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Everything posted by JKane

  1. Yeah, I was just thinking that! Also, maybe there should be some guidance on how long ago you last saw somebody? I could rate several from 5 years ago that were great and looked as good as or better than their pictures then... but I don't think that would be useful (especially if they're still using the same photos!). But it does seem like a great new feature! Thanks!!
  2. I agree, but you really have to consider it's not just something they can flip a switch and start doing. The Republicans have been focus-grouping their BS for 20 years in think tanks at great expense and with continuing dedication.
  3. JKane

    Rachel's back

    I agree! He just may have gone over the top in many people's minds. We already have somebody that's a damn good satire of BillO, we don't also need an unintentional parody...
  4. Giuliani's been nothing but a punchline since Joe Biden punched his ticket at a democratic primary debate: "There's only three things he mentions in a sentence -- a noun, a verb, and 9/11." It's actually worse than a joke though, the way Giuliani hangs his hat on 9/11 when it's documented his inaction on demonstrated problems with emergency responders' radios and his asinine choice, over objections, to put the command post in the basement of New York's biggest target (solely for his convenience) cost lives on 9/11. I just hope Giuliani doesn't manage to sterilize Rio the way he did NYC (and his associates sterilized Hollywood).
  5. Pretty much... seems like a lot of the rest of us have had great fun there!
  6. Not if only the escorts who's description choices in their profile match the request get the email about the post!
  7. It's hard to believe there was a time when I dispaired for the Democrats in the 2008 election. Sometime around 2005, after the best we could do was Kerry, with the next election almost certainly being McCain vs Hillary. Given the actual straight talk from McCain and his action on campaign finance reform I didn't see how McCain could lose the election, and I thought if the other choice is Hillary I may well vote for him. But he lost something far worse than the election, long before 2008. He started to lose all his principles, right before our eyes. I'd loved that 'McCain 2000' denounced Jerry Falwell and his ilk. New McCain embraced him on the stage of his sham university. And it only went (sharply) downhill from there, culminating in his choice of Palin. Absolutely anything to win, the country be damned. And the really scary thing is that after the loss he wasn't happy with reaching bottom--now he's digging as fast as he can. He could've gone back to being a reasonable, thinking moderate with deeply held beliefs and I bet his constituents would've supported him. He did the opposite and it's the final proof that McCain's unredeemable.
  8. I think the Dems already have the possibility of building into the steady majority party. But without a Machiavellian like Rove and undue influence from Fox "News", people are actually pretty progressive. So maybe small at first, but a real left could build and push things forward, like the way the right built and shoved things backwards--even in the minority!
  9. THAT'S AWESOME! I never figured out how to do advanced searches on CL! Only thing I might ad to your list is rent, houseboy, houseboi. I agree 100% about the fun of the non-pros and the aggravation of the flaggers. You ever get a bit too explicit or something in your 'generous daddy' ads (my M.O. as well) and have to validate your email to your phone number? And I think the email has to go to a unique (not already validated with another) phone number? Major PITA and a warning to be careful about agreeing to pay for time only. Just swung by Spotlight in Hollywood this afternoon. Will never understand why there aren't more (or often ANY) guys working it with the economy like it is and the cops on SMB. Today there was a hot tattooed masculine guy I'd have hired in a heartbeat. He was of course oblivious to my interest and probably waiting for a trannie 'girlfriend', damn it. There were also a couple worn looking guys who may have been working, I wasn't too interested.
  10. It's a nifty idea... Maybe if you set it up to send an email when somebody posts a request to the escorts in an area (who could of course opt out of those specific emails) it could work! Maybe give the same same descriptive choices in the requests as escorts have when they setup a profile and send only to matches... Maybe you get a certain number of requests per membership level. It's still deciding "I'll be horny next Tuesday at 4PM" but many are fine with that.
  11. http://www.men4rentnow.com/ds/wanted-list.asp I've been on Men4RentNow many times but didn't see any way it was better than Rentboy, 'till now. Thanks, I've gotta try that! But is "CA - LA / Long Beach / Orange Cty" as specific as you get for location?? Or can you put more inside the ad (for the escorts to see) than shows on that page? Meanwhile the search for the replacement of the replacement of SMB continues!
  12. Hollywood for a 'hunting show'? So she's obviously not any brighter than her mother!
  13. Yep, it's where empires go to die. Wonder how long it took the Soviets to realize they were done?
  14. Good to hear he's made it back! Drugs do seem to play a key role in the few stories about people having bad experiences down there...
  15. As much as I hate the changes CraigsList has made, it's amazing they've managed to keep up as much as they have for as long as they have in this nation of puritanical hypocrites. Especially since CL doesn't make any revenue off the personals section yet risks some real liability with it. The big question is what can replace Craigslist as the replacement of places like Santa Monica BLVD? Backpage is trying, but doesn't seem like much yet. Gay.co.uk's escorts section seems busy everywhere else but empty here. Rentboy's "available now" is a great idea but their price of admission is way too high and complicated for the casual guy looking for a little extra cash. What haven't I heard of?
  16. I always do a google search when I'm making a purchase online and see place to input a 'coupon code' or similar. It's free money! Once in a while as much as 20% off.
  17. I'm proudly a bed-wetting liberal! Wait, I don't have to say bed-wetting? I'd say by far the biggest achievement (maybe the only one, dubious as it is) that the conservatives have had in 20 years is masterful control of the language, shaping the argument to remove facts and insert wedges. What they've managed to do to the debate of critically important issues with brilliant labels like 'death tax' and 'partial-birth abortion' makes my blood boil. (I still giggle at how childish they sound with 'democrat party' though.) And it's no accident. They've put an amazing amount of effort, money and research into it, over generations really, until their think-tanks produced their kwisatz haderach: Karl Rove. I'm fine with progressive until we let them take that away from us too...
  18. Maybe if somebody spiked his coffee with Viagra then secretly recorded what he does with his first erection in 50 years...
  19. Yeah, we've gone from "Holy Shit, are two of their only relevant candidates really a lobbyist who slept through his term in the senate and a guy in magic underwear?" to "Christ I hope they pick that Mormon over the batshit-crazy militant christian beauty-queen communications major with half a term as governor as her only qualification!" God, they're actually making Bush look good by comparison! Still we seem destined for a two party system, so if Republicans make themselves irrelevant enough maybe an actually liberal/progressive party can arise on the left to challenge the Democrats.
  20. JKane

