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Everything posted by JKane

  1. Official: Mudslide buries 200 in Brazil slum
  2. http://gaybrazilgaythailand.blogspot.com/2010/04/at-least-95-are-killed-as-floods.html Anybody down there? How is the subway?
  3. It's not a computer. It's a big iPhone (often without the cellular radio). It's running the iPhone OS (including it's Flash-averse mini-browser) with a non-desktop CPU and is just as locked down (Apple gets to decide everything you can and can't do with it) as their phone. It's slick, but I have trouble seeing the market because everybody most interested in this already has an iPhone and a Macbook. What do they need something in-between for, and why do they need to pay another $30/mo for it's data service? It may have some promise as an ebook reader, especially for comics and magazines, but the screen is the same kind of backlit eyestrain inducing LCD nobody likes to read books on. I really don't think they hit it out of the park this time.
  4. I've thought about going. It worries me a little how explicit the description is... And it's not in a great area, a little out of the way from Hollywood (and especially WeHo).
  5. It's less invasive than a pat-down and a lot less invasive than a strip search! So they went with just imaging the body or a mixture of imaging and the puffer gates? Those tiny rooms that hit you with a puff of air then sniff the result for explosives would've been more effective for the latest incident--and best of all they're automatic instead of requiring brilliant TSA officer interpretation... But I heard the imagers were built in an important congressman's district. So now our bodies will be scanned 10 more thoroughly than our carry-on, with checked baggage still not nearly all scanned and cargo scanned even less.
  6. I loved Avatar, it really sucked me in, and the 3D was great: very comfortable to watch. I'm looking forward to seeing it again.
  7. Somebody posts a time and place for people to show up and optionally do something. I think my favorite was zombies at an Apple store--though it can be hard to tell the difference!
  8. JKane

    Huckabee in trouble?

    I agree with that sentiment 100%. But the fact remains you are supporting somebody who believes: A, That you are an abomination, destined for hell, and undeserving of the same rights as others. B, That his underwear are magic and they protect him from evil. I agree that what Bush did to the national debt is horrendous and needs fixing, but unfortunately what he did to the economy (and his little adventure in Iraq) must be sorted out first. There's an easy solution though: let's go back to the exact same tax rates as we had UNDER REAGAN and the budget would be right as rain in no time! The idea that some new Republican can swoop into office and fix the budget... well, we've tried that here in California. Our debt is worse, even somebody with no future political ambitions couldn't touch sacred cows like prisons and the only things significantly cut are social services, especially education--in a state a Rand Corp. study said already had among the lowest education spending. But it's not like investment in education is important for the future of the state...
  9. JKane

    Huckabee in trouble?

    I respect Huckabee a lot more than any of the last group of Republican candidates, but figured he gave up a future serious run when he took the job with Fox. This'll probably insure that. We need less people in prisons (especially here in CA) but this will set that back too. Anybody with political ambitions is even less likely to sign any kind of clemency or prison reduction leaving states in budget crisis pretty much only education to cut, as keeps happening in CA. Why in the hell would any gay man back a fundamentalist Mormon? Though I agree there's currently no better choices. If Republicans were smart they'd try to rehabilitate Colin Powell, but he's too free thinking (or maybe just thinking--esp. compared to the likes of Palin) for the establishment and is probably fed up anyway.
  10. He is pretty, but I can't stand his (or his mother's) characters--which is too bad because the show blew past a dozen more interesting things to CENTER ON THOSE TWO. Meh! God I hope Caprica is better! I don't think I'll care when V comes back in March...
  11. It's getting pretty bad out there, and the annoying thing is that there are finally laws to limit some of this BS--but they don't go into effect 'till February! So the biggest asshole-banks (usually the same exact ones up to their necks in the financial collapse--with pockets full of bail-out money no less) are trying to screw everyone as much as possible before those laws go into effect. B of A's name COMES UP ALL THE TIME. Many people are starting to say FUCK THEM. If I had ANY B of A account I'd close it and replace it with one at a CREDIT UNION right f-ing now...
  12. I'd be interested!
  13. AND available (for the RIGHT price)... Know I've seen him on one of the porn sites.
  14. I'd prefer longer as well.
  15. You make several good points, I've been thinking along these lines for a while myself... But there are several problems with giving up the word Marriage. The only way I could imagine this working would be to establish 'civil unions' for all, the gov't has no place in the religious institution of marriage... If you wan't the benefits, rights and responsibilities, you get a civil union. Your church wants to also call you married... that's it's business but it'd have no bearing on gov't or employment services. Nothing approaching that has ever been seriously proposed to my knowledge. What has been... Federal half-assed and state by state, doesn't seem much better than what we already have by consensus in all but the most backward of places. To me there's a constitutional issue, and not the one most think. Even if we had the situation above and 'civil unions' were 100% equivalent to marriage now you're also telling churches they CAN'T have gay marriage. I'm guessing the Unitarians and several other sects would like to. But instead the federal government is heading towards ESTABLISHING that the wishes of the Mormons, Catholics, etc have precedence. Yeah, THE MORMONS get to tell everybody else what's acceptable in marriage... sound fucked up to anybody else? And dismissing marriage as a 'breeder thing' seems counterproductive, to me one of the best justifications for gay marriage is the raising of families, entire families which don't deserve to be relegated to second-class status because of what some religious leaders say. But I do agree that it's been pushed too hard and at the wrong times. It seems clear to me we've lost more than we've gained so far...
  16. JKane

