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Everything posted by JKane

  1. You basically have to tell them what ballot to give you, including a non-partisian choice (just the non-partisan candidates such as judges, etc), it doesn't change your voter registration. Another interesting point of party affiliation is all those registered with the White Supremacist-leaning American INDEPENDENT Party when what they meant to choose was Decline To State.
  2. Even St. Petersburg is piling on with the Anti Gay BS! Despite international outcry from quarters ranging from Amnesty International to British author Stephen Fry, a controversial anti-gay bill was passed during a third and final reading at St. Petersburg's Legislative Assembly on Wednesday.
  3. I like Ellen too, especially now, and have good feelings towards JCP now. It's just these seemed so mundane. "...has it always been this way..." Feh!
  4. Ah, this says that on the presidential level it's still business as usual. Decline to states can probably vote either ballot but those of us affiliated are stuck with our party. But statewide is entirely different... http://cavotes.org/vote/primary But I was given the impression it was now an open primary from an apparently mistaken national news story, so this will probably come up a couple more times!
  5. Here's the info on the change and the effect it has had so far locally. Still looking for more on how it effects the presidential primary process.
  6. I think it *just* did. Think one of the props did it or something... looking.
  7. Looks like something may just surpass the massive action sequences of the last Transformers. The set photos of Cumberbatch (Sherlock) and Quinto on the set of Star Trek 2 have also gotten me excited, but that's a way off...
  8. Video interview with the marine posted... http://www.towleroad.com/2012/02/robertsmorgan.html
  9. I don't think anybody is saying he didn't have the right to refuse communion. Again, A, it should've been done ahead of time and B, everything else he did was 'look at me take a stand' theater which had no place in a fucking funeral.
  10. Ha! Nope... It stinks!
  11. Maybe I'll watch a clip on here *if* he dances shirtless!
  12. Odd little story. But well done.
  13. Yep, and they'll start saying even more despicable things *and* have a larger audience for it. So anything to lengthen their primaries is welcome! California's open primary will be interesting, as long as there's still a pretend race by then. Still, hard to imagine many Californians going out of their way to touch Sanatorum...
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Adzywe9xeIU Kinda wish I'd gone to the nominated short film marathon I'd heard about last week or so...
  15. I think that it should've been made clear to the woman beforehand that she'd be denied communion, it's a holy sacrament and all that, so she shouldn't have gone up for it. But every other reported action of this priest is awful. And arbitrary. For an organization with such a long *and recent* history of bad acts, the way the Catholics keep inserting themselves into this kind of stuff seems especially abominable.
  16. I'm a fan, but realize he's very one note. He probably plays charming better than any other actor on the planet. But when it comes to angry, tortured, whatever, not at all. So I'd expect to like him a lot more in The Descendents than in Ides of March. But I haven't yet seen either, just going off his past work (though it was a bit of a challenge to remember Syriana even existed...).
  17. This is starting to go around. 70 years married. Want gay grandkids to have that same chance.
  18. Just saw this one too...
  19. Which is why many on the left really wanted him to win.
  20. Scott at BIE has a good follow up with more pics:
  21. A little more about the incident...
  22. Ugh, I hadn't watched the commercials until just now... had assumed they were clever or funny. Not so much. Major waste of a boatload of good publicity.
  23. And now the "million" mom wackados are taking on Toys R' Us--for a comic book!
  24. Yeah, and I didn't even get what the hell the awkward Bieber section was even in reference to...
  25. Levy is gorgeous, but still don't care. On one hand they did society some good with all the attention for Chaz, on the other hand they exposed people to Nancy Grace.
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