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Everything posted by JKane

  1. I mean, does everything about Trump's supporters come down to racism? Obviously the answer we need to the pandemic is to shut down immigration, which, in fact, is the answer to everything, right? Unless we're talking about a white prostitute who lied on and violated her visa, with an anchor baby and chain migration of her family--that's First Lady material, because, well, at least she's not black like the last one... Oh and by the way this Christian conservative giant cheated on her with another prostitute and payed hush money with campaign funds. But everybody's white so again, OK. It's OK to gridlock the entrance to a fucking hospital during a pandemic--while waving confederate flags--because you can't currently go to your hairdresser, but NOT ok to take a knee for a moment in protest of clear and documented police brutality... again, it's like there's a difference I'm missing I can't quite put my thumb on that drives this base forward at almost every turn. Ok, ok, it's not just racism. There's misogyny too.
  2. Bored out of my mind I drove a loop of Hollywood and WeHo yesterday. Kind of expected to see a desperate guy or tran out working it, didn't, but it was middle of day. Did drive by Circus of Books, while the main sign is still up the windows were filled with stuff I believe said "Chi Chi La Rue's Circus", so I guess it was bought out.
  3. Qualified, educated woman of color would piss you off, but a fucking dipshit pretend-billionare game show host con-man you're just fine with. What are her qualifications, you ask? Well, speechwriter for Melanoma Trump, for one.
  4. So, again (literally EVERY Republican presidency of my life) the Republican president has massively ballooned the debt and crashed the economy, and the Democrat will get to fix it, again, while being screamed at about the debt the entire time. Your party is talking about bailing out the fucking OIL INDUSTRY. Yeah, in addition to all the subsidies and environmental clean up, an actual direct cash injection. But making sure everybody has access to fucking healthcare (especially NOW), oh hell no. Yes, it is partisan politics as usual, and your party is on the WRONG FUCKING SIDE yet again.
  5. _
  6. Nice! Ever come to Los Angeles?
  7. His fairly tone-deaf assertion his candidate would be a woman was stupid, of course. But I've always been a big fan of Warren. That woman from Michigan would also work pretty well, I think.
  8. We try! Great video, would be even better without the flip flops and the shorts though!
  9. JKane

