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Everything posted by JKane

  1. Reminds me of a quote I just heard on TV again: "I mean, who keeps silver bullets in their gun?".
  2. The Vice President of the United States outed a CIA operative. As repugnant as everything Novak did for that administration was, he was just a reporter slipped an exclusive. One that any true journalist wouldn't report, yes... but there were so few of those around in the rush to the Iraq war. NSA's still going strong--probably reading this right now, you mean OSA?
  3. Any patriot that recognized him on the street, I could see. But Novak was the administration's shill, and the CIA went along with everything else the administration did.
  4. I think the simplest and most sensible thing is as follows: Everybody can buy into Medicare, at cost within 50% of poverty, up to 15% over based on income, maybe with enrollment capped at some income level. Everybody can buy into the senate health plan, starting at 5% over cost, up to 15-25% over. The extra money ensures Medicare is set, and once that's accomplished could be used to reach-out to those who can't afford. Everybody could get health care regardless of employment or medical condition. Some margin is left for private competition, though they should also be better regulated (no kicking people off, etc). Probably makes way too much sense to have a snowball's chance in hell.
  5. If it's somebody who's actively worked against gay rights (Larry Craig, much of the "religious right") then I support it 100%. Otherwise it is pointless and damaging. Why alienate somebody who may come to your side a couple years down the road and become a great advocate?
  6. On the other hand, I'd think a call somebody who found them here would lead to actually being hired a higher percentage of the time.
  7. Damn, he was one of the few Democrats that could effectively stand up for something. When JFK died we got Medicare, so maybe in death that generation of Kennedys can serve one last time...
  8. I'd be happy to give it a try, I can find fault with anything!
  9. I've run into trouble twice now giving a guy I'd been seeing regularly a review. The most recent had even started advertising on Rentboy--with his face picture--but somehow a review on here was just too much... even though he'd needed the money and gotten a couple extra clients in the week or so the review was up. Don't get it.
  10. I agree with TY, Mexico seems to have slipped from 2nd world to 3rd these last couple years and now finds itself with many of the same crime problems as Columbia and the like. It even seems to be fueled by drugs--just like central America. It's too bad, with it being so close and the birthplace of Kristian there was a lot to recommend it. But even in TJ I've never seen anything online that implies there is anything special available for us. Catholic repression? Maybe when Cuba opens up...
  11. I think an eyebrow piercing is sexy, just about all the others, not so much (or at all). Have to say I have yet to notice a real difference from tongue piercing--clearly need to do more research there.
  12. I've often felt LBJ was very underrated, he certainly had many great accomplishments. But I worry that was a different time, one we'll never get back to. It's hard to imagine most of the Republicans in congress responding with anything other than a snort to "your president needs you". And it's not as if there was any reward for all the Democrats who went along with that kind of nation-first thinking post-911 and gave Bush everything he asked for right through the authorization for Iraq... LBJ didn't have an inexplicably popular opposition media network of multi-millionaire talking-heads (owned by a multi-Billionaire) successfully convincing its' viewers (most of whom are within a few paychecks of being homeless) that the critical issues of the day were the DEATH TAX and NOT TAKING PRIVATE INDUSTRY PROFIT OUT OF HEALTH CARE. But I agree with the sentiment that it sure would be nice if any of the democratic leaders (other than maybe Hillary ) had LBJ's balls.
  13. I liked the movie but just didn't get the point of re-writing the end of WW2 in Europe.
  14. JKane


    Or you could go all out. http://www.419eater.com/ I find some of the tales on there hilarious... Even if you don't have time/inclination to pursue, reading them may make you feel better.
  15. Yep, I noticed they put m4m back too, so far many fewer postings. Now that people can't be explicit in their ads it means you have to discuss at some point what you expect for the money, and that's where the cops could get you... I still mainly search the personals (or just m4m) for words like generous, rent, donation, avail (though ads from working boys often get flagged off, unfortunatly) or put up an ad stating I'm generous and look through the replies for anybody interesting.
