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Everything posted by JKane

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nm9Nz2zCV5M They like Fishsticks?
  2. Anybody here from there or visit regularly? How bad is it? European Parliament Condemns LGBT Censorship in Russia
  3. Some great stuff in here.
  4. Cool, couple other pictures here. I'd never heard of Wobbegongs, AKA carpet sharks:
  5. Nothing as dramatic as one would expect. Happened here. The big goodbye.
  6. As their husbands tell them to, yes...
  7. Professional Poker Player Jason Somerville Says He's Gay, is First Male Pro Player to Come Out I wonder how many sports are left with no big, publicly out stars?
  8. http://shakespearessister.blogspot.com/2012/02/primarily-gross.html Sick him, boy!
  9. http://www.dailydot.com/society/gay-soldier-randy-phillips-youtube-profile/ Just stumbled across, realized I was fairly curious...
  10. Pretty surprising really, given how China and Russia seem to act about it... What's Cuba's stance again?
  11. Stumbled across another article on this issue: The Cruel Evangelical War on Gays February 14, 2012 By Alan Litchfield Young students recently demonstrated the cost of hate and indifference in congresswoman Michelle Bachman’s religiously conservative home district, where nine students committed suicide during a two-year period. As this recent article in Rolling Stone painfully details, one student crawled in a bathtub and shot herself, another hanged himself, and others began cutting themselves and engaging in risky behavior. The deaths don’t include students hospitalized for mental illnesses or the 14 more assessed for suicidal thoughts at one middle school alone. The article details how the string of deaths in Minnesota’s Anoka-Hennepin school district revealed an appalling strain of homophobia and abuse toward actual or perceived homosexuals by fellow students and townspeople, fueled by Christian evangelical ignorance, dogma and misinformation. Evangelical churches and groups such as the absurdly named Focus on the Family, founded by James Dobson, played a large part. While tragic deaths can’t be traced directly to these hate groups – suicide is not that easy of an issue – the level of religious-inspired cruelty and meanness is astonishing and certainly played a role. I recommend reading the article if you have a strong constitution. If your stomach can bear more nauseating ideas, consider the absurdity – and the irony – of evangelical hatred on the national level, as evidenced by the religious opposition to gay marriage. In fact, the recent defeat of Proposition 8, the California gay marriage ban, in the 9th Circuit Court of appeals, was most likely due to the fact that its proponents had no good arguments to provide the court. As this article suggests: Perhaps, as many speculated at the time, it reflected the deeper reality that there was no factual or empirical case to be made: The evidence, the data, and the experts overwhelming agree that gay marriage does not harm children. And that leaves opponents of gay marriage to argue a tautology: Gay marriage is wrong because it’s wrong. Indeed, as a Florida court has noted, the American Psychological Association, the American Psychiatry Association, the American Pediatric Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Child Welfare League of America and the National Association of Social Workers adopted and ratified conclusions that children raised by same-sex couples are just as well-developed as those raised by heterosexual couples. And, As a result, based on the robust nature of the evidence available in the field, this Court is satisfied that the issue is so far beyond dispute that it would be irrational to hold otherwise; the best interests of children are not preserved by prohibiting homosexual adoption. Evangelicals who argue for the unchanging sanctity of “Christian marriage” are historically misinformed, as well. Marriage as we currently know it is a modern convention, as summarized here and here. Marriage is not a static institution, and has changed drastically in the past. Our current practices bear little resemblance to biblical customs, which held a patriarchal view of family life, treated women as property and allowed concubinage. In the book of Genesis, for instance, we have the story I like to refer to as “Swingin’ with Abe,” in which the childless Sarah gives her servant to her husband Abraham to impregnate. Is this what is meant by “biblical marriage?” The patriarchs seemed to have thought so: King Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines, 1 Kings 11. (Don’t get me started with Lott, who impregnated his daughters, or King David, who planned a murder to be with his woman-of-choice. King David makes Bill Clinton look like Jimmy Carter.) Marriage bestows many positive benefits on individuals. It fosters companionship, legal protection and provides real health benefits (see here). The great irony is, if Christians truly wanted all of humanity to thrive and be happy, they would actually desire homosexuals to marry. Their opposition only illustrates an unfortunate lack of moral vision and intellectual dishonesty. This conservative Christian view of homosexuality is mean, harmful and lacks factual merit. It’s a clear sign of bigotry masquerading as piety. Our children deserve better, and we should seek to provide this future to them or risk their demonstration of our inaction.
  12. Yep, I have worries along those lines, came up in comments over at BIE.
  13. From Barry Goldwater!
  14. Not Constantinople?
  15. Take this, establish a baseline, and re-check yourself periodically--it's the only way to be sure! How fast can you guess these words and fill-in the blanks? 1. _ _NDOM 2. F_ _K 3. P_N_S 4. PU_S_ 5. S_X 6. BOO_S Answers: 1. RANDOM 2. FORK 3. PANTS 4. PULSE 5. SIX 6. BOOKS You got all 6 wrong....didn't you? You do NOT have Alzheimer's... You are a Pervert!
  16. That is a great summary, TY. Romney is a plastic bag blowing in the wind. Modern democrats have been more like a sail, always swinging back and forth, but generally there's a rope that'll stop them from going 180 degrees from their starting point...
  17. Southland was SO FUCKING GOOD this week! I'm not sure anything else has come near that level in addressing gay bullying in prime time! I don't understand it, but I hear Alcatraz has been doing well, ratings wise.
  18. Sometimes, when one person is missing, the whole world seems depopulated. ~Lamartine
  19. Hopefully she doesn't take the Fiona Apple "talented singer with mega hit first record then..." career path!
  20. Wow, turns out I haven't missed much!! I thought there might be some gems I'd missed, but if I finally sit down and watch my copies of Brokeback and Single Man I'll be mostly caught up! Might then pick up later days, saw one or two others when I searched top 10 LGBT movies, but again I'm surprised how few there really are! I almost mentioned Angels in my post, but technically I believe it was a miniseries (and And the Band Played On was a TV movie...). Birdcage did have the great wide appeal, but was also somewhat stereotype reinforcing which is why it's not quiet so high in my mind. But I agree back then any media was good media.
  21. Yeah, I don't watch the show but often gaze lovingly at the commercials. Always thought (/hoped) "No man that gorgeous is 100% straight!".
  22. Other shows I kinda like but don't have to have: Castle, Pawn Stars, Suze Orman, The Soup, Top Gear (US), Bones. Have recently started to watch Big Bang Theory reruns, it's pretty fun. Neither of these lists include my must see British TV: 1) Doctor Who 2) Top Gear 3) (Torchwood)
  23. 1) Southland 2) Archer 3) Game of Thrones 4) Treme 5) Justified Honorable mentions: 60 minutes, Daily Show, Good Eats and Venture Brothers (when it's back again).
  24. I'm really looking forward to this, it was a fun book!
  25. Yeah, I kinda wish I'd seen it. Oh dear god, *that* video is the ONE from the Grammy's that *works*?
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