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Everything posted by JKane

  1. I believe this is the Rolling Stone article Howard Stern is talking about.
  2. Holy shit, listening to this and loving Howard Stern!
  3. http://www.towleroad.com/2012/02/romnglitt.html Meanwhile, Santorum is still getting glitter stuck in it.
  4. Trying again...
  5. God damn it, can't figure out how to imbed the direct Youtube clip. http://www.towleroad.com/2012/02/stern.html
  6. (Also, sorry about the title, but I saw it in the Wikipedia link and figured it'd be most likely to draw viewers to this post!)
  7. JKane

    Iron Sky ??

    Found on a website almost as odd as the movie inspiring this thread!
  8. JKane

    Iron Sky ??

    Goggling the spelling of his name, came upon this... How'd that hunk get typecast as a Nazi/Vampire?
  9. JKane

    Iron Sky ??

    Udo Kier, haven't seen him in a while. Can't wait to see that!
  10. Apparently Christopher Walken has also played the part! That would be interesting!
  11. I've thought about picking this up, I love well thought out time travel stuff! Now I'm more tempted... But I have always avoided King because I'm not much into creepy/horror, I know his writing tends to be very uneven, and because I tend to be a completest--so avoiding prolific authors when I know some of their stuff sucks is a good idea!
  12. Went to a screening recently, nothing makes you feel quite as under educated as going unawares into a movie set in modern times but *entirely* in Shakespearean dialect. Still, Coriolanus grew on me, and the portrayals of the public and the politicians who cynically pander to their worst instincts has quite a few parallels. And as always when exposed to Shakespeare, I eventually enjoy it and get the feeling that a little more effort and familiarity will bring it much further into grasp... then I usually set it down for 10+ years... All in all a pretty good movie for a work I don't even remember having heard of before. (Yep, American education!)
  13. Wonder if there's a betting pool or something for the most nauseating thing to come out CPAC...? Eck, in finding that link I got an earful of Boehner. At least there wasn't also Santorum...
  14. It's called Truth Wins Out, links to their press release/website. Hahahaha!
  15. Unfortunately, especially as a CPAC action, smearing Santorum would've been the better play. Eeeewwww.
  16. JC Penny seems to be doubling down. I love that it's not just a tepid "we don't want to fire our expensive spokesperson"! Now if only somebody would stand up for Planed Parenthood this strongly and tell people they are NOT a controversial organization!
  17. Daddy linked two articles with a similar opinion: the decision was fairly well crafted and may well not be taken up be the Supreme Court.
  18. That said, Costco is a MUST HIT when going to any gathering. Huge selection of stuff to bring, from trays of easy deserts to prepared Crudités/fruit to a massive selection (in most states) of alcohol at the best prices. And the couple months before x-mas the gift baskets would be reasonable at twice the price!
  19. I was fairly annoyed that they didn't cancel the samples the day before the superbowl. Store was packed, sample stands and the usual stupidity they drew made it much harder than it had to be. Some people are oblivious, but if you go early morning or in the evening the samples aren't even out.
  20. Let your new life* begin, call 1-800-get-thin! *results not typical, by life we may mean death
  21. It's been my experience that a no-carb type diet can do wonders for things like blood pressure, so it's not too surprising. I think there is also some sodium in various colas.
  22. Yeah, but the flight is looong, pretty expensive, and getting a visa for the first time seems a PITA requiring a fair amount of planning in advance... unfortunately my employment is either plenty of money NO free time with things coming up at the last minute OR suddenly lots of free time but no money. IF Columbia is cheaper, shorter flight, no visa BS (?), and the boys are even giving it away for free...
  23. Plus, is it me or do they keep "popping up" back on the fucking island? Being as it was a prison and all, shouldn't be that hard to keep them there! Have the ferry check return tickets fer christsakes! And the blond seems so close to Katee Sackhoff I don't understand why they didn't just cast her! Please somebody tell me why I keep watching this shit!
  24. Exactly! They barely even touch on the actually interesting things like what is happening (Cryogenics is my thought) or the overall goal, every time somebody even raises an eyebrow towards a compelling storyline Sam Niel is there to smack them back into line! Fucking American TV. Planning for 5+ seasons of middling storytelling instead of concentrating on one season of great TV!
  25. Very nice, please feel free to flood the forum with more about these hotties! I feel like I missed out on the 'golden days' of Brazil, with it now being too expensive and a pain in the arse to get to. But info on getting in on the ground floor of a similar trend in Columbia is very interesting!
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