    The Organ

    OhPlease, I am sorry to hear of your situation. I lost my mother about a year ago after several years of deterioration, including her being miserable in assisted living and finally having an aneurysm which was mismanaged--she had a DNR with the home but that somehow didn't apply to the ambulance trip--so I had to order she be extubated (her clear wish) and then listen to her struggling to breathe (but at least not conscious, the "comfort care" the hospital provided was good at least) for days before she passed much less peacefully than was necessary. I know how hard it is to deal with remotely, but can't imagine having to do it under these circumstances where there's almost no chance to provide comfort. Deepest sympathies.
  10. I have been catching up on Bosch for the last couple weeks, up to mid-season 4 so far. What I love about it is the love letter to Los Angeles. You know all the shows "set in LA" with the helicopter around the US Bank building establishing shot and nothing else? This is NOT that. They go to so many places I know well, places I'm missing because of the current situation. That alone keeps me watching. Also a pretty good hard-boiled cop drama that is better than all the procedurals where everything gets wrapped up every episode, especially all the way through court... But the acting leaves something to be desired, and I'm getting tired of some of the multi-season storylines. Still, I'll keep watching, because what else do I have to do? But the people loving it, especially once you're caught up, for fucks sake do yourself a favor and watch The Wire, or even The Shield. Wish there was a new season of Jack Ryan to watch right now.
  11. Seriously who is still listening to this nutcase? Also, he's revamped this exact bullshit at least a half dozen times now, it's like Elton John with Candle in the Wind.
  12. I think this current "Bernie Bro" base is mostly made of Russian bots. Bernie supports had reason (DNC establishment ignoring them and shoving unwanted Hillary down our throats) to feel disenfranchised and angry last time, this time, not at all. Their candidate was given a fair shake, in part because they helped to reshape the party some, but still failed to even come close to previous levels of support. That combined with the now well established Trump record and intentions means no true liberal would dream of sitting out--let alone voting R--this election. I've long said that Trump will do for the national Republican party exactly what Schwarzenegger did for the Californian Republican party--destroy it utterly. So what will Trump pull to undermine or invalidate the coming election, and how will people like RA1 justify ignoring it?
  13. Only if you willfully ignore them. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/04/18/politics/fact-check-coronavirus-briefing-april-18/index.html https://www.salon.com/2020/04/19/in-an-exclusive-interview-robert-reich-explains-how-oligarchs-are-cashing-in-on-the-pandemic/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/04/19/hold-these-republicans-accountable-deaths-caused-by-recklessness/?utm_source=reddit.com https://www.salon.com/2020/04/18/trump-admin-awards-n95-contract-far-above-normal-price-to-bankrupt-company-with-no-employees-report/ But by all means, find some picayune thing wrong with a story above to justify ignoring 99% of it's correct reporting while doing backflips to justify "the President has total authority".
  14. We really do need to go back to the tax rates of Reagan or before. You know, it sure is funny that the oil and railroad barons still made all that knowing they'd be in a 90%+ tax bracket but today's say they won't get out of bed if their nominal rate is above 30%. And if they didn't just want to pay their taxes they put it into foundations or other public works that still exist today, meanwhile pretty much only Gates/Buffet have a meaningful foundation doing public good today.
  15. The facts aren't hard to find, I'm so tired of "partisan truth". Trump's only accomplishment in the early days was the China ban, by which time the states receiving direct flights had already put in screening and limits and after which something like 450,000 still traveled. He then went to several campaign rallies and golf trips while downplaying the "China flu" as a hoax. Ignoring dire warnings and advisories from experts for all of February and doing fuck-all in March to boot. His circuses, I mean press conferences are often full of objective lies. Anybody who can't take 2 seconds and instead defends them... And we know he doesn't actually know what "billions" are as he's been lying about being a billionaire most of his life.
  16. Wait, the one in West Hollywood is unrelated or... did I not notice it close? On Santa Monica BLVD and La Jolla...
  17. Here's the thing Lucky, most of the promises the VPN providers give about making you safer are bullshit. Damn near every web page you go to is encrypted these days. See that lock next to boytoy.com? Means this text could not be intercepted on the way between me and the site, and restrictions are even stronger if you're dealing with passwords and especially CC numbers. Somebody hacks boytoy (or a ecomerce site that has my info) they'll get my info regardless of if I used a VPN to connect to initially give them that data. Most importantly, almost all EMAIL is now encrypted too, if you go to gmail or mac.com you'll see the same lock. Just make sure you're not using some old setup relying on pop3 or IMAP. Their app on your phone or the web page will be fine. This wasn't the case before, but it is now, so as far as security, VPN doesn't do much at all. Even when you're on a fishy network, now that almost everything from your browser is encrypted. The only way to realistically defeat this encryption would be to have something installed on your computer (maybe a shady VPN app?). Privacy, on the other hand... it helps a bit. Your ISP knows you went to boytoy.com, and most likely, so does your government. However, I believe it's just the top-level site. That you went to youtube (or youporn), yes, what you searched and watched, no. Also, your ISP, your government, and many companies will impose restrictions based on location. Netflix's selection is different here vs. Thailand. You can't watch BBC content from their page in the US. Can't search for Tienanmen Square in China. So a VPN takes all your traffic, encrypts it (usually again) and it comes out the other end at some other point you've set in the world, your local ISP can't read it at all, and it appears to come from whatever country you've chosen as the endpoint for this session. There's a problem here though... it costs real money to make possible on any scale and so how exactly is the VPN provider making a profit? Turns out some are fronts for the NSA and similar. If they have *all* your traffic, and especially if they got you to install something... they have you. Also, your ISP can see you're sending data through a VPN tunnel, and may not allow that. Many of the public networks the VPN tells you it's protecting you from... might not allow VPN traffic at all, hotel, aircraft and public wifi networks often have this restriction. And it slows your data down a lot, mostly because of the extra trip halfway around the world all your data goes on. Those endpoints are somewhat easy to detect and there aren't a lot of spare public IP addresses. So some of the things you're trying to access (say BBC.uk) may have already blacklisted many of the enpoints in the UK.
  18. At first I thought they were trans, but I usually find trans guys a lot more attractive than most of these. No particular interest in butch lesbians, but who else here's had some fun with ftm trans? I don't fetishize them or even go especially far to seek out, but it was both different and fun the couple times I've experienced it. No interest in mtf, so it is guys I like to fuck.
  19. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/11/us/politics/coronavirus-trump-response.html Now if only any of his dumbfuck supporters would read.
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