I am very surprised to be the only person in this thread with this view, although I was overly harsh in my first post (sorry, was tired and pissed). My problem with Hillary comes down to not seeing what she brings to the table.
First, she's by definition a DLC centrist, which we've watched lose the last two elections. So going in she's not going to be trying for anything revolutionary... she'll *start* with compromise on anything she tries to accomplish. Further, she starts her candidacy compromised. Her basic position on the Iraq war is that it was a mistake, that she let herself be duped--but she's awake now. So she agreed with McCain until she didn't, and if the surge continues to be presented as having worked she stopped agreeing with him at the wrong time.
Second, she arouses the currently apathetic right-wing. Gives them a reason to get out and support McCain. IF somehow they don't manage to defeat her in the polls (remember, Rush Limbaugh ordered his drones to support her because she'd be easier to beat--and they did--which helped push her over the top in Texas) what makes you think her whitehouse would be less of a circus than her husband's second term? Even if he does somehow keep it in his pants they'll start slinging mud... I'm surprised they've restrained themselves this long from bringing up her husbands last acts as President, those legacy-ruining pardons. Then there's his business dealings since, before they even have to dig out the time machine for her old questionable dealings...
Third, Obama really is something different and his potential for change is enormous. Not because he can give a good speech but because those speeches do a better job than any previous candidate in bringing new voters to the polls. Voters Hillary just doesn't inspire--she gets the people who would've voted anyway; he brings the new blood--obvious in the record turnout at primaries and even pain in the ass caucuses. Think for a minute about what that could mean for the rest of the ballot come November!
--By significantly *expanding* the Democratic majority in the house / senate and at least starting in a position of idealism imagine what he could accomplish! I don't think we saw its like in JFK's first 100 days, maybe not even in LBJ's.
Finally, I think that presenting a truly new face to the world will help us rebuild the relationships we will need to win in Afghanistan, get out of Iraq and have a real shot at winning the 'war on terror'.