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Everything posted by JKane

  1. I'm not very creative and wanted an alternate identity to maintain discreteness while traversing the escort hiring world, I initially picked the last name off an underwear ad. Changed it a bit when I realized people made assumptions based on it (like that I was Jewish, not that there's anything wrong with that). I can answer to James and kinda enjoy it during sex (touch of James Bond...), still not used to people shortening my "name" to Jim though. It does feel a touch odd with friends from the boards--have told several my real name but they see me as James and that's fine too. It's very useful when pesky, unprofessional escorts I've hired/contacted before call out of the blue to ask if I'd like a session, when somebody says "Hi James" I know it's conversation I probably don't want to have at work, for example. Or if somebody were to answer my phone for some reason on a call like that, they'd hopefully think the caller had the wrong number.
  2. Yep, that was my first thought too. Everything in both browsers is still defaults, both browsers do it, and I did check in firefox that it's set to accept cookies. I think something is broken with the site's ability to send the initial 'remember me' cookie now, possibly because it gets distracted with demanding my location which can't complete. The site does send other cookies, for example whatever closes the tabs on the left, that does get remembered. If you go to 'my profile/account', 'my profile', then change location, can you get through it to setting a city in North America?
  3. Just put a new drive in my laptop with a fresh install. Can't get this site to remember my login. If I close the browser and re-open I can't post, etc. until I login again. Maybe part of the bug, when I login I get something about you MUST set your geographic location, I choose North America and it fucks up. In Mozilla it goes to a blank screen and stays there, in IE it goes straight into the page I was on, never lets me specify a city and doesn't remember I set even North America next time. I hope there's a solution for this, it's *really* bloody annoying!
  4. I loved Boston Legal and really miss it. The Good Guys is the only new hour-long comedy I've seen recently and liked. Haven't tried Dark Blue yet but have been thinking about it, I generally like cop shows. It's too bad they canceled the original Law and Order--it had just gotten good again these last couple years, also liked Life and Southland... wait, every cop show I like gets canceled, sure you want me to watch Dark Blue? Guess I'll have to try The Good Wife eventually too... Anybody else see BBC's recent Sherlock? Unfortunately only 3 episodes, but the first and third are absolutely great.
  5. I don't watch any of the regular, weekly shows that won, but will one day get around to Breaking Bad and Mad Men. I was pretty surprised how well Temple Grandin did. She fascinates me and I liked the movie, but I really expected The Pacific to do better. Maybe they shouldn't have submitted more than one show per category. Clare Danes looked kinda... I dunno... severe? I was surprised when she first went on stage. It was almost like playing Temple used up the last of her youth and energy. I also really liked You Don't Know Jack. You know, it's true what somebody said, HBO really is an amazing thing. When I think of great American TV (certainly of the last 10+ years) it's almost always HBO: The Wire, Band of Brothers, Angels in America, And the Band Played On, Rome, Deadwood, those three shows, Treme... Since West Wing went away network TV has seemed a wasteland, especially for drama. Some good stuff on cable, but often just poorer imitations of what HBO's already done (certainly Spartacus to Rome, perhaps The Shield to The Wire...).
  6. I'm amazed to hear this too. Though I guess it explains why more was never done to make them illegal. I've never tried directly, and dislike it when a bottom I'm with wants to use them. Hate the smell 'second hand', it seems like it would give me a blinding headache if I were to huff them. And it sure seems to me it is huffing--just as stupid as huffing spray paint. Probably exactly as bad for you, back when there were VCRs I've used real 'head cleaner' chemicals and can't imagine intentionally snorting the fumes. How they keep of the pretense that it's for cleaning VCRs when none of the stores sell videotapes anymore (and extra pure isopropyl alcohol is all you really need to clean VCR heads...) had really caused me to wonder. Lucky, or anybody else, can you describe exactly what they did/do for you?
  7. I usually lose interest in threads that get locked long before they get locked, so it kinda annoys the OCD part of me that once they are they always look unread, even with 'mark this forum as read'. Not so bad when they fall off the page, but when they're pinned and locked...
  8. Wow! The singing kinda reminds me of Antony and The Johnsons. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lapDPCc26ao
  9. What? I'd remember hearing of serious A380 incidents... This doesn't count! All I've found in a quick google is a couple ground incidents, a hard landing that burst some tires, and maybe a single engine failure. (All non-events reported because of the novelty and rarity of the plane--though the ground events were in part due to it's size.) Pretty sure Emirates' first class entitles you to a 5 minute in-flight shower. But for the price of a ticket you could have a Gulfstream V to yourself or hot escort like Kristian for at least a month!
  10. I'm afraid all politics are heading this way. Obstructionist Republican minorities keep the California legislature from accomplishing anything every day. We can only hope the Tea Party nutjobs who won so many primaries marginalize republicans further and it drops them under the threshold of relevance. When was the last time SCOTUS decided anything important on more than 5/4?
  11. I'd say avoid all Chrysler products, certainly all Jeeps. Their quality surprisingly took a real nosedive after the 'merger of equals' with Mercedes--and they didn't have all that far to fall to begin with! Don't know how they are now, but can being owned by Fiat be a *good* sign?
  12. JKane

