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Everything posted by JKane

  1. Such a shitheel... And what is extra terrifying is many of these are for positions of authority in future elections, such as Secretaries of State! Yesterday's news coverage... Even turd blossom!
  2. Wheel of Time, on the other hand, I'm really starting to like. At first I was worried because the first episode was good and the next two weren't that exciting, thought it would be like Foundation, but then the 4th episode hit it out of the park and I am eager for more!
  3. I was VERY DISSAPOINTED by Foundation. First episode was interesting and then NOTHING HAPPENS through the end of the season even the finale episode! https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/09/24/foundation-is-beautiful-lavish-and-boring-say-reviews Can't believe it already has a second season green-lit. I wonder if anything's going to change now that everybody's fallen asleep through the rest of the season...
  4. Also have the 6 Pro. I came from a Pixel 3 and really prefer the Pixel phones because they get better over time, even years later. Android updates flow through with no carrier or OEM interference. I generally prefer smaller phones but went with the Pro because it has a 4x lens, I think more RAM, and really wasn't much bigger than the 6. The camera is really damn good, and the Google Photos cloud and services are pretty great. I really wish they hadn't fucked up the fingerprint scanner, far preferred the back one on previous Pixels. Better location and usually faster. Working on getting used to the new gestures (though I could turn on the old-style bottom buttons if I wanted) and other Android 12 changes. I wouldn't say it's noticeably quicker, once in a while I almost feel it lag briefly, but that's likely to improve over time as things optimize for the new CPU. Otherwise, it's pretty good and is already getting improvements pushed to it. The styling is growing on me, the Pro has rounded edges like my last Samsung, the Galaxy Edge. Feels really thin. Also without a case it's very slippery--slid off my couch twice somehow. Size difference doesn't bother me much, sometimes wish it was smaller in my pocket, sometimes appreciate the bigger screen. It's flagship specs at lower cost than most. Eventually they're releasing the 6a that'll be even cheaper (though the previous 'a' models lacked wireless charging which was a deal breaker for me).
  5. Kind of sad that we used to have real conspiracy theories and sometimes intelligent discussion of them, and now we have...
  6. Kinda think the Secret Service fucked up the worst way possible but entirely on accident and that's why all the secrecy.
  7. Also, if you haven't seen it, or want to again, ONLY ONE MORE WEEK ON HBO Max. Leaves 11/22!!!
  8. Tomorrow is the big day (in the US), who has their IMAX tickets?? I have a pair for 6:30PM on Thursday. If you haven't already purchased you may have to go a week or two into the future... As I've said, IMAX is really worthwhile for this movie if you have the chance. Yes, it'll be on HBOMax too but even if you have a good screen and home theater IMAX with Dolby laser and Atmos is really worth it for first time. Save home theater for 2nd or third (can't imagine not wanting to watch several times). AP loved it: https://apnews.com/article/film-reviews-entertainment-reviews-arts-and-entertainment-fiction-69aed702f55411a882161f3bfcda9bff
  9. Not one in Los Angeles...
  10. NEVER thought I'd say this, but I AM IN 100% AGREEMENT WITH TRUMP: Also, like how he formats it as a tweet? Seriously, if you're dumb enough to be taken in by this charlatan DON'T VOTE. Ever. And now to talk about some other GOP Pedophiles:
  11. My biggest problem with the movie was how little impact Spectre had on me and therefor how little I remembered it, considering this is a direct sequel and continues many of the characters and plots. Otherwise, I liked it. There were some great action scenes, loved Paloma.
  12. That article seems like clickbait bs to me. Saw No Time To Die. Would've been better if it'd come out while I still remembered watching Spectre. Ultimately liked it. I still say if you're going to see one movie this month, DUNE. If you're going to see two: DUNE TWICE, but if you're going to see 3 you might as well see No Time To Die as well... (Not really spoilers as I'd heard it long before but...) They do pass on the 007 designation early in the movie, to a black woman with non-'action movie heroine' dimensions. She's OK, though there's a much more Hollywood actress who's fight scenes/style is more memorable (also love her response to being treated like a Bond girl). They've said they're waiting at least a year to "start" looking for a new one. But they also have LOTS of money available (Amazon) for the first time in forever... Idris Elba or Henry Cavill are talked about as serious contenders, I could see either. I think it's going to come to either demographic market research or social justice warrior signaling though can't imaging it going as far as the choices linked above. Keep in mind the talk is of the next project being a 60's period piece Bond. So they would cast that first, then there's talk of related Prime shows... so maybe it WILL take them over a year to starting seriously discussing the next modern Bond. Which means we'll get dozens of useless litterbox-liner articles like above in the meantime.
  13. Donald Trump re-elected in 2024.
  14. Well, thoughts and prayers... Related: Yep... and nothing of value was lost: They sure do: 4d chess, we always knew we were smarter:
  15. I absolutely recommend reading the book, it is one of the greatest books of all time (not just Sci-Fi) and holds up better than most other iconic work of that age which that have been rehashed so much that they seem stale/predictable. And it gets even better when you re-read it. Haven't felt the need to re-read any other Sci-Fi. Going along with the book club will get you even more out of it. HOWEVER, I think with all such things, I would recommend you watch the (new) movie BEFORE reading the book. I think you always enjoy both more in that order because then you aren't thinking about what's missing or different so much.
  16. Yeah, a lot of online stuff is shitting all over it, and there are changes from the book, but so far it's visually fucking stunning and I can't imagine not wanting to see more. His acting in the second episode is amazing, too bad the girl is a blank oblivious slate in response.
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