All were pretty well known, to me at least, for quite a while. I've treaded a bit carefully (for me, anyway) because of all the overdone public grief, and I keep hoping that maybe we'll find out about some last act of generosity to his employees or altruism that may prove me wrong... Such as giving all his employees (esp. in the stores, even better in the factories) some meaningful bonus or leaving a substantial amount to the Gates foundation (or similar, but they seem to be about the best). Lacking that, I see no reason to like him any more in death than I did in life. Sure, he was a visionary, but he was also pretty clearly a real arsehole.
Now, Bill Gates, on the other hand, practically deserves sainthood (esp. in comparison) but would probably get nowhere near this level of adulation should something happen to him. And that's pissing me off.