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Everything posted by JKane

  1. JKane

    Kings on NBC

    I believe it was intended as more of a miniseries (or like a UK show) than a regular show, though if they put it on Saturdays it probably won't have any shot of a follow on series. I've only seen the first 3 or so. Kinda intriguing... the most interesting part to me is that in this Kings alternative reality there's some kind of 'god' who actually gives a shit.
  2. Damn it, out of town.
  3. http://losangeles.craigslist.org/lac/cas/1120894236.html (for when it expires...) U.S.'s 1st legal, male brothel opening in Pahrump, NV - m4m (Pahrump, NV) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reply to: pers-757js-1120894236@craigslist.org Date: 2009-04-13, 11:28PM PDT America's FIRST legal, male brothel for gay and bi-sexual men opening late 2009/early 2010 in Pahrump, Nevada, just 60 minutes from Las Vegas. Amenities will include massage, video lounge, pool tables, jacuzzi and beverages & snacks in a comfortable, secure, upscale environment. FREE shuttle from the Las Vegas Strip. The"working" men will be masculine, muscular and HOT! To get on our mailing list, respond with your contact info. Location: Pahrump, NV
  4. I agree the movie left me feeling kinda lukewarm--it just doesn't make you care about the people enough (though I thought it was visually stunning and as close to the source material as was reasonably possible). But while I thought the actor was damn cute I didn't take the 'bad guy' as gay. Maybe a bit of an effeminate intellectual, but also pretty good at kicking ass. And maybe not even 'bad'... he saved the lives of billions. The fact that you aren't positive he was supposed to be gay says a lot. He's no lisping child-molester like the villain in the recent Rambo sequel. Anybody that found the story interesting really should pick up the graphic novel. I'm not that into comic books but The Watchmen has won the Hugo award (the only comic book to do so) and is on the Time magazine top 100-books list. And the author also wrote V for Vendetta--which is amazingly anti-homophobic and highly recommended.
  5. I'm planning to be there.
  6. I'm a big fan of Dean, would be kinda surprised if he's not popular among the Obama team, his DNC leadership made their election possible and he kinda started the internet grassroots they used so well... But as Secretary of HHS... I agree he may be a bit to abrasive though is otherwise well suited, Vermont's healthcare system sounded pretty sound when he was Governor. Daschel's a tool and his lobbying activities for healthcare should've disqualified him from the start.
  7. The formula gets on my nerves sometimes. The way they definitively tell someone what's wrong with them--when we all know this time (and the next 3 tries) will be wrong... But the shows when they break that formula, like where they tell you what happened to his leg, or the one I saw tonight (syndicated) where they figure it out pretty quick but the guy's heart is shot so then they have to cure a dead woman (not of the death) so her heart can be transplanted are bloody brilliant. I don't watch it religiously but I've encouraged my Tivo to pick it up. Don't really see them in order but I've seen enough I know the general arc. As for my favorite show... I don't really have one at the moment, now that Boston Legal and The Wire are both done--at least on American TV. Several shows I watch and enjoy though, like BSG, Burn Notice, couple others. Downloading BBC stuff is another matter--love Top Gear and Torchwood.
  8. Brad Pit is computer generated for about the first 3rd of the movie (mostly just the head though). It's pretty remarkable. The way the story meanders and doesn't manage to say anything kinda disappointed me. It's a lot like Forrest Gump except we're just passively watching, not involved and really caring about what's going on... I liked Queenie a lot too, so the way they paid so little attention to her at the end kind of annoyed me, and it was like the current spirit of post-racism was somehow magically extended back into the period Buttons was set in... Doubt had some great acting but again, in the end, what did it say that was worth saying? Best actress and maybe actor and supporting may be a lock though. I really liked Frost/Nixon. It's not a film for everyone, but I think anybody who enjoyed Doubt would like it. Gran Torino was another great accomplishment by Clint Eastwood, but I'd have liked to see some threads wrapped up a little more thoughtfully at the end. Spirit was schlocky crap. Samuel L. Jackson almost managed to take it so over the top it was good again, but didn't get there. Ended up a low-budget knockoff of Sin City, V, and 300. Day the Earth Stood Still, dear god, this may be studied in future film schools as a low in 21st century film making. Horribly disappointing because for about 20 seconds it has an truly important message. The scene with John Cleese is nearly magical. Then it abandons it to throw in another couple product placement shots--IN A ROW and go on another car chase.
  9. Yeah, when I heard about the right-wing 'Thank you Sarah Palin' ads my first thought was if I was a millionare I'd run an ad thanking the radical right for ending themselves this election. I wish this one was a little better done but I like the point.
  10. JKane


