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Everything posted by JKane

  1. Maybe now that Hillary is out the race you can listen to Barack without that frame around him and see what the rest of us find so inspiring. I loved the couple minutes I heard of his speech tonight, about being Americans first and raising the level of political discourse. Give him an honest chance, I think he'll grow on you.
  2. I've heard of that blackmail setup used in Russia and maybe Brazil.
  3. Wow man, that's horrible! Is it a done deal or still working through the courts? Can you prove he said he was over 18 to them or is that not any mitigation? We've all seen homosexual activities receive more law enforcement attention than similar straight activities, and one of the former star escorts of LA once told me how the vaguest reference to knowledge of underage prostitution in another country was used to nearly destroy his life. Could you please tell us more about the hiring (location, any warning signs?) and how law enforcement got involved? I don't know anything about how felonies or being a registered sex offender would affect travel, but if it's an option to leave the country that could be your best bet... I have heard several stories lately about how bad the domestic part of being a registered sex offender are: the restrictions on where you can live especially, and that it doesn't seem to ever go away--one story I saw was about a guy who was a senior in highschool when he started having sex with his freshman girlfriend and her cunt of a mother reported him, he's now served his time, married the girlfriend and there's nothing that can change him being a 'Registered Sex Offender' even though the mother is now also on his side. I do hope you can provide more details as a warning to others and that there are some people here who can give you some advice.
  4. For me it's not Hillary's assumption that the nomination is hers, that she just has to wait for us to finally give in. My problem with Hillary is that we've already experienced what her leadership gains us--not a g-d damned thing. The Clinton's Democratic Leadership Council was responsible for the stand-for-nothing centrism that was the hallmark of Bill's terms AND the "please, not in the face, not in the face!" campaigns of the last two of our nominees. THAT is why I supported anyone but her and am overjoyed that Obama now has consensus.
  5. I haven't seen SNL this dead-on in so many years! http://www.nbc.com/Saturday_Night_Live/pol...html?mea=250052
  6. I agree that the republican slime machine is gearing up, but it's up to us whether it works or not. First of all, we've already been through a government shut down by it (Bill Clinton's, and I think they could've easily done that again with Hillary) and part of its success may have been that he managed to give them fodder at each turn. The Democratic nominees did a preemptive strike against the power of that machine by staying off Fox, driving home the message that they were not a legitimate news organization. Of course, say anything election-time Hillary then did one of many 180s: Bill went on the fucking RUSH LIMBAUGH SHOW, she jumped on Fox's lap and don't get me started on Mellen Scathe (the republican slime machine personified). But once it's back to Obama I think it might still be contained. The right-wing media will be saying nasty things about him, but only the right-wing base will be listening. Guess what: they were voting Republican anyway. We just need to keep the stupidity from spreading. Any mass email you get, check Snopes.com or factcheck.org and send a reply to all--address the lies. Send that same list stuff on hopeful developments on our side and point out the McCain gaffes that aren't getting much coverage. Hell, just point out the blatant hypocrisy of the right, such as all the times they try to have it both ways, i.e. how dare he be a good Christian for 20 years in a church where somebody said something objectionable *and* he's a muslim? How's that? I really believe that the combination of McCain running to complete Bush's (20% approval rating) work and Obama's appeal to new voters and minorities we can have a *major* victory in November, a mandate and a real majority to fix what Bush managed to do with neither. But only if we DON'T make the same mistakes as our last two campaigns: cowering in the corner pleading "not in the face, not in the face".
  7. Not what I got watching on TV. On MSNBC one of her supporters, Harold Ford was pleading for her to be gifted the VP position and three different anchors called it the end of her campaign. Even if some idiot counted Florida and Michigan (grr) she is now behind 200k+ in the popular vote and 100 pledged delegates. She would have to win percentages on the order of 80-90% in the (very few) remaining races to overcome the reality--that she's lost. Obama is the presumptive nominee. Tomorrow there'll be confirmation of that by superdelegates and by the fact she's canceled a bunch of stuff (and begged for money to close out her books in the speech tonight). She is (or had better be) done taking potshots at Obama, but since demographically she is likely to win West Virginia (28 total delegates, the kind of state her campaign dismisses out of hand...) the official concession is most likely May 20th--as he wins Oregon.
  8. Sounds like you did better at poker than I did recently, but I have to disagree with you 100%--except that I also pray both races are won by one person, for the good of the party and country. But IF Hillary were to win both it'd just draw out the agony even longer. It would in no way be a lock for her, she would still be behind in pledged delegates and in the popular vote (to hell with Florida and Michigan--as Hillary agreed back *before* she needed them to claim even a narrow shot at victory--nine words: Obama was not even on the ballot in Michigan). If the predicted split occurs expect a wave of undeclared superdelegets to go to Obama (he picked up 4 yesterday, she got none) and pressure to build for her to sit down, it will be mathematically impossible for her to win in any way the public could consider democratic. She would have to overturn the pledged delegates and popular vote by somehow convincing a huge percentage of superdelegates that she won't be as crappy a candidate and president as she's been so far. Who isn't tired of the crap she's been pulling? There's a new metric for victory twice a week--even directly contradicting last week's. There's a new gimmick (gas tax BS--of course it's BS, who thinks Bush wouldn't VETO a windfall profits tax on oil companies???) or gotcha every two weeks. Siding with McCain more than her party, and don't forget gleefully accepting the support of Rush Limbaugh and Richard Mellen Scathe--who are CLEARLY CONVINCED SHE'D BE EASIER TO DEFEAT THAN OBAMA. If Obama wins both and anything comes out of her mouth other than "I'm suspending my campaign" I'm going to need a new TV, because this one's doomed.
  9. Let's remember she went from a 20% lead to a 10% lead. All Penn. did was not eliminate her. Exactly as expected.
  10. I honestly can't think of a more fair system than to raise an average of $100-$200 from over one million inspired donors! Maybe a public system that actually kept up with the costs of running a modern campaign would be best for the actual presidential; but for a primary it seems to me it should by definition go to the person who can get the most people excited enough to chip in their own money. What Obama's done is truly amazing, and it makes him the easy choice for change when compared to the usual Hillary and McCain system of raising the limit from a much smaller number of rich people, their families and their co-workers. All I expect of Obama for my $150 donation is for him to be the President he says he will be. What do 'Hillraisers' who've raised over a hundred thousand dollars and put money into the Clinton I Presidential library expect? More pardons or most favored nation status (Clinton I) or Enron-style oversight of their industries (Bush II)?
  11. Yep, 'Ebert' and Roeper gave it a scathing review as well, sounds like a major embarrassment for Pacino.
  12. I've had a lot of fun with Justin, an eastern european I found on Craigslist a while ago. Great body, nice cock, hot ass. Usually available on Sundays (haven't tried during the week). http://www.myjavaserver.com/~justin4u/profile1111.htm His email is just1984 at gmail. Be sure to tell him James sent you!
  13. JKane