    Anderson Cooper

    It might just be that he's trying to be a journalist. He's not the story, he's not a celeb. And he hasn't denied it either. IF he's not instantly dismissed as 'that gayboy anchor' his coverage of a gay issue might penetrate deeper in middle America.
  17. Sorry to hear about your experience. I was surprised it's now apparently a common 'party' drug as I'd only heard of it as date-rape before. You make some good points, sounds like this does belong higher on the enforcement list than pot.
  18. From the Scott Adler thread upon learning of the drugs he was allegedly caught with... Another thread says GHB is indeed 'Schedule 1' (what isn't?) so while some may be relieved it wasn't coke or the vile meth the courts may not be able to make any distinction. Not to endorse his actions at all, but why the fuck can't we have drug laws approaching sensibility in this country, with Meth, Crack and Heroin at the top of enforcement priorities and penalties? Instead we've currently got the whole of LA County chasing their tales trying to find a way to bust pot dispensaries at the moment. Anybody with a brain would load up all the officers available for that into buses and drive them to the Antelope Valley or Inland Empire for a weekend of busting Meth houses... AND the less Pot we get from Mexico the less that entire country is encouraged to fall to pieces. How do we get these bullshit racism-based schedules (is it even plural or is absolutely everything schedule 1 now?) tossed if favor of ones drawn up by medical and law enforcement professionals based on actual harm done to addicts and others?
  19. If correct, it's interesting that the drugs he's been caught with were only MDMA and GHB. I could swear 'harder' drugs were implied by previous websites/posts, making him out to be the Pablo Escobar of the escort scene, a level of criminality I'd never seen in him the few times we met socially. So are the penalties lower? As long as this isn't his third strike isn't he likely to be out soon?
  20. JKane

    New CL Policy?

    Been like that in some Los Angeles categories for months.
  21. JKane

    Congressional Ethics

    I'm downright disgusted that nothing has happened on campaign finance reform, and think that not taking that on FIRST was a major strategic error of the Obama administration. Don't you think Healthcare reform would've made more progress if Kaiser/Etc's name had to be on the end of all their FUD advertisements?
  22. I think we're past the point that something should force the removal of 'news' from their name. Not to mention re-enacting the antitrust and anti-monopoly rules that used to be very strong on overseeing media ownership. There is no good reason for Murdock to be allowed to own satellite delivery, terrestrial stations in most major markets, newspapers in most major markets, and cable 'news' channels on top, especially since his ownership is demonstrably not in the public interest. But expecting the Obama administration to DO instead of just SAY has been fairly fruitless so far. I wonder what will happen to his empire when Rupert finally kicks the bucket?
  23. I haven't been back to the forums over there since the *last time* Daddy threw a hissy fit and shut them down. That the cycle continues isn't a surprise, but it does decide for me on the issue of donating.
  24. AFAIK there's nothing left in Hollywood, but I haven't tried the Spotlight recently. Craigslist has been especially good to me lately--despite their attempts to reduce escorting on their board. Boy's posts don't stay up for long anymore but I've had very good luck posting as 'generous guy looking for...' in the m4m section over the last month or two.
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