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Everything posted by JKane

  1. Yep, several times. Was even at a table that would've hit a pretty good bad beat jackpot (forget what you had to lose with), if only it hadn't been a tournament game.
  2. I visited Austin an loved it, also San Antonio is nearby, right? Used to be home to several 'star' escorts. Not sure they qualify as 'North Texas' though. FourAces, you spending any time at the Winstar Indian Casino? Do they even have any high stakes games?
  3. JKane


    I like a cigar, may once every week or so. Never sure I'm right when I automatically answer no, I'm not a smoker. Not a big fan of getting together with guys that smoke, but it's pretty unavoidable and there are worse smells!
  4. I almost had a bad one this weekend, somebody from Craigslist actually tried to hustle me, little shit was so young he probably thought he was the first to think of it! Real rarity for LA CL, especially outside of Hollywood. So it was a guy in my area, which is unusual, so I kind of automatically want to give him a try and see if I can find a regular who's quick and easy to get together with. I opened his post in a new tab, replied via email, by the time I had (which was very quick after it'd been posted) he'd been flagged and the email bounced (damn you, CL!), luckily (well, not as it turns out I guess) I still had the page open, so I texted him. Young guy (19), good stats, never saw a picture. But he's in my area so... I ask how much for his time, he says it depends if I want to get sucked, massaged or fuck. I explain that agreeing to exchange sex acts for money is illegal and was only interested in paying for his time. He says $200. I say that's a bit higher than I expected (usually in this situation a guy looking to make a little extra on the side is great with $100-$150), but that I would consider it if we'd have a nice relaxed time and he'd stay for 90 minutes to 2 hours or so. I really would've done well to end it right there, but didn't... Listen to your gut and BIG head is always the moral of these tales! I give him directions, shower then run to the bank (he'd asked me to call when I was done, said he'd head over then). Before I get back he's already at my gate, texting me, calling from the call box and calling me direct (all at nearly the same time, crashed my POS phone!) but eventually a call got through from the gate--in a woman's voice (or child's) asking if I'd let her in. I say no, then he calls out in the background so I hit the code, figuring somebody else is also standing at or blocking the gate. I pull up, there's a woman driving the car, he waves from the passenger seat. Gets out to talk to me. Is kinda cute, in the young just out of HS way, acne, probably could've been fun but nothing special. Slim body, can't tell muscle tone. He asks if we can get the business out of the way up front, so he can leave the cash with 'his associate' who'll wait while we go have fun. It's at least 95 degrees out and their car obviously doesn't have A/C, by the way. So I'm just sure the plan is for her to sit patiently for 2 hours! I say this is a first for me--a guy has never once shown up with a PIMP and there's no way in hell I'm interested. (Knowing full well his game plan is something like after 20 minutes he needs more money or can't perform and that ends our '90-120 minute relaxed session'). They do leave without incident, he says something about wasting his time, I say I've done this probably a hundred times and nobody's ever brought a pimp AND that nobody who was any good has ever demanded to be paid up front. Thank god I had the experience to know right away to get the hell out. Also a great reason to not give people my unit number and instead meet them in the parking lot!
  5. I like silicone-based, a little hard to wash off maybe but it doesn't dry out in ten minutes either. Originally Eros, but am now a fan of Swiss Navy just because their bottles are so much more convenient.
  6. And I 100% agree with you! I'm annoyed by Craigslist's actions, had hopped they'd stand up to the fucking Puritans... though they were probably facing some real liability for something they weren't profiting from. In the end it comes down to getting laid or taking some vague, un-noticed stand against the changes. Easy choice. On CL, the Adult section under 'gigs' has some potential, but haven't checked on the fees for posting. As for another potential site, I've been keeping my eye on BackPage, they even have a male escorts category! In LA I haven't seen much yet, other than some of the guys that overposted so much on CL I'd never hire them. But there is some tiny bit of hope.
  7. People say that every couple months and have for the whole history of Craigslist. It's all about using the same caution you'd use on the street (and should use on Rentboy). Don't agree to exchange sexual acts for money. Don't pay up front. Don't discuss anything risky until you've done something a cop's not likely to do (long french kiss, mouth on cock, etc...). Probably safer for them to come to your place (law-enforcement wise). IF you go to them in a motel/hotel and they want $200 up front to fuck you/be fucked you are either about be busted or about to waste $200 on a crappy experience. That said, CL has been working against us. Openly solicitous ads get flagged quickly in busy cities, some will get you locked out and require verification to re-establish. But with a little practice there's still plenty of fun to be had.
