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Everything posted by JKane

  1. Yeah, sucks we'll never get to see his grey worm!
  2. I love this show. Can't wait for more episodes! Yes, it starts off a bit slow and is rather strange, but I love the setup and can't wait to see where they take it.
  3. For anybody still having trouble: http://www.escortsbuk.com/ Looked through briefly, looks like a decent selection of torsos, surprisingly high number are 'top and bottom'.
  4. JKane

    Uber at airports

    Uber at airports can be a bit of a PITA. Some cities and some airports still don't allow them. Most major airports that allow them have a designated area, but not necessarily good signage. It does tend to be on departures level. LAX is like that. And since nobody can wait at the curb and they drop off elsewhere it usually takes a good 10 minutes or so. Still worth it.
  5. Google of 2149034154 turns up a couple similar ads like this one: http://www.reviewupdated.com/threads/2149034154-214-903-4154.787129/ Not as well targeted.
  6. URL: http://sanfernandovalley.backpage.com/MenSeekMen/cute-guy-ready-to-play/109020283 Using number (214)903-4154 Texted me back with my name and the name of an old employer, threatened to send them the conversation (in which nothing illegal was agreed to...) if I didn't send them money within 10 minutes. Am slightly interested in how they found the info based on just my number (caller ID just returns the number), simple google search doesn't seem to turn me up.
  7. United couldn't have handled it worse, and never should have let the last 4 people board in the first place. They also should have simply upped the reward until they got volunteers, there was no point whatsoever in offering less than they'd have to pay out for involuntarily bumping a passenger. But that passenger also refused a lawful order, which I think carries extra weight if they'd have had a Flight Attendant or Pilot deliver it (but it was probably the gate agent who'd fucked this all up from the start). Once they went down the involuntary route and had the computer pick they kinda got locked in. If the doctor hadn't been flying cargo-class on the cheapest possible ticket he wouldn't have been in the pool. If he wasn't on the last flight out of the day it wouldn't have been a problem because more would have volunteered. Also did he have a psychotic break, has there been any info on him? The police over-reacted, clearly. They probably have only needed to remove belligerent drunks from planes before, nobody cares if they get roughed up a bit on the way out (and it's probably not that easy to remove somebody who doesn't want to go from the back of steerage). And after all that the plane was delayed 2+ hours and United got what probably amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars worth of bad publicity. For want of smarter or better trained gate agents / supervisors / manager, all of whom really should've been the first fired.
  8. Sadly still just North American 3 for me--and Mexico is a barely. But RSN I want to do Columbia!
  9. If Hillary runs again... No. But for his impeachment I'm in! Seriously, nobody remembers history? Nixon also cut funding to PBS right before the Watergate hearings.
  10. Every appointee of his and many actions are gutting just about every federal branch and regulation. Do I care whether a transgender person loses protections in a Federal job...? A little. Do I care if all environmental progress in the last 20 years is lost...? HOW DOESN'T EVERYBODY? There are a dozen critical issues that anybody who follows things and has ever been left leaning is worried about. Hell, just the naked hypocrisy of all the golf weekends which line his own pockets and all the money to keep his 'wife' in Trump Tower... His take on the checks and balances of the different branches of government AND a FREE PRESS are a clear and present danger to the Constitution of the United States of America. Your ability to get healthcare if sick, your ability to buy safe food, breathe clean air, travel internationally, not have your activities here sold by your ISP, etc. are all on the line.
  11. I'm not sure the reprehensibles would have the stomach to impeach, let alone throw a former POTUS in prison. But I do think he's going to resign for "health reasons" RSN.
  12. I agree that Pence is boogeyman there to make liberals think twice. But as long as they're immune to hypocrisy and embarrassment Trump is the best option for both factions of the Republican base, big money/business and 'social conservatives' aka bigots. Think about it, this month they gutted some important EPA rules and are openly discussing rolling back many environmental regulations. Net Neutrality is already being neutered. Trans people are being shoved out of bathrooms and into closets again. There's a dozen more things that haven't even gotten the attention those got which are all important. If Pence did any of those things there'd be serious debate and everybody would be aware, even people on the right would start to say, wait, I like clean air and water, do we have to go so far? Many are speaking up about healthcare but Trump and team will undermine any discussion of details/policy by stating outright lies and getting called on it, will take up all the time that otherwise would look into actual costs to consumers, increased profits by the insurance lobby, and vastly decreased care available. Worse, most of Trumps hardcore supporters will believe the obvious lies and back him 100% as they gut their own healthcare--for which they'll blame Obama! With Trump most have no idea about the real substantive issues because it's all about the latest BS--like this fucking Obama wiretap thing. It's an abject lie harmful to the future of our democracy and embarrassing as hell at best, but they don't give a shit about that because we're all talking about that instead of all these other actions that have been in Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell's wet dreams for decades. Everybody's so focused on the circus the don't notice they're lighting the tent on fire all around us. Bonus look into McConnell's other wet dream:
  13. I liked it a lot too, but it's basically the Billy Bob show. The big case comes down to him chewing the scenery, I would have preferred more cleverness to it.
  14. It's worse than that. She's staying at Trump Tower in NY (with her anchor baby) and we're paying a fortune to secure that gaudy shithole for her to do so!
  15. Before this weekend I didn't know we had a Gay Ann Coulter. The world doesn't need any Ann Coulters...
  16. I watched the episode of Bill Maher she's talking about. Jim Jefferies could have been more eloquent and Piers was more likable than I expected but yeah, well-spoken doesn't change full of shit and sometimes the proper response to utter bullshit and lies is FUCK OFF. You know, progressives and liberals have tried patiently explaining with science and facts to back us up and failed miserably... Time for a new tack?
  17. http://www.towleroad.com/2017/01/national-pride-march-planned-june/
  18. It's notable that theoretically the main point and traffic item on her site is generated by others and given to her for free (though there's no counting how many are actually generated by her...). In return the people who bother to do her that favor find it takes a month or more for the review to go up. Presumably negative reviews of people who donate to her simply don't go up...
  19. JKane


    AIs / Machine learning is getting quite interesting. But I was just reading an interesting article in Wired about the how inscrutable the decisions are. They are by definition a black box and the most you can control is the initial data they learn from. So say a machine is used to approve mortgages, it could decide race is a factor and be making decisions that are illegal without anybody's knowledge. The people that build them can't necessarily tell you why a certain decision was made. And they're going to be making decisions in healthcare, finances... maybe everything.
  20. Thank you for the thorough reporting! Argentina is sometimes tempting (to me anyway) because there are less hoops to jump through for an American to travel for the first time than Brazil. But then again it sounds like going to Columbia directly would cut out the middleman and be even easier...
  21. I wonder if Backpage can survive this... Who used it over Craigslist for anything other than adult services ads? And now CL has the k/o by still having operational adult categories but not explicitly participating in (somewhat discouraging actually) escort ads in addition to having all the legit revenue... I always enjoyed the more diverse selection including occasional first timer non-pros on CL over Backpage but it sucks to lose another choice. And if this and especially Rentboy.com is what happens in a supposedly liberal administration... what are we in for? (Then again the closet-case hypocrites probably relied on these services more so...)
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