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Everything posted by JKane

  1. At least Apple has some diversity vis-à-vis our community. But that's a good point, I can't think of ever seeing a Microsoft big wig of color either. But then again, especially for the current, 1st and 2nd follow-on of the tech generation women opted out, saying there's no diversity in the tech leadership that grew out of it is like saying there's no diversity around a D&D table... Maybe that's changing now, but it'd be a little while 'till this generation is in the driver's seat (though a lot quicker than the old days!).
  2. Guessing he signs autographs all the time. But yeah, that waiter is going to enjoy working at IHOP now, what an idiot!
  3. God, just watched it all the way through, the Takei fireside chat video is awesome! Wish there was a way to embed Vimeo...
  4. The petition is up to 263k as of this writing. Towle points out the Canadians gave it a PG.
  5. Love this article on Cameron and people like him, agree 100%! Just so we’re clear, there are a few dealbreakers to us being buddies which you may not be aware of . Let me spell them out for you as clearly as I can before you go telling the media that I have your back. I won’t be your gay friend if… - You’ll let me cater your wedding but not have one of my own. - You don’t think I should be able to adopt children because I might be “attracted” to them. - You think merely saying you love everyone is equivalent to actually demonstrating that love. - You use your religion both as a basis to attack me and as a shield to defend yourself from my rebuttal. - You would treat your gay child with anything less than complete acceptance, unconditional love and a raging desire to kick the ass of anyone who made life hard for them. - You joke in some movie that electric cars are “gay” and expect me to laugh. - You still wish Will & Grace had hooked up at the end. If any of those apply to you, that’s fine. You have every right to be exactly as horrible and wrong-headed as you want to be. As I said, though, don’t expect me to be your gay friend. Now that that’s out of the way, I’d like to address those people who actually are my friends, because clearly we’re giving those other guys the wrong impression. So here’s what I propose: If you see Kirk Cameron, Sarah Palin or any other blatant homophobe, don’t be nice to them. It confuses them. Don’t shake their hand. Don’t style their hair or do their interior design or perform “Rent” for them. And for the love of God, don’t play your 1970s classic rock hits at their wedding, Elton. Just cut them off and say, “Sorry, I only do that for friends.” It’s not polite and it’s not subtle, but I’m afraid it’s the best course of action from here on out. Sometimes the only way to get through to these people is to be a complete douchebag. You know, like them.
  6. I love the snark on Towle today! Didn't realize "million moms" faceplanted so hard on the Archie/Toys R' Us thing too! But then again, they call themselves "million moms" and only have thousands...
  7. And again, I fucking love Ellen! Noticed this on Towle.
  8. Fucking A. Obamacare, social security and medicare are evil! Even though "Obamacare" has already prevented your insurance from capping your treatment or throwing you off the policy if you get sick, and the last two are good enough for your parents and required for you to have any chance of a secure retirement yourself... VOTE FOR THE GUYS WHO WANT TO GUT THESE THINGS TO GIVE M O R E MONEY TO THE RICH!!! AND THEY DO!!! WTF???
  9. You want me to knowingly click on something that will result in Fran Drescher's voice coming out of my computer and into my home? Good to see openminded "celebs", but man, I wouldn't choose to do that with a gun to my head!!
  10. Hopefully the restocking fees aren't too bad. Did you consider an all-in-one desktop? Some have nice big screens and they're a lot more portable than the traditional desktop. 27" even!
  11. Maxxie was gorgeous, did that actor go on to anything of note? I'm right there with FourAces, loved the first couple seasons, then stuff changed so much I didn't bother to stay with it after the whole cast changed out. The younger sister was fun but didn't seem likely to carry the show...
  12. Seems pretty relevant: The Tragedy of Sarah Palin.
  13. HAHAHAHAHA!!! Dead air! None of the advertisers in the general pool want to be associated with him either and I guess he finally ran out of PSAs!
  14. Well if women don't GET THE FUCK OUT and vote in droves they may as well sign up for chastity belts complete with a chain connected to the kitchen sink... \\ Seriously, why are repubs attacking the rights of the majority of the population?
  15. One 'tough' guy... vs. another.
  16. It's kinda surprising (and wonderful) that he's become such a great voice for us. It is a hell of a voice, you want it on your side!
  17. Yeah, it may well get worse at the convention, happened to catch Maddow yesterday, she had some interesting demographics on Romney. He needs exactly the demographics of Governor "Trans-Vaginal Probe" to have any chance with the south/the general election...
  18. I loved this atheist campaign against the ever encroachment of church into state... But the 'right' ignored the point of it, stirred the pot that it was racist, and it was defaced after 24 hours. Wonder if they are taking donations...?
  19. I don't think they give a good god damn! They'll say anything for the spotlight and to earn a couple bucks even it means they get to watch the world burn!
  20. Poor baby--he can't take the heat when imposing his fairytale's morality on others doesn't go over well...
  21. A lot comes down to letting the bigger head make the decisions... Best to stick to reviewed guys here or on Daddy's at first. They won't want to be explicit on the phone, so phrase it more as the kind of stuff you enjoy doing. The price is for *their time*, not sex acts. A little bit of caution and being willing to walk away if there are any red flags are important. Keep that in mind, find a guy you think you'll click with from his reviews, be safe and *have fun*!
  22. Damn it all to hell, looks like the circus may finally wind down... Delegate math sidebar on Huffpo says after today: Romney: 403 Frothy: 169 (should be) Neutered: 102 and wacky old coot: 40 1114 needed to win, hopefully even after this spanking the others will just redouble their efforts, their party and country be damned...
  23. Love stuff like this. So much of Leviticus is broken daily by even the most devout Christians, yet it's the main thing saying 'gays are evil'...
  24. I really miss BGP too!
  25. Exactly! Came across this today, thought it's blood brilliant...
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