    Old Lady Gaga

    Isn't saying Old Lady Gaga the same as saying Madonna? (Assuming Gaga ever acquires any talent!) Does Madonna still have her Brazilian boytoy? This video was probably an everyday scene for them!
  13. I was surprised to manage 44.85 w/100% accuracy on my first try on my laptop's keyboard. Did have a keyboarding class long, long ago and can touch type, though not without a little concentration. It's a fun quick test, thanks for linking it!
  14. Who's the gorgeous guy on the right in the third pic? (lucas2.jpg)
  15. I'd say this comes down to Apple's greed, not consumers. Consumers have shown they're willing to pay whatever and put up with whatever when it comes to the iPhone. Even if Apple sold the hardware at a loss they'd still be making a fortune in app sales plus iTunes downloads. But it doesn't seem that the thought to make slightly less money would ever occur to them for any reason. Reminds me of a Baba Wawa interview with Jobs I saw years ago, where she asked him now that he more money than his kid's kids could spend, would he be starting any philanthropic organizations (like Gates had just done at the time)? His answer was he's not done making it yet. This was before the iPhone and the Pixar/Disney deal, guess he *still* doesn't have enough.
  16. Is that 'Prince Nick' of constant LA CL posting 'fame'? Anybody see him? When somebody is posting every 3 minutes I tend to drop 'em in my "never" file.
  17. It's blocks from the damn site, "Ground Zero Mosque" is nothing but inflammatory right wing BS! What about the (by this SAME definition) "ground zero strip club"??? Fucking Harry Reed and his total lack of balls. For Mohamed's sake it's not even a fucking mosque!
  18. That's pretty unique! Are they each trying to do the same stylized series of specific moves or did I imagine similarities?
  19. JKane


    Where does all the money for Syphilis PR / outreach come from and why? I've noticed campaigns several times now in WeHo/etc. Just seems odd since I can't recall anything similar for other curable STDs.
  20. Because the people we are talking about believe it to be the literal word of George Lucas God. But on the other hand, magical zombie Jesus isn't all that much more believable either... At least the Mormons know the provenance and edit history of that part of their fairytale holy book.
  21. First, do you understand what the Mormons fundamentally believe? Insane may be a given! But I think they may be quietly trying to distance themselves from this one. Second, I very much doubt the supreme court would ever make such a broad ruling. The court we all learned about in school, all those major decisions, that idealism, it's hard to imagine again in my lifetime. The question is Prop. 8 in California, which it may be possible for 5 justices to agree is wrong. There is no way they would blow that up into anything larger and if they did they'd not get the 5 votes. Now there's certainly another fight to be had on DOMA and the idea of a marriage in one state not being honored in another, but they'll do their best not to get dragged into that, and if they do I doubt we'd like the result.
  22. This sentiment in the Pat Tillman thread got me thinking about this issue again, and going in circles about it again. So I wanted to see what others thought and if I could be persuaded in a more definitive direction. On one hand, I've mostly been of the position that it is the duty of every nation to respond to humanitarian crisis to the utmost of their ability, even if others won't and the UN stands impotent. In this line of thinking we should've been in Afghanistan much sooner, and belonged in Somalia, Bosnia, etc. But on the other hand, it is starting to feel like that 'youthful idealism' is dieing in me for two reasons: I've seen such intervention incompetently done too many times, and it seems to me like several of these crises were directly caused by previous US intervention in the country/region (Cambodia, Afghanistan). And I'm not sure I really like where either option leads. The US's military budget is well beyond reason, with us working on an 11th supercarrier while no other country effectively operates one. Yet the nature of the UN seems to prevent it from ever acting decisively even as millions of people die, and for the UN to truly have the strength to do so would require a wholesale change in the way the US supports it. Then the cynic(/realist?) in me says even debating the issue is nothing but masturbation, that economic/corporate interests will always drive the size of our military and where we intervene (i.e. the middle-east instead of Africa).
  23. Yeah, they've been talking about those kinds of things for a while now, and the color changing shirts are available now, I believe. The problem is most of these ideas tend to stop working after a certain number of washes. When you're talking underwear (as you'd have to be for the medical monitoring functions) would you want them to be dry clean only? Even then, only so many trips through the chemical bath I bet.
  24. Damn, I suppose you're right. My assumption that 'free and democratic' countries weren't doing this was probably very naive! They either have an NSA/Mi5 (and/or a backdoor into the telcos) or are very worried about citizens carrying around instant encrypted communicators at all times. Of course they could also probably be more subtle and shut them down in specific areas for certain emergencies/threats, as I'm sure would happen here... and most would assume the network was overloaded. It's like it's a good thing the BB network's gone down several times and ATT is crap in general, sure works for them! Did the protests in Iran with the dead woman and all the green kickstart this?
  25. But did they really *need* that data to convict if she had to look it up and was dumb enough to do it from her home computer? Where they may've also been able to find the same info in the browser history? Criminals and smart people can just use anonymous proxies. Google's "don't be evil" moniker is getting to be about as worthwhile as Fox News's "Fair and Balanced"!
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