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Everything posted by JKane

  1. JKane

    America's Mayor

    Holy shit, how far he fell! And my new favorite Christmas song, Rudolph the Leaky Lawyer:
  2. And waiting for him in hell...
  3. Watched Ma Rainey's Black Bottom yesterday. It's something, especially knowing that Chadwick is dying as you watch, which is hard to separate from the content. His acting is stunning but it just seems like too much in this short a space to me. Everything about it is just unpleasant. Everybody is sweaty and pissed off, the amount of drama during a quick recording session is ridiculous. It just keeps beating you over the head with the message that these bad old times were bad. Kinda knew that. The music is interesting but less than you'd expect.
  4. Me too, but shit's gotten real serious in LA/California this month, so even if I could, I wouldn't be doing anything.
  5. I kind of see it as tacit admission Scientology is BS. At "clear" you're supposed to be immune to disease and at his high level (OT3 or more) you're supposed to have superpowers. This is the same man that whished he'd been there on 9/11 because he could have done something... His wearing two masks and freaking out over Covid is good, don't get me wrong, especially for all the people working on the production, but it is interesting as a Scientology watcher.
  6. Well, I would start with the massive increase in deaths and hospitalizations and then possibly the continued behavior of the President of the United States--and even more concerning the millions of idiots backing him, PLUS the complicity of his party... Hell, pretty sure I could come up with at least a dozen more things off the top of my head... Or I could cry because the character creation screen in a $60 game that runs like crap on even the latest and most expensive hardware doesn't *yet* have a they/their pronoun choice despite a 45GB day-one patch download. Especially knowing that game has been in development for so long it probably didn't occur to anybody to script a third option for all the voice acting years ago. Basically it annoys me for two reasons: 1) So little realization of how far things have come and improved that a video-game menu is the concern... 2) How petty and ridiculous it makes everybody on "our side" seem.
  7. I think Biden should restore the norm of a President not weighing in on court cases (especially via tweet after a misinformed Fox News segment) but do think that professionals should investigate and proceed as they see fit, especially at the state level with Trump's taxes.
  8. I am stunned they can't find more important things to be concerned about.
  9. --Also, he only pardoned the white meat...
  10. Wasn't sure if this went in Entertainment, Fitness, or Tech, so I'm putting it here! VR finally doesn't suck, and doesn't require a $3000 computer either! https://www.oculus.com/quest-2/ It is self-contained (but can also attach to a high-end PC for many more games at even higher quality) and amazingly responsive with decent graphics. No tether for power or content.. About 2 hours of battery life which is longer than I usually go in any one session anyway. It can also wirelessly cast (stream) what you're seeing to a chromcast or software running in a web browser so others can share. What matters is the responsiveness, really keeps the motion sickness at bay. And it just got an update to a higher refresh rate! And it costs $299!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes $299!!! So far there's not much need to spend the extra $100 on the higher-storage one. The $50 for the better head strap is probably good though, once the issue is fixed with them and they're shipping again. What can you do with it? Many games, including a Walking Dead one that's likely to scare the shit out of you, space stuff, social stuff, a lot of move to the beat type of stuff, lot of shooters. Most are $15-$25 each. Favorites everybody agrees on so far are Beat Saber (slice boxes to the beat with light sabers), Pistol Whip (shoot people in the face to the beat, AKA John Wick), Superhot (another shooter, more strategic), but there's just about something for everybody and more coming quickly. Also, many experiences, I docked a SpaceX module to the ISS a couple days before it was all the rage today! That ISS experience and many others are free, some are $10. Something else VERY COOL is watching standard media in the headset. Netflix, Youtube, Prime, etc. Some have VR content but even just watching a movie is very immersive. Could imagine doing it on a plane, though you would look like a tool... And of course... PORN... There's a fair amount of VR porn sites and I've only played with them once/briefly so far, in my quick survey I think it was PornHub that rocked. Others wanted you to side-load an app, whereas Porn hub could just run. Basically most are a VR movie where you're dead center in the middle of the action, can look around anywhere but not move around, and dick or ass in my face made me feel cross-eyed. Not raring to fire it up and rub one out but might play a bit more at some point. I'm guessing Oculus's going to be fairly prude-ish about allowing adult-content official apps, but so far it's an easy couple hoops to enable developer mode and side-load anything you like. That could well change at any time though, because... What is the downside? Well, there's a pretty big one... Oculus was acquired by Facebook and the Quest 2 requires a legitimate Facebook account to use. Yeah, you can private-mode the web-browser inside to go to YouPorn but Facebook probably knows... Some have tried to create a dummy account and been suspended losing all purchases and even use of the device. Igor can lie about his name and location to tell you Biden stole the election but can't be allowed to use a VR headset anonymously! Good job Facebook! It's unclear how much additional value they'll get out of this info but they're getting in on the ground floor. If you have any interest there's a good number of reviews and YouTube channels dedicated to the subject... Good channels on the subject that *may* be gay-run... https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN0FGqUt7e79xKoPAZQ8tww https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNoGPh6-xT7afBoudgrx56Q It's a hell of a thing to play with, especially if you haven't been able to go out much for 6+ months, and can be a great fitness aid too.
  11. We don't belong to an organized political party, we're Democrats! I agree, but the problem is everybody on the left has a voice and we're all tarred with anything any of us say. The Republicans shut up and fall in-line behind the money, who usually has excellently crafted talking points... Fuck the Kock brothers, but wouldn't it be something if Sorros or somebody actually was his equal and opposite?
  12. My big problem is that their integration will drag the Democrats ever more right...
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