  8. Angle's the best gift Reid could hope for and by the end she will hopefully have done a lot to discredit all tea-baggers in the minds of voters. Somebody had to have paid Greene's filing fee. But the right-wingers are crafty at getting around campaign finance law, probably gave him cash. Wonder how much more than the filing fee they gave him... And whether they spread it out enough or he kept it out of accounts enough for him to not eventually wind up in trouble with the IRS or somebody. Still, whatever they did, it's those local Dem's fault entirely they got away with it. I know from experience that even state and county Democratic officials don't pay any attention whatsoever to solidly 'red' districts. So while they were looking the other way some clown sneaks up behind them with a pie.
  9. To be clear, Obama is providing the same level of funding, PLUS 366 million; this article is complaining that in this economy he's only added 366m instead of 1 billion (per year) once mentioned during the campaign. I'm sure 5 other headlines on CNN that day were about the deficit and out of control governmental spending. How in the world would another 1 Billion/year for AIDS in Africa make it past the minority party? His even trying would give them a bat to bludgeon him with in the eyes of 'the average voter'. Especially with the powers-that-be in the Republican party's penchant for race-baiting. Others know far more than I about the fight against AIDS around the world. But it is my belief that while Bush apparently did do a a lot for certain kinds of AIDS funding we need to remember that half the times he went out of his way to praise and advocate an initiative he gutted the funding for it in the very next budget. And that his administration went out of their way to prevent distribution of and education involving condoms, often replacing government aid programs with 'faith based' ones run by religious ideologues. I have no specific knowledge, but I wouldn't be surprised if the effect of Bush's leadership in Africa was a net negative. More people living longer with less symptoms thanks to increased access to medications (which is good of course), but *combined* with less education or access to condoms... The question is, what will the rate of infection do these next couple years?
  10. I'm not sure whether or not Howard Dean lived up to my hopes or not, at least the DNC under him helped defeat McCain, but whoever the hell it is that's replaced him as DNC chair doesn't seem to have done jack shit. Maybe the new DNC chair is the Ficus potted plant Michael Moore once tried to run for office? May as well be! It's like he doesn't want to do anything at all in case it risks drawing the kind of attention Michale Steele gets. I never supported Hillary in part because I didn't think she (or Bill for that matter) really believed in anything other than their ambitions. The second part was because a huge target would be painted on the White House for all the Ken Stars of the world and the Fox talking head echo chamber, allowing them to create so much distraction nothing would get done (assuming anything much was even tried). Just too much baggage on Clinton's part and bile on the other. Given last week's bullshit, tea baggers in general, and all the obstruction to Obama (even though many believe what he's tried to accomplish is mild)... what if I was right and Hillary would've had it even worse? Would DC be a cratered wasteland by now?
  11. Variety, location, specificity. I can post what I'm looking for and where I'm at and guys find me. LA's a pretty big area, almost all the escorts are in WLA or (West/)Hollywood. I don't always want to go there and they often don't want to come to me. Occasionally guys respond to my post because they're interested in doing what I've described and are happy to do it just for the fun of it, being paid doesn't enter their minds. And those that do get paid are often also in it for the fun too. A couple I've hired off CL have cum just from riding my cock, which is a great indicator of their participation you often don't see with 'escorts'. Guys (just) from Rentboy it's often only a transaction for, and guys from here (or the other review site) are often not available spur of the moment. I'm not a big fan of planning to be horny next Thursday! Especially when I'm horny NOW! Then there's price, often guys are happy with $100-$150. When I pay $200 it's usually a guy that stays several hours, gives me a massage and we have fun again (have had several regulars perfectly happy with that arrangement). Am I taking advantage? I know I can't afford to hire several times a month for $300/pop from Rentboy--especially for a mediocre 30-40 minute 'hour'. I also prefer guys looking to make a little extra cash to those doing it as their profession, even if I sacrifice the perfect 'WeHo clone' body for it. Yet there ARE dangers, particularly compared to sticking with a well-reviewed escort. But I've never had a serious problem and it's a lot safer than cruising Santa Monica BLVD for the almost nothing there. Why would anybody do *that* you ask? Well, when I'm in the area and horny *NOW* the big head doesn't get to do all the thinking. That can be a very dangerous situation no matter where you are or who you're with, but sometimes I can't help myself.
  12. Sadly with Jon Stewart on vacation (as he ALWAYS manages to be when stuff like this breaks) that . She did a pretty good job too!
  13. An Apple computer, maybe. If they have a version of VLC. Even better, bootcamp into Win7 and do whatever the fuck you want. But then why spend so much more on an Apple in the first place? BUT he's talking about Apple TV, which is a proprietary (even more so than usual for Apple) device that's basically an iTunes linked (or slaved may be more accurate) media player. There are some ways around it though, but many other products that can do more are out or coming. Both the Xbox 360 and PS3 have as good or better streaming and playback from PC, but each also have some proprietary limitations of their own. By the way, the yellow, white and red plugs are the lowest quality video you can get and look especially bad on an HDTV. Better to use one of the DVI ports on your graphics card and an adapter or cable that makes it HDMI. Some PCs now even have HDMI outs directly.
