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Everything posted by JKane

  1. Damn, that would have been fun! Are you going to file anything against the officer with the police department?
  2. Yeah, except it was the red carpet for a *kids movie* he *starred in*... Otherwise I'd agree. But maybe he's telling the producers to fuck off, that he'll be a liability if they make him go nuts promoting it. So I'd guess just a random mishap, but anywhere else it'd scream "I wanna be a real actor now, not a kid hearthrob". I'm starting to be very annoyed by "The Lorax", it's not one of the Seuss stories I remember from my childhood, but it sounds like they took an anti-corporate pro-environment screed and turned into a crappy rom-com used to hawk products including fucking SUVs. That's Universal for you, they are fucking nuts for product placement (as any watching of their TV shows will tell you!) and other bs with no concern whatsoever for the integrity or quality of the product... Surprising and disappointing that the Seuss estate went along, I understand they were very controlling of the first couple movies... then they got hooked on the cash, sounds like.
  3. Yeah, this needs to blow up. I'm really hoping some people go after them at the Oscars, if not or ineffective I'll be following any protest or other actions closely!
  4. As I was saying in another thread, you can use CTRL + to make everything on a web page larger, CTRL - to go back to smaller, just checked, works on Towleroad.
  5. Trailer is heartbreaking, more-so the MPAA decision to keep teenagers from seeing it!
  6. It keeps going and going, not much backlash, it would seem.
  7. Kudos to TWC for standing up to the MPAA asshats! http://www.towleroad.com/2012/02/weinsteinbully.html *Really* hope somebody mentions this at the Oscars!
  8. Hadn't heard from Stupid Spoiled Whore lately. It's been too... short!
  9. Tomcal resets his cock every hour on the hour, even more often when in Brazil, I don't know how he does it!
  10. I like to smoke a cigar now and then, but I'm with you on not inhaling burning crap into my lungs. I'd try the caffeine once I suppose...
  11. Watch out, his hate filled spew will get everywhere!
  12. Back in the days of Hooville dinners several escorts mentioned DC and having right-wing closet case clients. You don't believe the religious right is capable of hypocrisy?
  13. Congrats! Any idea why they bothered to show up at all, why they dismissed?
  14. Yep, awesome. Only reason I didn't beat you to posting that picture was because I couldn't find a higher res version, and there didn't seem much point if you can't zoom in to see what the picture is made of... 'Man on Dog' Santorum deserves every drop of santorum staining his lily white sheets!
  15. 70s? There are still bars like that, except now it's emails between tables. I think there is one of them at Hollywood and Highland.
  16. Several of the postings referred to CPAC. I Expat or I posted about it at the time...
  17. Guess it makes sense given the vast number of right-wing closet cases! Though Waxman's a Dem and probably too ugly to hookup for free...
  18. Oh god, didn't actually watch 'till you mentioned, then I thought it was a joke about the breasts on the man in the stillframe. That fat old whore should be paying this hot young man! God, he's probably scared for life... if he didn't have gay leanings before...
  19. When I first saw this title I thought somebody had linked Scott's post about his family's drive through the south: I was just trying to explain to somebody the other day how recent things like lynching were in the south.
  20. Still trying to think up the Politically Correct term for "flaming", as that's especially horrific if you believe the Louis CK etymology of faggot. Nelly doesn't seem like it either... Homo-normative?
  21. Lily was a regular on West Wing towards the very end, did a great job, I thought. This sounds like a great concept, basically how to prevent your daughter from becoming Miley Cyrus... Never much cared for Reba though.
  22. JKane

    IRS audit

    I have a tax accounting firm that is specialized for my industry, was referred by co-workers. They are miracle workers, probably paid their increased fee 10x over in what they've gotten me back.
  23. Neither Survivor nor 'flaming' guys (what's the PC term?) are my type, but as much of the LGBT community before me I've started doing my best to be tolerant / even supportive. I "pass" for straight *even* among gay friends and so have had to deal with a hell of a lot less than others have. It doesn't seem like anybody today is learning about the fact that everything related to sexuality is a spectrum. Sure, some play it up, but many can't turn it off any more than we can turn off our attraction to WeHo clones...
  24. A friend of mine has beaten a dozen or more traffic tickets in California as well. Only about half his, once he found out how easy it was he started helping everybody he knew. Even once you get to court and both parties have shown it's not over. For speeding tickets the state does regular surveys of the average/safe speed on a road, and if the limit is more than 5 under that (it usually is) it also gets thrown out. Those are the details as I vaguely recollect them, though it doesn't sound like they apply in Lucky's case. But the whole pay first than appeal is pretty shitty. Also there are many areas within "LA" where stoplight cameras are still functional, everybody thinks that since one place killed them (City of LA? Even county doesn't matter in places like Pasadena, WeHo...) they're all dead. They aren't.
  25. The hatred and bigotry he inspires against us and the horrible disservice his 'religious right' have done to the entire country make them a fair target for much more than this. Especially Senator Frothy Mix.
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