    Apple vs PC

    My $0.02... Apples are gorgeous computers, but they cost 20+% more than equiv. PCs. Now, it's a great feature that you can dual-boot it into Windows, but if you do that why pay more in the first place? OSX is finally pretty good, though a recent hacking contest re-emphasized that the only reason it is perceived as secure is because it hasn't been big enough to be a target... yet. The real problem is if you want to do things other than web and email. Apple is doing a better and better job of making themselves 'not worth it' for software developers. Even bread and butter like Adobe and Avid now develop first on the PC, with the MAC often being a version behind--IF they even bother to release a Mac version of the software in question (especially now that users can just be advised to 'reboot into PC mode'). Apple seems determined to make it so you run only their software on OSX--and they have pretty good software, but I just don't like the limitations. But they're sleek, sexy, and easy to use (until you want to do something they don't think you should need to--then they're a royal pain in the ass) so they're kinda a de-facto overpriced fashion accessory for some gay men. Me, I'll save the 20-30% and retain the ability to easily do things like VPN into work or tether my Microsoft cell phone as an 800K/s modem...
  14. Was trying to look through all the Vegas reviews... If I understand the page I get when you click on Nevada, there are 42 Vegas escorts... http://www.maleescortreview.com/index.php?...nt=NorthAmerica But when I click the link, there's only about 16 guys and I don't see any option for 'next page'. Is 42 the number of reviews of those 16 guys or something? Using IE7 on XP SP2.
  15. I've never understood planing like that *2 months* in advance. For a popular escort you want to make sure is in the area maybe... but for non-paid fun even 2 weeks is a bit of a stretch for me. When I'm on a hookup site I'm usually horny *now* and not one of the guys who's ever said they'd want to get together in x weeks/months when they're in town ever has. If I'm bored on a hookup site I'll look around an area I'm planning to go, but only about a week before I'll maybe post in the city, see if anything comes up... As for the main question, if you've set appointments with well-reviewed escorts from here (and/or daddy's) you're unlikely to have a problem with them not showing up. Escorts aren't nearly as flaky as random hookups... Just don't do it years in advance... a week or so at most. If something happens and the plan falls through once you're there and horny you can try other well-reviewed guys, Rentboy, or Craigslist for more instant gratification, but remember to be careful of Law Enforcement.
  16. They got the results up, and links to the nominee's pages... http://www.rentboy.com/Awards/vote1.asp Still can't find info on the hunk in the #3 polo jersey.
  17. Damn, forgot about the end of month gathering, was even free last night!
  18. Hillary's appearance on Sesame Street converted me!
  19. I want to know who the muscular hottie in the tight polo shirt with #3 on the sleeve was! Saw Raul there and this guy who've I've also seen advertise on Craigslist oh, and Jason, looking like a model.
  20. Slate's also had some great stuff on prostitution and its legality in general. Probably most of it is linked here. But the most interesting thing out of this whole discussion, having nothing to do with Spitzer, is this in-depth analysis of why porn is legal and prostitution isn't.
  21. Am I the only one really tired of Hillary's response to hard questions being "we'll talk about that after I'm the nominee"??? Clinton's earmarks. I think it's starting to be pretty clear she has a lot to hide financially. The stuff Bill's been up to--where they've been getting millions of dollars, and now, why exactly they were given that money.
  22. Friday we made history! For the first time in god knows how long the US economy was no longer #1 in the world. Good job Bush!! http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL1491971920080314 We're not yet behind a single country, but the way things are going... I'm no economist either but I figure near the heart of the problem is our economy now being service-based. We don't export anything (except maybe grain and other agriculture), and we are loosing our lock on inventing intellectual property worth anything. Instead we sit here inside a bubble drifting downward, selling crap to each other and needing to import a fair amount of stuff. When the bubble hits the floor... pop.
  23. Yeah, too bad it's butt-ugly! I kinda liked the previous ones, but this one, front and back is fugly.
  24. I'm getting more pissed-off by the day that US automakers have taken billions in handouts to improve fuel efficiency, develop hybrids, etc and there are STILL NO PLUG-IN HYBRIDS!
  25. Yep. I also became worried when I heard him credited as a main force keeping us out of Iran (so far)... And don't forget McCain's "joke" about the old Beach Boy's song "Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran". $5-6 a gallon gas anyone? Ok, I've given up on the flying car, but WHERE THE FUCK IS MY PLUG-IN HYBRID???
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