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Everything posted by JKane

  1. Yes...
  2. Oooh, new episode of Sherlock!!
  3. ...for some American network to air it (often diced up for commercials and edited for length or even *content*) months and months after it comes out? Grab a bittorrent client and go to EZTV!
  4. I've wanted to know more about how the whole reserve sheriff thing works since I heard they existed...
  5. Original is pretty good too...
  6. And I'd fuck the hell outta every guy in the video (OK, probably the chick too)!
  7. Ok, ok... I'll start watching!
  8. Or clothes made of different fabrics or have ever eaten shellfish... love this pic: The stupidity of the average Christian is somehow always surprising.
  9. I love me some Elizabeth Warren. Maybe after 4 years as senator she could run for Pres? I also hope Al Franken keeps his seat.
  10. There's a lot to be said for The 4 Hour Body. I've dabbled, but know a bunch of people who've done quite well on it. The basics (for free)... http://gizmodo.com/5709913/4+hour-body-+-the-slow+carb-diet The book: http://www.fourhourbody.com/ --Has a lot more than diet in it.
  11. Looks like Jesus wants that ass!
  12. I'm in! And this was post 539.
  13. Shouldn't a Bachmann be somebody forced into a straight marriage because same-sex is illegal? Or an 'oblivious' straight spouse of same?
  14. Ha! It's a class action, the only people getting paid real money are the lawyers! You'll get some kind of voucher, good for a whole $1.50 per ticket you've purchased in the past, with restrictions on how you can redeem them, making sure even those purchases still profit Ticketmaster! But they didn't tell us that, I'm suing!
  15. I went, didn't really get into it... Stayed through the first two contests then split. It was cool that WeHo did it though. Judges were: West Hollywood mayor John Duran, comedy writer Bruce Vilanch and fashion TV reporter Marcellas Reynolds. There was one especially hot guy with tattoos (maybe Armenian), kinda reminded me of Khal Drogo.
  16. Kardashian divorce by the numbers. Cost of the Kardashian wedding: $10 million, henceforth referred to as 1 Kardashian Amount Kim and Kris made on their wedding, through various media partnerships: $18 million, or 1.8 Kardashians...
  17. The clip or two I saw of them interacting (on The Soup, that's the closest I'll get to watching these stupid spoiled whores) he seemed barely able to tolerate her, so this is no surprise whatsoever. He's cute but there are better actors on most (other) bs reality shows, imho.
  18. Haven't watched the show yet but mean to, as I also really like Damian Lewis, his show Life was OK but I think he's most memorable from Band of Brothers. He's tall and very handsome in person, btw. Had no idea he's British 'till I just looked him up!
  19. But, like I said, I do keep an open mind, and stuff like this does paint a better view of the man.
  20. All were pretty well known, to me at least, for quite a while. I've treaded a bit carefully (for me, anyway) because of all the overdone public grief, and I keep hoping that maybe we'll find out about some last act of generosity to his employees or altruism that may prove me wrong... Such as giving all his employees (esp. in the stores, even better in the factories) some meaningful bonus or leaving a substantial amount to the Gates foundation (or similar, but they seem to be about the best). Lacking that, I see no reason to like him any more in death than I did in life. Sure, he was a visionary, but he was also pretty clearly a real arsehole. Now, Bill Gates, on the other hand, practically deserves sainthood (esp. in comparison) but would probably get nowhere near this level of adulation should something happen to him. And that's pissing me off.
  21. I hadn't thought about it 'till a webcomic I follow pointed it out, but all the cartoons of a Buddhist with St. Peter at the gates or with the Christian god are in really bad taste! Found another, even better comic on the subject! 60 minutes is doing a segment tomorrow that I guess will include stuff about the roll alternative medicine played in his death.
  22. It looks fairly laborious to use, but still, translation to/from 14 languages... including Brazilian Portuguese!
  23. How could somebody so smart... be so fucking stupid? Perhaps he's give the world one more gift with his passing: providing yet another datapoint against this kind of quackery.
  24. JKane

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