  14. Which is a great reason support net neutrality! Unfortunately the courts seem to keep cock-blocking the FCC--the one time recently they've tried to do something good. There will come a point where we need to seek out neutral ISPs and support them. Because AT&T and Comcast will make more money capping bandwidth and dropping any traffic they can get away with before the average subscriber notices.
  15. D.C. Douglas Fires Back At FreedomWorks. With all the bullshit this week from the Fox Ideologue Channel and pals it's good to see somebody strike back.
  16. While I've had a passing desire for women a couple times (has never gone well!) I've never had ANY attraction for men pretending to be (or changing into) women. It seems the worst of both worlds to me (and not just physically: attitude, personality, etc.). I don't even get the whole drag/impersonation aspect of gay culture, the 'Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence' are the closest to that I've ever found amusing. Shemales in Hollywood have probably darkened my opinion of the group as a whole as well, overall nasty in every way back when they'd work SMB, beating up and pushing out working guys or latching onto the masculine ones and dragging them down into their endless drama. That said, in my many forays hiring on Craigslist I have experienced two FTM (Female to Male) transsexuals. It was very interesting. Much more fun than the female bodybuilder I tried early on, both were the closest I've come to 'enjoying myself' with a (biological) woman. Neither quite put me over the edge though, but that may've just been because it was such a novel experience for me. I'd love to see the first again (actually slightly more feminine of the two). So I'd vote Buck, except he's a bit older than I'd hire. I bet Kimber was a stunning twink once.
  17. I fucking loved Inception! It had so much more depth than Hollywood's expected out of an audience in damn near forever! Really glad it made 60m this weekend, hope the take doesn't fall off a cliff now. About two thirds in, it occurred to me it was a lot like What Dreams May Come, but on a path to have the correct ending to that movie (the ending where they both get 'stuck' forever) instead of the bullshit saccharin Hollywood test group one... And while there's a slight bit of doubt, that's the ending I'm convinced of for Inception. Sure, the top wobbled slightly... after being spun awkwardly yet spinning for longer then it was ever shown before toppling in the real world. The kids were the exact same as he remembered them, same age, same clothes. After she stabbed him I think he died and fell into dreaming the best possible outcome, which is what we were shown. But what really happened was two vegetables arrived in LA, (DiCaprio and Wantanabe), DiCaprio was taken into custody and spends the rest of his life in a prison hospital. The inception may or may not have worked. Too bleak? I loved that I couldn't find any major flaws or inconsistencies, until I found one, I think: When did DiCaprio and Wife grow old together? He tells her about it, we're shown them old, in 'their city'. BUT they're young when they die on the train tracks! Otherwise, most thoughtful movie I've seen in quite a while.
  18. After I saw this story here I watched the 'Joe & Addison' video again. Still damn hot. Other guy ('Joe') is an escort, believe Roman out of Dallas?--He's the hot one in the video. Shame about 'Addison'. I know most of what we see on Sean Cody is 'embellished' at best but he seemed like a pretty normal, together guy. It's kinda scary how quickly guys can flip... Speaking of which, just noticed there's a video where 'Addison' bottoms... wonder if that's in my collection.
  19. Is it Dreysonal that runs Gay Travel Brazil? Could you PM me his contact info? I'm weighing the idea of going in September, if it's not too late to get a good deal--I'll be on indefinite furlough at work so worried about spending money... But on the other hand I don't get any vacation time when work's going so I really should take advantage of the chance to spend a month or so on my first real vacation. And congrats (or commiserations) on the 5-0!
  20. I had been "pretty much through" after Daddy's last two meltdowns. I think it's really unfortunate what his stability has done to the thriving community most of us were an active part of under dear departed Hooboy. Just this last week or two I'd started to forget why I'd left, was going to look in for the second or third time when I saw Daddy's same old shit repeating itself. I really hope this forum grows (permanently this time!) as a result of this. I check MER regularly but should try to participate more. JamesK
  21. The Atlantico put a halt to visits?!
  22. I think she should be charged with public indecency and Perez should get the whole 'sex offender' works. Not because of any deep moral outrage, I just can't stand either! Hoping for parenting from Billy Ray Cyrus might be about as productive as hoping for decent music from either Cyrus!
  23. I'd probably choose Gizmodo, how geeky is that?
  24. My question, when I first saw this news item was why did it take them 'till now? How long ago could it have passed with whatever majority was required? Still, unanimous is a powerful statement. I was also thinking the other day, wouldn't this November be the perfect time to try to overturn Prop 8 in CA with another initiative? Seems to me that the pot legalization initiative may turn out a large number of sympathetic voters...
  25. Stumbled upon some more pics of him: http://gaybrazilgaythailand.blogspot.com/2010/06/304.html gaybrazilgaythailand.blogspot.com is a fun site to poke around.
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