    Even further than that, lost among all this nattering naysaying (seriously, get OVER Hillary) Biden is a constitutional law professor and there are a lot of things that need to be cleaned up with the wreckage Bush has left the checks and balances (not to mention Justice Department) in. So many times these last couple months I've wished somebody big on Obama's side would stand up and call out McCain and his cronies on their shit, so I'm ecstatic we have somebody so well-suited to the task, and it being the guy that had the wit to end Juliani's career by describing his answers to everything as "a noun, a verb and 9/11" is a great bonus. Especially as McCain's people keep trotting out his time as a POW--while nobody in the press ever makes mention of McCain's flip-flop to supporting torture.
  11. Bullshit. The initiative is to get people appropriate local care for non-emergency illness instead of them having the ER as their only option *because* of lack of insurance. It's better for the patient, better for anybody in need of emergency care at that hospital and better for any state or federal programs assisting in funding their care. That is, access to a local doctor gives patients more ability to seek care *before* a condition becomes an emergency, or even preventative care to avoid it entirely--saving money which can be used to treat more patients.
  12. Umm... how would he *know* they were gay unless we haven't heard all the details of his "torture"?
  13. There was a British series called State Within, the gay Mi6 station chief was kinda annoying. The series was interesting in that it was set in the US embassy, and said some things politically that two years later are pretty clearly true. The view of America from that perspective was interesting. I wouldn't say the show was great, but useful for the contrast with thoughtless shit like 24. And Jason Isaacs stars. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0770652/
  14. Just lost a long message for the second fucking time because the page refreshed or something (for the f4f ad?) and focus changed from the input window to the browser in general, making backspace deadly...
  15. I wouldn't worry too much about the graphics card, the problems have been known for a while now. It may already be done but check the manufacturer's website for a BIOS and graphics driver update. A lot of times the problem is solved by speeding up the fan with those updates. For $50-$100 you can get a USB TV tuner for your computer--especially great if you new computer came with Media Center (Vista Home Premium and Ultimate) which is a pretty damn good 'tivo' built into the OS. The better ones can now tune unscrambled digital cable: look for QAM compatibility. You may also be able to get over the air HD if you're in a city, even on a laptop screen that'd look 10X better for the Olympics than your old CRT...
  16. I was thinking the same thing. Congrats and good wishes are in order, not dire warnings of the obvious. Oz knows how he met him, and that he represents a life-changing financial opportunity to the boy, but that does not by any stretch mean there can't be real affection, that the boy is nothing but a good actor. Especially Seaboy, since you've sold yourself it means nobody in a better financial position then you can ever trust your motives if you tell them you love them or seem to be enjoying sex with them? Oz, glad you found someone, best of luck!
  17. JKane


    My god, that's awesome... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWzOQTFwRBE&NR=1 May have to try the bananna... Gonna add the series to my bittorent download que now. Loved M.L. Parker on West Wing, and agree Parrish is fucking hot looking.
  18. Pretty sure I know the one you mean, I've enjoyed 'Chan' there multiple times. And the second or third parking meter over has been broken for months, so free parking when you can get it.
  19. http://www.planetary.org/programs/projects...y/20080703.html
  20. Exactly how poorly hung do you have to be to begin with for a surgeon to accidentally cut it off? It may well have not been worth more than $800k...
  21. Yep, this schemer is indeed using MER's front page reviews to target escorts. John Tyler, who I just introduced (and highly recommend) got the same $2000/day for a week, 50% to be deposited ahead of time to come to London offer. Despite being new to this he was wary, and I added these concerns based on what he told me of the offer: This was your first review and it had only one vague picture, as far as MER shows your review is from a first-time reviewer (so possibly yourself), these rates would secure a well established escort with dozens or reviews or a porn star, people sometimes try to take advantage of escorts--especially new ones, wealthy people aren't wealthy long if they're in the habit of paying extravagantly for things, there does not seem to be a shortage of young vers. escorts in London, and it just generally strikes me as too good to be true. I don't think John had bothered to pursue it far enough to get the BS about paying for half the ticket via Western Union. Judah Travels... so obviously a scam.
  22. Yep, he tows what is becoming the (real) Christian line: tolerance, equality and compassion for all but marriage is a religious word. To which I say FINE--as long as you remove it from every single instance of government-recognized meaning (in exchange for something neutral like Civil Unions being required to legally recognize *any* couple). Two things wrong with that argument: first, it's not going to happen and second, in a nation that may in theory give no precedence to any particular religion what about the fact that quite a few religions condone marriage of gays--including some Christian sects. But while I think Obama may be on a wrong page in this, I think he's in the same chapter and may catch up soon... because that same religious-based BS was used to justify laws that would've made his parents' marriage illegal in a bunch of states.
  23. I honestly think we've made progress since 2004 and that the nation has much more important things to worry about than this transparent wedge issue. Also remember people often had initiatives about gay marriage to vote on last go around (where I agree it did badly hurt the Democrats) and while conservative voters were there they also voted Republican. California's probably the only state with such an initiative this time, and it's not like it is even close to up for grabs. Everywhere else the pitch is "Come in and vote for the same old Republican who ruined the economy and got us in this disastrous war because he opposes gay marriage..." I don't see that working so well. Lastly, demographics are on our side, with most young people for legalizing--which is not a good sign for the California ballot initiative if Obama does continue to rally the youth vote.
  24. It actually seems pretty reasonable to me. If the service is noticeably good in a hotel I often leave a tip on the last day, some people leave one every day, and if $6 is just laying out on a counter or nightstand I could see how the housekeeper might think it was a tip. Personally. I'd never leave *cash* out in a room (that I wasn't giving away). I especially tried to always tip at least a couple dollars when I visited the 1-hour motel south of Hollywood. I'm sure it couldn't be pleasant to clean that place but it was usually very clean for what it was. (Royal Hawaiian) When I stayed in Vegas last I was kinda disappointed with the service at my hotel, including them stealing the change I'd left on the desk in the middle of my stay... but I would've most likely left it there for them at the end...
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