    Rachel's back

    I also wanted to add my appreciation for Maddow and to encourage people to not automatically paint her with Olbermann's brush. Olbermann is the equal and opposite of O'Reilly, by design. He's more honest but he can manage to be obnoxiously partisan while pretending to be non-partisan--exactly like Bill! Still, I think Keith did a lot of good by being one of the very few voices calling the Bush administration on a great number of things. Maddow, on the other hand, really does try to cover the facts evenly and get both sides of things. She seems a lot more Murrow-like in her reporting than Keith--despite all his affectations. I mean a guy from the John Birch Society thanked Rachel for her coverage of them! I only catch her once or twice a week, but I would encourage people to give her a second chance. And I can't imagine there's anybody anywhere else in America covering gay issues and rights better, or more openly. That crybaby with the mind of an Ostrich (Beck) has no place being compared to anybody above, even Bill O'Reilly. He's nothing but empty-headed theatrics designed for the soul purpose of self promotion/enrichment (ok, MAYBE Bill O'Reilly...), Beck's just like Ann Coulter... i.e. the world could instantly be a better place if either of them choked to death on their own bile. The thing that gets me is that it was *CNN* that introduced that wortless fuck Beck the world! Why is it that when a story I want to hear more about is breaking the *last* place I can get any info is on Headline News or CNN? Shouldn't at least one of them have a fucking live newsdesk at all times? That bomb that went off in Times Square a couple months ago... fucking Larry King rerun--TALKING TO SNOOP DOG on one and Joy Behar on the other... FOR FUCK'S SAKE!
  21. Thanks! I've been in touch with Drey but am still vacillating. I really want to, and want to do it right, but it adds up to a whole lot of expense while I won't have any income, what with paying my rent still, flights aren't bad, but hotels plus meals plus saunas plus boys... And drinks and touristy stuff... Even my roughest estimate (leaving out plenty) it comes to at least one fourth of my savings... at the START of an indefinite furlough. I'd be much closer to pulling the trigger IF they'd give me a definite start-back date at work, which may be coming... They'll either tell me the day after I've missed out on reasonable fares or the day after I've booked everything to extend two weeks after the day they need me back!! I'm also a bit mindful of a poster from the Hooville days, also showed up at an LA dinner or two, who went down there and kinda lost himself from what I'd heard. Rapaz or something like that? What ever happened to him?
  22. I don't think they were on the tracks. They were walking hand-in-hand old is my recollection.
  23. I was not prepared to believe it'd been 10 years! But I was just thinking we needed to have one again too! Hopefully at least 2 weeks or so from now, once I'm off my diet... The Rentboy things at Hamburger Mary's were fun (I take it those died out when Brandon moved on?), Mary's seems an OK venue, if not quite as apropos as Numbers. But even if we can only manage a couple of us at Tomcal's "Cafe Twat" it'd still be great! By the way I was walking around the area and went up to Numbers a couple weeks ago, there was a notice posted about the liquor license, so maybe somebody's buying it... I still haven't hired Kristian, but always meant to. He sure was gorgeous that night and fun to talk to! (Yes, I actually talked!)
  24. But their name always makes me think Walkoverya! Then again, that'd make them the one honest bank!
  25. I loved Austin when I visited, only place I can imagine I'd want to live in Texas (never been to San Antonio). Other than Seattle and DC, I was surprised how little interest the rest of the list held for me. Wouldn't want anything to do with Salt Lake City, as cute as those repressed Mormon boys are. I like college towns too, one of my favorites was Ann Arbor, Michigan.
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