  16. Heh, posting at the same time. You hear about Murdock's NY paper losing over 20% of its readership?
  17. Yeah, for an avid newspaper reader it may make the most sense, especially the big one. http://tinyurl.com/qtsprp --They do have the Wall Street Journal. $9.99/mo +the price of the Kindle... good news is you get it wirelessly wherever you are. I'm more a magazine guy and the screen isn't nearly the same experience. The most interesting thing in the last issue of Wired I read was a picture of a brain... I stared at that in disgusting full color for several minutes, transfixed, wouldn't have glanced twice at a 16-grayscale image of it.
  18. I'd considered purchasing a Kindle, but just can't bring myself to pay for anything that is DRM-locked. Apple finally realized that wasn't the way to go for music--buying books for $10/ea that I can't give or lend, or potentially use on a different device in the future just doesn't appeal. The PDF support is a nice step in the right direction, but that they're not making it available to all Kindle 2 owners kinda sucks.
  19. How about preventative treatments? Can guys get vacinated for HPV? No mention was made of Hepatitus, there is a vaccination for the A and B varieties that would seem to be a must for any working escort... There are drugs to lessen the duration of Herpes outbreaks that lower the chance of somebody who doesn't have it of catching it. This would also probably be a good idea for any working escort to persue. Then there is screening. There are clinics, RVs in West Hollywood, etc. I use AIM Healthcare, easy to walk in and talk to a doctor who's seen it all, the best tests for everything (though can be expensive). Sometimes there's great pornstar eye candy (NO SOLICITING), it's great for clients who want to keep their 'hobby' discreet and away from their work's medical insurance...
  20. Very nice! I'd have enjoyed the eye candy too but already had other plans. Too bad he's top only.
  21. I agree, but that was kind of the point of the piece in the original too. Despite the importance of the first story (and the friendship) the story is the story no matter what, and it's the nature of the business for it to be displaced.
  22. I'd add a couple things. You may well have the opposite problem of him cumming too quick, I didn't cum at all my first several times with escorts. He may well go soft, it's just nerves (or the condom), maybe give him a massage, try and give him time to relax into things. Again, it's not you, he'll probably cum buckets thinking about it afterwards. I'd say be patient but also be aggressive--he doesn't really know what he wants (or is too shy to say), it's up to you to show him. Escorts should also be prepared for the new client to shut down after cumming. Hell, as big a whore as I am I still do that sometimes... A "straight" guy doing it for the first time may be working through a lot of uncertainty and guilt, and this can hit extra strong once he's gotten what he wanted--and is still trying to deny he wanted it. Even if he was deep french kissing you minutes ago and begging for your cock I'd advice against trying to initiate a kiss or being extra... flamboyant in that sensitive time.
  23. I'd seen the original UK series and was prepared to be disappointed. I wasn't. They managed to work in everything I could remember from the original, even made some things better--really liked the indictment of the Haliburton/KBR's of the world. The heart of the piece is the decline of journalism though, which is just as important a story. Some may feel it's talky and slow, but I feel it's a very well done tense political thriller--with twists and turns (like the original).
  24. I've just noticed that in both Los Angeles and Las Vegas CL now requires registration to post in even the m4m section. It's free and quick, involves confirming both an email and phone number. Takes out some of the anonymity (between the poster and CL--the site users don't get any more info), but just like pay-to-post in Erotic Services it doesn't seem to have caused any major changes. It's also kinda hard to see how it's more than just window dressing in the day of free email and disposable pre-paid cell phones. That the media is pretending that it's some big newsflash that prostitution (yeah, massage...) can be dangerous is kinda funny. Didn't Jack the Ripper establish this how many years ago? Ohh, but it's special because it's internet-based hookups... no, that story's pretty much done to death already too. It's just the media doing their typical sensationalist BS instead of any real journalism. But it is a little surprising how big and mainstream CL is while still hosting such services.
  25. Just sit REAL CLOSE to the TV and switch to a different channel whenever somebody's NOT trying to sell you something. That movie really hit a new low for blatent product placement. Really nothing to recommend it. There's maybe 5 tolerable minutes when Cleese is on camera, otherwise... FEH! The more I see and hear about the new Star Trek the more excited I am.
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