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Everything posted by JKane

  1. Rember TazerFace from Guardians of the Galaxy? I present TazerNuts. True story: --Can all the other hardcore Trump supporters die the EXACT SAME WAY PLEASE?
  2. --Actually pretty sure they're just avoiding any chance of having to vote on the 25th amendment incapacity of Trump.
  3. After all the shock and worry of yesterday, I was downright blissful when I woke up this morning. Congress had done it's job, and Trump was blocked on Twitter. Sadly they soon unblocked him, but for an hour or so I had this great preview of a time 14 or so days from now when I don't have to see or hear what latest catastrophe he's caused every single morning, and maybe our government can be less actively incompetent. Fully support the calls for Pence to invoke the 25th, but I know he doesn't have the balls. Also, everybody with a spine quit their cabinet positions months or years ago... Now even the rats are jumping (including McConnel's wife, so she won't have to actually do something of use to earn her fucking Presidential Medal of Freedom...). So yeah, second impeachment. Hopefully gets through the House ASAP... and then, I assume, dies in the Senate. Again.
  4. https://apnews.com/article/trump-raffensperger-phone-call-georgia-d503c8b4e58f7cd648fbf9a746131ec9
  5. The couple American networks I watched were shit hosts (Amber and fatass vs. Dead Dick Clark's...) and the music was awful too. But the worst was Times Square, empty, barely see the ball through all the fucking ADVERTISEMENTS above and below it, and the TikTok one wasn't even working right! Fuck that. Everybody should watch the Dubai 2021 celebration, the way the Burj Khalifa was lit up and then synced with the fireworks was amazing. https://youtu.be/Q-qWVcP30kg
  6. Did anybody try one yet, was I just talking to myself?
  7. Also watched The Midnight Sky on Netflix... Well, it perfectly captures 2020 at least. It is gorgeous, ponderous (many say slow), and interesting. But I wouldn't say I'm better or happier for having watched it.
  8. So I've now watched Wonder Woman 1984 on HBO Max... WW1984 is downright BAD. It shits all over the continuity and writing of the first movie. Throws in new bullshit all over the place and just accomplishes nothing.
  9. People need to pay more attention to this.
  10. Enjoyed Superintelligence, charming and witty exactly opposite of most McCarthy movies.
  11. Pretty much all of these are gold: https://www.boredpanda.com/stimulus-check-usa-pandemic-memes/
  12. Reviews of the M1 laptop and mini have been pretty stellar, main problem so far being lack of I/O. Pretty substantial performance gains, of course first in Apple's own software but I haven't heard widespread complaints of incompatibility with software not yet updated. And I think MS just updated Office. Pretty much the nail in the coffin of ever "owning" software again, but if you have an active subscription you'll have a substantial update soon. But, on the other hand, I haven't heard any announcement of a new iMac yet. Still, at this point, I'd definitely wait.
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