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Everything posted by JKane

  1. Is it still the official policy of China that gays aren't welcome? I was surprised to see in here that there are some gay escorts available for hire in some places, which made me wonder if I had the wrong impression...? If I were to one day get the chance to go there for work, what could I expect? Is there any danger to seeking free or paid gay sex in China? Are local gays persecuted, or are they starting to manage pride parades/etc? If there's another post about this already a link would be fine...
  2. John Boehner cried today when the cafeteria ran out of potato salad, and again when he used a restroom that had a hand blower instead of paper towels.
  3. The Republican party is self destructing in front of our eyes, it's hard to imagine anything but major losses for them this cycle... And there don't seem to be any exciting up and comers over there for 4 years from now either! But 4 years from now what happens on the Democratic side? I'm sure some will support Biden, but even if he's up for it it's hard to imagine that much enthusiasm, or him not being a gaff-a-minute in a presidential campaign... There'll almost certainly be some die-hards promoting Hillary *still*, but it sure seems like she'll be used up by then. I hated to learn that Gov. Granholm took a TV job (hopefully that will always be the end of any politician's serious chances!) but now that I know she was born Canadian there was no way for her to go further anyway. But what about Elizabeth Warren for President, 2016? I just worry that her enthusiasm lets the media 'Howard Dean' her. Any other interesting possibilities, either side?
  4. Probably, though he also gets a lot of the youth vote Obama is counting on.
  5. I was thinking something similar, a tightest ass contest!
  6. Does Ellen ever do anything like this with hot females? Has she had Olivia Wilde on? Or would that be a bridge too far for the housewife audience?
  7. I bought an Android-based phone, linked it to my three Gmail or Google apps email addresses, which linked it to my Google+. All in all I don't mind. It's very convenient and all works great together. It did take a little while to get used to every photo I take being uploaded to G+ pictures, but it's actually pretty convenient (and nothing is shared until I share it). I just wish there was an easy way to have some stuff be more private. I'd like to install Grinder but don't want it out in the open on my phone. Having my naughty email through Hotmail is convenient because that app keeps its stuff separate (and I installed something that requires a password to run the Hotmail app)--would be impossible if I used a google-based email account for that stuff!
  8. The Academy is usually that way with child actors, only the rare exception gets the nod, even rarer wins. Children and minorities...
  9. What if they in-housed manufacturing instead of exploiting all those Chinese laborers **to death**?? Not necessarily in the US (that ship's sailed...), but somewhere they could have control over everything, treat the workers fairly and get higher quality control as a benefit? Not that I think they will--smug selfish bastards, the lot.
  10. I'm thinking a meal with lots of sauerkraut!
  11. Though at this point both Willard ®-Money and the serial adulterer look equally easy to beat. Except this is the same idiotic electorate that re-elected GWB...
  12. That is perfect! And I'm not sure unintentional!
  13. I've often felt disappointed by President Obama, but that may well be because of how great a job he did inspiring hope in his first campaign. Truth is, he's accomplished a lot of important things: getting us out of Iraq, winding down Afghanistan, killing Osama, saving the American automotive industry, ending don't ask don't tell, the major roadwork currently underway in almost every major city... Of course I'll vote for him, and I hope everybody else takes an honest look at what he's accomplished *despite* Republican obstructionism and even a glance at whomever his opponent is then gets off their ass and votes!
  14. The German censorship of video games and political/religious views always seemed a bit invasive to me... Though I can understand their desire to keep neo-nazis from coming together and 100% agree with them on Scientology...
  15. Damn it, only 73!?
  16. JKane


    New fish, new fish! Welcome! ( I bet two packs of smokes Lucky makes him cry first! )
  17. +1 on everything Lurker said. I'd prefer real discussion, though my attempts usually just end up with Expat and I chatting. But stuff of interest is coming up occasionally. The only threads I roll my eyes at are the ones bitching about the contest!
  18. I liked this After Elton take on the noms.
  19. I'm rooting for Rango for animated. Haven't seen a single one of the others, but Rango was so awesome to look at and such a nice departure from the usual animated movies.
  20. "Frothy Mix" Santorum's C.U.M.!
  21. Awww, damn. Would've been great to see her recovered enough to use some of that political capitol and goodwill, but as she is now a campaign would probably be hell, easy to see why she'd decide it wasn't worth it. Here's hoping she recovers further and replaces an Arizona Senator or Governor in the not too distant future!
  22. Stewart did another great opening segment on that again tonight.
  23. War Horse just looked too much like an obvious cloying shot at an Oscar to me, nothing in the trailer made me want to suffer through an obvious tearjerker. Plus, I just don't like Sarah Jessica Parker. But you liked it?
  24. Sounds kinda like good old "invisible hand" unregulated capitalism to me. There are indications there may be danger in staying there, lowering demand. So they respond by drastically lowering price to bring demand back up. Overall foolhardy and likely bad for everybody because money has no interests or cares beyond more money--just like everywhere else this Randian BS is promoted.
  25. That is funny! It's too bad such systems don't have a way to see the pre-autocorrect word, the way you can when you look at results from an Optical Character Recognition pass... That could just be the killer app to add to all these text-alternative (data-based) systems that are becoming popular as a cheaper alternative!
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