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Everything posted by JKane

  1. Basically, Milly Bobby Brown was one of the keys in taking a massive production and turning it into forgettable nothing, both exactly the opposite of Jenna Ortega at the center of Wednesday.
  2. So I'm a fan of just about everything Sherlock, though my favorite remains Jeremy Brett's. I hadn't got around to watching Enola Holmes but saw that the sequel was out and since it was just two movies instead of two series I settled in one bored night to watch. I think this is probably the worst Sherlock Holmes property I've ever seen. Thoroughly mediocre in every way. Milly Bobby Brown is meh and her talking to the camera is off-putting pretty much every time. Helena Bonham Carter has basically no lines, and Sherlock is a beefcake instead of a heroin addict. And of COURSE they have to blow their load in the 2nd one (honestly surprised they waited that long) with Moriarty.
  3. The show is entirely predictable young adult fair, basically CW but somehow worse VFX. Except... the star nails the role so perfectly you keep watching for the couple moments every episode she SHINES.
  4. The Matt Baume Youtube channel has a lot of fascinating gay history and the occasional rememberance:
  5. Because it's totally full??? And has been for a while....
  6. Having finished it, hmm. Lestat has gone far past impishness and now seems unredeemable... which given his prominence in later books seems problematic. Shouldn't the vampire Armand be threatening and powerful?
  7. Americans are generally tired of Trump's schtick and if we never had to hear his whiny voice saying something moronic again it would be too soon. Example?
  8. Have watched the first 4 episodes. I was expecting/hoping for more gay, as my straight friends watching it say it's very gay. Meh. No glimpse of Grey Worm's grey worm. One kinda mediocre sex scene (Gray Worm is more skinny than defined). As a Rice fan... I like Louis being black, it fits in pretty well and adds something to the story. Claudia... I wasn't looking forward to the storyline and pathos. I actually like this actress but... she's 19. They've aged up the character to 14 which was nearly an adult back then. There's no time she isn't passable as a woman. It completely destroys the entire point of the character. For comparison, Kirsten Dunst was 10 and the character was written as 5 years old! Love Bogosian in it, Lestat's actor is HOT shirtless and almost the right amount of impishness. Not sure about him carrying future installments. Maybe if he has a lot more sex. (Also, Rice vampires didn't have actual sex, did they?? Thought the makes couldn't get erect what with no blood pressure...)
  9. Cracker (UK with Coltraine, not the US abortion) has got to be one of the best police procedurals of all time. If you like cop drama and haven't seen, you're in for a treat! To hell with Hagrid, that was the role of a lifetime.
  10. Speaking of the Moskva (Russian flagship told then made to go fuck itself), great news, they released a model kit! 🤣 Though seriously, I bet Russia is wishing there was a real model kit since it turns out so much was engineered and built in Ukraine which they now can't replace, like the Moskva and the Myra. Both destroyed by Putin's arrogance and greed. It may be dangerous, the degree to which the Ukrainian forces are embarrassing Russia. Though all they have left are nukes and they may well not work any better than any of their other horribly maintained crap.
  11. Watched the first four episodes of She Hulk... Meh. Not nearly as funny as it should/could be. Now THIS may be an example of what happens with "too much wokeness", or maybe it's just not made for me? That'd be fine, IF there is indeed a substantial audience that's loving it. I doubt it though.
  12. I enjoyed the movie, too long since I've been to a Baz Luhrmann experience. The way they transition the singing from the actor to Elvis to the final performance is great too. Hanks is a bit cartoonish but then so was the real-life "colonel".
  13. Yeah, better than I had expected, so far.
  14. Me too, and even more so with Idris! But it kinda felt like they cast the two actors on hand with the oddest first names instead of ones who had the chemistry that would've really carried this. They're both good in it, just... Meh.
  15. Well, it's... At times enthralling... But by the end, kinda meh. The way it suddenly turns to Tilda DEMANDING the BBC... and than kinda peters out... Glad I saw it, enjoyed 2/3rds of it.
  16. The nature of science is to be wrong but work towards being less wrong. Of medicine to move towards the least harm. They are not the infallible god-emperors, nor do THEY claim THEY are. But they're a HELL of a lot less wrong than your average Alex Jones or Joe Rogan, and more accountable-which is how we're openly discussing their past mistakes.
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