an historically important woman, all seem to think that wives/mothers/daughters are the only useful role for women in America. Yeah, I suppose kinda new that already, but to have it blatantly demonstrated...
  14. It is, and in the US sellers are being required to upgrade their equipment to support it. The stick being used by the card companies is they will not cover fraud if they don't. It's odd though, so many of the readers but nobody knows how to use the chip reader part. I tried to stick a chip card in the special slot once so far and it didn't work. I've had better luck with tap to pay on my phone! Also I wonder about Square/etc, it's been really convenient lately to not need cash for anything but I wonder how they'll cope with the requirement.
  15. Yeah, I was pretty sure Brandon was out and safe, but he was a good example of somebody we know who could've been screwed over by this.
  16. And they may even have insurance that helps. But there were some non-executives scooped up. People like Brandon Baker (who may've been if he still worked for them) that could probably use the assistance. Not saying I'm going to donate though. Starting to see some LA Rentboy escorts show up on Back Page. I wonder how big a hit some of them took.
  17. Post body pic, cock pic (separate ones). Email face pic if things look promising through CL. Grinder has face pic and I have body pic and cock pic in cache to send. If you're not serious you're not going to get serious replies. Somebody who can't send you FULL stats (if they leave one of the three stats H/W/A out BIG warning sign) and a couple clear pics is 9/10 times not serious. (That 1/10th time can be a shy hot inexperienced guy though.)
  18. Yeah, I've had a couple really hot hookups off both Grinder and Craigslist in Vegas--it's almost easier to find something good for free than a working guy who's not just a hustler!
  19. John Oliver did a great extended segment on Australia's gun control laws and their aftermath a couple years ago... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOKWcH1zBl2kfnCwyyZWk5MW28lgaNa7L
  20. Do you speak Spanish, how easy is it to get by without speaking it? What did you do for accommodations, how much was it?
  21. I wonder how long 'til/if they'll open up to non-Nexus devices. The One Plus 2 and the new Motorolas sound interesting--until I remembered they'd keep me from having the Fi option.
  22. Yeah, obviously not being an arch-conservative Hitler Youth is a huge improvement, but still the head of an organization that's accomplished so much evil in the world. They're just getting around to apologizing for the crusades/inquisition, the information about the indentured servitude orphanages and the pedophilia are still leaking out (which means still being covered up)... It'll be quite a while before they get around to apologizing for what they've done to us...
  23. I got an invite too and was considering it, but I didn't want to pay so much for the phone nor have such a big phone. I still like my Nexus 5. Now in a couple months when the new Nexus 5 comes out and is compatible, it'll be pretty tempting. But I also used my invite to call AT&T's cancellations line, point out I'd been a member for damn-near ever and was about to switch to Fi. Pretty good results. Fi's prices and services seem pretty cool but having to rely on Sprint/T-mobile--even together... AT&T is no prize but it works a hell of a lot better than T-Mobile, I've seen with my friends who switched. Still, once there's also plenty of qualified WiFi spots... Will probably get the new Nexus 5 anyway... then we'll see.
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